The Synagogue of Satan & Dope, Inc. Are One & the Same: The British Empire!

Below is a Daily Mail Article which is Interesting BUT INCOMPLETE.  THE CIA RUNS THE MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS FOR THE BRITISH EMPIRE’s Dope, Inc.  They murder any politician who interferes with these drug cartels.  The CIA will EVEN MURDER Their own who investigates the Dope Cartel and Have.  Info on Kiki Cameron a DEA Agent TORTURED TO DEATH IN MEXICO BY CIA Assets for Investigating Drug Banks.  CIA’s main businesses are Guns & Drugs & Human Trafficking and they Work for the Black Nobility Which includes all the European Nobility and Windsors of U.K. (Real Name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Satanic JEWS)

From Reddit with many sources:

I have been suspicious of that site. There is some good google translate going on there and maybe some original content.

HOWEVER: I saw one article, an interview with a cartel operative/sicario. The owner of the site (Supposedly a former police officer) proclaimed the sicario’s story to be credible. In the first lines of the interview, the supposed cartel hitman describes how he “Rolled down” his bullet proof windows.

Bullet resistant windows, the real ones , do not roll down.

They are a solid piece within the door , several inches thick, that extend from top to bottom.

Why would the owner of the site not know this. Unless he is not who he says he is, Any cop knows that. So I assume that this is not really a police officer,

I take the credibility of the site to be low after that.

There might be some people calling in from the actual locations and there might be some value, but it is all arm chair material. If you are a overweight female that is half employed and you want to feel important, please choose another hobby. You will not make it as a fiction writer.


How did Elaine Shannon NOT KNOW that Jaime already admitted in his own book back in the 1990s That the Cartel and the CIA were a joint operation that killed KIKI:

Kuykendall is quoted in the book Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press by Alexander Cockburn. The book alleges that DEA officers investigating Camarena’s death “knew that the drug agent’s murder was a joint operation between the drug cartel and the DFS, an agency with intimate ties to the CIA.”

Kuykendall said, “The CIA didn’t give a damn about anything but Cuba and the Soviets. Indirectly, they (the CIA) have got to take some of the blame.” He alleged the CIA “protected the DFS for decades,” and stated “The DFS just got out of hand.”


Stay off the crack pipe, people!



KIKI Camarena murder tied to Contras/NSC/Whitehouse contra training and drug ring on Cartel ranch

DEA agent Wayne Schmidt signed a DEA-6 showing that they knew intelligence was training on the Veracruz Ranch of Caro Quintero. This was widely reported in the Los Angeles Times coverage of the Camarena trial. (See the copy of the DEA-6 ) A CIA/SETCO pilot (Matta Ballestero’s employee) went public about the ranch, the training and the Contras between 1982 to 1985 and testified before a Senate committee. Guillermo Calderoni , the man who arrested Gallardo also warned Hector that the CIA was involved in Camarena’s murder and to stay out of it. A CIA agent named Lawrence Victor Harrison testified twice in federal court that the CIA trained on the ranch and had murdered 19 Mexican army troops that had stumbled onto the ranch by mistake. Phone records indicate that Camarena had contact with Manuel Buendia, a journalist covering the story of the Veracruz ranch and ties to the C.I.A. and that the Merex Corp, run by former Nazi/CIA agent Gerhart Mertins supplied the arms to the cartels and the Contras in Guadalajara through his offices. Merex employed former Nazi Klaus Barbie in Bolivia,

ED HEATH contributed to the report and it is signed by the OPR SAC John Zienter

All of this is fully documented in government files. The government knew. The government sells drugs and uses cartels as assets.




Assassinated DEA Agent Kiki Camarena Fell in a CIA Operation Gone Awry, Say Law Enforcement Sources

Posted by Bill Conroy – October 27, 2013 at 9:55 am

He Was Killed, They Say, Because “He Knew Too Much” About Official Corruption in the Drug War

“We got tapes [of Camarena’s torture] from the CIA,” Berrellez says. “How did they get those tapes?

“And my sources indicated there were five tapes, but we [DEA] only got three from the CIA.” (LINK FIXED, Read it now, before it gets taken down again)

DEA-6 indicates U.S. training rebels on Drug cartel ranches. Phone records indicate that KIKI Camarena was in contact with Journalist Manuel Buendia before he was murdered in 1984.


From the last Narc:

“Hector was an old-school, dedicated and fearless lawman. I’m glad he was on our side.” – Ed Heath, former Supervisor, DEA, Mexico


HECTOR’s trainer at the DEA, Ex DEA, DAVID HERRERA says that Hector was a good agent:

David is currently the President of Herrera Investigative Services in Torrance, California. His phone number is (626) 705-0600.


Federal Judge Edward Rafeedie BLOCKED testimony by captured C.I.A. operative Lawrence Victor Harrison about Contras training on the Cartel’s ranch, C.I.A. operations personnel being at Fonseca’s house and Personnel from Ilopango negotiating drug shipments at Fonseca’s house. Federal Judge Rafeedie also blocked evidence in the trial of corrupt LASD sheriff’s deputies in the Majors II scandal when it implicated the U.S. government in drugs

Comment:  The British Empire Crime Ring Controls almost ALL Judges.  They are compromised in film having sex with minors courtesy of the CIA.


DEA files say that Zuno Arce was a known heroin trafficker since the early 1970s

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