Cabal Members Always Leak Information Decades Late; Here 23 YEARS Late!

Candace Owens Exposes Israeli Involvement in 9/11 Attacks

She is doing this to re-establish herself as a legitimate journalist although she has SAT ON THIS INFORMATION For 23 YEARS!  She is a Cabal Member like Tucker Carlson with the Red String Around His Wrist.  She is married to a Jewish Husband.  She made her big salary covering up incidents like these for 23 years to keep the big paychecks coming in.  John Kaminski lived in his integrity and always reported the truth, was fired from his newspaper job, lost his paychecks and his relationships but was truthful to the end.  He lived on donations which is a hard way to live.  Although she is finally speaking the truth that Israel did 9/11 I see it as a broader political scheme to throw Israel under the bus as we look insanely evil supporting them and to keep face the U.S. has to.  I bet she later spouts some disinformation her followers will believe to be truthful as she is a cabal hack and has been for a very long time…hence the best selling books promoted by the cabal, and her position in media promoted by the Crime Cabal.  Real journalists sadly live in poverty.  They don’t get the big paychecks the Lying Heads in Media get.  Mainstream media is OWNED by the Crime Syndicate.

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