Ursula Von Der Liar Belongs in Prison Not Running the EU

Chay Bowes

The EU’s general Court of Justice has just ruled that EU President Ursula Von Der Liar, has violated European law by keeping vast Covid Vaccine contracts excessively secretive. (Ursula just so happens to be married To Heiko Von Der Leyen, the director of Orgenesis, which is owned by Pfizer) That’s the very same company that she signed an eye watering €71 billion contract to buy 4.6 billion doses of the controversial jabs from. The Scamdemic revealed.


Old Hag Ursula Gets Another Term Leading EU Commission

Jewish Ursula Van Der Liar like her fellow Jews of the European Union Actually HATE Christians and want total destruction of all Countries in the EU.  All these Countries of the EU need to Get Out!

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