The CIA is basically saying that Bibi doesn’t give a shit about what America wants to happen in a post-war Gaza.



This is actually a correct take. Bibi knows that Congress is totally controlled by Israeli lobby groups and he can basically get them to do whatever he wants. There’s also been no serious consequences for him ordering a literal genocide in Gaza. Weapons are still being sent over to Israel regardless of all the insane crimes he’s committed. So why wouldn’t he just ignore whatever plans America has for Gaza? He can just veto anything they propose.

I’m obviously not a fan of the CIA but it is very funny that they of all the organizations in this ZOG system are trying to inject some reality into the narrative.

Bibi’s primary objective is to drag the United States into a larger regional war on Israel’s behalf. He’s going to do anything necessary to try and achieve that objective and he doesn’t give a shit what anybody in Washington DC thinks or says.

The logical thing would be to end all ties to Israel but unfortunately Washington DC is totally controlled by Jews and Israel so this is not possible at the moment. It’s too bad the CIA isn’t talking about the Jew infiltration and subversion of America but they don’t exactly have the best track record of speaking truth. This seems to be a weird one off exception.

The Synagogue of Satan -Andrew Carrington Hitchcock,  brand new, updated - Picture 1 of 2Bibi pictured as a Synagogue of Satan Member.