Hezbollah Removed From Terrorist List by Arab League

Arab League Removes Hezbollah From List of Terrorist Organizations

Comment:  They never should have been listed as Terrorists in the First Place.  This was due to the U.S. Being a CoLoNy of the British Empire and doing what we’re told to do by them.  These aren’t Terrorists; Hezbollah are Patriots.  The British Empire is a Cabal of RACIST, Homosexual Royals and Degenerate/ Corrupt Minions who Hate Blacks, Hate Asians, Hate Whites, Hate Russians, Hate Christians, Hate Muslims, HATE Dissidents and Activists and want to go after children for sex.  They HATE Everyone including parents.  A group of them are sadistic Child Abusers allegedly Bill Gates and Angie Jolie.


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