American Men Have Absolutely No Good Reason to Enlist; Who Wants to Invade Other Countries For a Criminal Cabal aka Synagogue of Satan?

American Men Rapidly Losing Interest in Military Service

American men have rapidly lost interest in military service and are increasingly withdrawing from this fake Jewish homosexual system that exists in the United States.


American men have reportedly lost interest in military service as they increasingly withdraw from society more broadly, driving the persistent shortfalls in US Army recruiting and raising the nation’s reliance on female troops.

Male enlistment has plunged by 35% in the past decade, dropping from around 58,000 in 2013 to 37,700 last year, reported on Friday, citing US Army recruiting data. At the same time, female enlistment has held steady at around 10,000 recruits each year.

Declines in the number of men who are willing to sign up for military service have left the Army unable to meet its recruiting quotas. The largest US military branch fell short of its targets for new troops by about 10,000 enlistments last year and by 15,000 in 2022. Other branches have had similar shortfalls. The Army reduced its enlistment target by 10,000 troops this year, aiming for 55,000.

That’s just too bad. The strong and empowered women who love feminism and infinite nigger dick in their twats can fight for this Jewish multicultural system. It’s what they voted for. They wanted the Jewish government to be their daddy and husband.

Men are only going to check out in larger and larger numbers. This is a sick system that has been purposefully designed to be antagonistic towards men and there’s no more hiding this. There is zero incentive for any man and especially WHITE men to fight for such a system.

They can attempt to do a military draft but that’s only going to further accelerate this corrupt system’s inevitable collapse.

I’m not sure what the Jews expected when they implemented all of these insane agendas. Did they really think they’d be able to maintain a functioning military by disenfranchising the entire male population?

Is the Corrupt Government Now Going to FORCE Enlistments?

House Bill to Automatically Register Males 18 to 26 for Draft

A recently passed House bill will automatically register young men from the ages of 18 to 26 for the draft.



Check this out. Every single time right?


Do they really think young men are going to fight and die for a system that not only doesn’t represent them but does everything in its power to demonize and shit on them? It’s not going to happen. Especially when all these wars that are being fought never should have happened in the first place. They’re all Jewish wars that either benefit Israel or some sort of other Jewish interest.

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