America is Not a Free Country (Run by the British Empire!)

America is No Longer Free

The United States of America is run by three people that have no regard for the Constitution, and they’re pushed along by the worst president in U.S. history: Barack Obama.

Anyone who can’t see that Biden’s White House is the most incompetent in American history is severely uneducated.

I’m not here to bash and ridicule but to warn.

Biden’s team is not only reckless but lawless, and it is eroding the very fabric of the American way… The country is unrecognizable.

It’s dismal, and I’ll definitely dive into specifics that are pushing the silent majority (those in the middle that make any country tick) to speak up.

Biden’s strategy is led by the two most naïve and dangerous men to ever reach the positions they are in, Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan, and they are inspiring authoritarian regimes around the world to get more aggressive.

They’re rewarding the worst behaviors domestically, and they have made a mockery of traditional American excellence.

Their ideology is a plague.

We’re weeks away from this insanity turning into civil unrest, and for good reason… The current administration is acting in a manner that would be considered treason in most countries.

The only reason it isn’t labeled as such in America is because the media is lying through their teeth in a desperate attempt to keep the public thinking this is normal.

It isn’t, and the media should be considered 100% unreliable.

These are harsh words, but the Biden administration is driving America into the ground.

Trump’s trial is an insult to the intelligence of every American and an embarrassment to the men who died in the journey to constitute a land based on freedom and liberty.

In my heart of hearts, I know that the most important elections in U.S. history will take place in November.

The people of this country have a choice between two sides. The first is post-modernism, anarchy, and lawlessness, blurring the lines of good and evil, right and wrong, natural and artificial, succumbing to woke religion, and leading to the complete destruction of morality. Alternatively, the country can pull itself together while committing to excellence through hard work, determination, discipline, rules, objective human values, and tough decisions.

In my opinion, the fact that Donald Trump is doing rallies in the Bronx tells you how strong he is despite the polls looking tight.

I think he is going to win by such a wide margin that it will prove how much Americans reject post-modernism as a whole. This toxic and truly fanatic religion claims the universe and nature have no purpose, no cause and effect, no science, no basic truth, no need to pay for one’s mistakes, and worst of all, no tolerance for learning about facts. It’s the farthest any decadent society has ever strayed from normalcy.

SHTFPlan Staff
Building an Abortion-Free America
Paulette-Harlow image

Elderly Woman Under House Arrest Forced into Prison for Pro-Life Protest

Washington, D.C. – On May 31, 75-year-old Paulette Harlow was sentenced to two years in a federal prison for participating in a peaceful protest at the notorious late-term abortion facility, Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C. These babies were murdered there (warning – graphic content).

For her participation in the protest at this murderous facility, she was convicted of violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act and for Civil Rights Conspiracy. The federal FACE act was signed into law in 1994 by then President Bill Clinton. It prohibits the use of force, threats of force, or physical obstruction to interfere with abortion access.

Harlow is confined to a wheelchair and was previously under house arrest because of debilitating health conditions including diabetes, severe back pain, and Hashimoto’s disease. However, U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia Colleen Kollar-Kotelly cruelly sentenced her to 24 long months of prison time. She has already served approximately nine months of the sentence while on house arrest.


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