Proof of an Int’l Satanic Network

About Satanic International Network

We are Satanic International Network.


Founded by Zach Black in June of 2010, SIN is the web’s largest Social Networking Site for Satanists of all types.

Although some of us got our start reading the literature produced by Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan, many are self styled, and we encourage everyone under the encompassing title to join us for social networking and discussion, friendship and interaction.

Even if you are not a Satanist yourself, or if you are simply seeking further education about the topic, this is the place for you.



      Head over to THIS page and register on our Social Network to start interacting with Satanists now. 

Our Hollywood A Listers are all a part of this Int’l Satanic Cabal which OWNS hollywood.  No person will be funded to the top w/o being a member of the Satanic Cabal.  It also involves having sex with everyone you are expected to have sex with.  Part of the deal is to whore yourself out.

David Parker Ray was a SATANIST.

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