Nimarata Randhawa has been in Israel signing shells that are being used to genocide Palestinians in Gaza. She literally signed one of the shells with the phrase “finish them” as if she’s a character in a Mortal Kombat videogame.



The fact that Donald Trump has invited this crazy Zionist bitch to work with him again speaks volumes about what a future Trump presidency will look like. It will be 100 percent Israel First with people like her in it.

She was actually Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations and spent her entire time there representing the interests of Israel.

Look at the bullshit she’s putting out on her social media.


Prior to all this Gaza genocide business, I think many of us were willing to look past Trump’s support of Israel so long as he implemented America First policies. Unfortunately, he was light on America First policies and very heavy on Israel First policies throughout his presidency.

There’s no reason to believe that Trump will do anything positive if he becomes President again if he’s aligned with this stupid brown cunt.