RealDoll’s first sex robot took me to the uncanny valley | Computer Love
1.41M subscribers
10,698,585 viewsApr 11, 2017
Engadget’s editor-in-chief, Christopher Trout, tours Abyss Creations,makers of the hyper-lifelike RealDoll sex doll just months before the release of Harmony AI. When the Android app debuts later this April, it will give users access to a sexualized personal assistant, like Siri for phone sex. But the real draw is Harmony the sex robot.
An American man comments: Yup and it is going to happen in the US as well, with women using sex to bribe men and or frame them for sex crimes even if they didn’t commit one is become much more well known and men are backing off, combine the age of consent being a good 5 years after males and females become sexually stimulated or start to have desires to mate but can’t…. It has done a lot of damage and I am pretty sure there is no way to reverse it now. If men even look at a female under 15 they are in fear of being killed by the gay groups who started the pedo stuff. In Japan they are all considered pedos for liking young females, hell they even have shops where adult men can sit with young girls in some weird fanatasy shit, forget what it is called but most men in japan are pedophiles if you do the research, probably the CIA programmers sent over their to program them to desire younger and younger females like they did to those in the US to compromise and control them lol