Who “They” Are; ALL Secret Societies Lead to Satanism.

May be a graphic of text that says 'WHAT PEOPLE MEAN BY 'THEY" Rothschilds Rockefellers Bilderberg group -The Freemasons -Monopoly holders (Gates, Bezos, Fink, Zuckerberg) -Jesuits -CIA -Mossad -Bushes -Soros -DARPA Trilateral Commission - -Hollywood -Club of Rome -Sabbatean Frankists- Vatican -Royalty -Epstein's Crew (Read the flight logs) -Saudi Royal Family (Frankists) -Big Pharma -Skull & Bones -Military-Industrial Complex -5 companies that control all Media outlets -Bavarian Illuminati -Alister Crowley Satanists -Knights of Malta- Bohemian Club -Council on Foreign Relations -Project for The New American Century -Fords Clintons -World Economic Forum'

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