Best Analysis I’ve Found of What’s REALLY Going On in the World & What is Planned…

Jr Cubero

My 2 cents…
Why the costs of living keep going up – explanation of inflation and the big picture
Most of the “leaders” or “politicians” you see on TV, are just puppets, working for the Globalists (Central Bankers, or “Committee of 300”, who own and control about 88% of all corporations and wealth on this planet)… Their main goal is total destruction of physical economies worldwide, and to make everyone as poor as possible… for the purpose of making it easier to control people, in order to systematically exterminate over 90% of humans by the year 2030…
The Globalists are led by the Central Banker families … (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Morgan, Bush, several other mega-rich families listed in the book “Bloodlines of the illuminati”… and a few European Royal families… )… who have unlimited TRILLIONS of dollars worth of wealth… No, they don’t care about money profits, because they can create an UNLIMITED amount of new fiat money for themselves… for free… out of thin air… without any Govt oversight or restrictions… that’s why they own about 88% of all the corporations and land and natural resources on the planet… (except in countries like Russia, some Eastern European countries, Iran, North Korea… the countries that are not using their SWIFT banking system)…
Keep reading to learn their real agenda… The reason for all this hyperinflation (rapid rise in prices) is much much more evil and horrifying than you think…
Some people believe greed is the main reason costs of food and almost everything keep on rising…
It’s not that simple… When the cost of oil and fuel go up (because the Biden Administration denies oil drilling permits and shuts down oil pipelines)… then product costs go up… (to avoid making a loss)… because the delivery costs (trucking transport, shipping costs) all go up…
Also, the same is true with taxes and employee wages that always go up…
Businesses need to make a profit, or they simply shut down… or must fire a lot of employees…
It’s true there is a lot of greed out there… but at the very root of most of our problems… are bad Govt rules, rising taxation, and nefarious malicious Globalists trying to shut down or reduce the supply of essential commodities like food, oil, gas, energy, and soon, communication systems (even the internet), money and banking services… Because these Globalists want to sabotage the physical economy and shut down everything, to watch us all suffer… and then they will pose as our saviours, and offer us their solution of a Central Bank Digital Currency (or CBDC) slave money system, where they can monitor and control EVERY money transaction, as the “Gatekeeper” or “middle-man” for every CBDC money transfer… With the CBDC, they can block or limit your purchases on any product or service… (For example, they can limit how much fuel and real meat you are allowed to buy per month)… And if they don’t like you, they can even punish you, and limit how much you are allowed to spend each month !!! Total power, total control over all your money !! That’s the plan for your future… Total slavery !!!! So they can systematically shut down all the businesses they do not control… force most people onto welfare (a Universal Basic Income – that depends on the CBDC)… and pressure people to take more and more deadly injecti0ns (or they will not get paid)… in order to successfully mass murd3r and wipe out over 99% of the current world population… by 2040…
In just the last few years, over 750 food production facilities and farms have been attacked, burned down, or shut down, worldwide… over 74 in just the USA !! Many farmers all around Europe have been protesting against the new Govt laws and regulations that force them to reduce the number of their animals and overall food production by over 70% !!! The Globalists want to ban all meat and all home farming soon, so they can control all the food supplies and farming… Why? To enslave us all… and eventually, to kill us all… They don’t need to manage billions of humans anymore, because they have robots, AI and machines to run all their farms and factories… so they only need a few million human slaves to control… They are trying to create a new “Hunger Games” world, where only a few working class people (slaves) are allowed to live… just to serve them…
That’s their real agenda… The “BIG PICTURE”… and why we must not cooperate !!
Almost every bad thing you see on the news, was deliberately planned… orchestrated… manmade !!!
Including most of the recent huge cyclones, massive fires, wild weather, flooding, droughts, and even earthquakes…
(and they try to “guilt-trip” the working-class people, blaming it all on “Global Warming” / “Manmade climate change” )… in order to get people to accept shutting down and reducing fossil fuel usage… including coal (which is burned to produce over 85% of our electricity), oil & gas, etc…. They don’t want us having cars and vehicles that burn fuel… claiming that CO2 is bad for the environment… but it’s all lies !!!! Plants and trees love CO2, and without it, they die !!! The Globalists want us all enslaved and very poor… unable to run our own businesses… Unable to run an economy !! Poor and easier to control !!!!
By shutting down many businesses, and making more people jobless and poor… more will be forced to take their “welfare” (or UBI – Universal Basic Income, which will be based on the CBDC ) just to survive and eat … And if you refuse to take all their future deadly injecti0ns or if you protest their future l0ckdowns and travel bans… they will block or reduce those welfare / UBI payments… Total control !!! You are going to be forced to choose between (1) take deadly injecti0ns; or (2) become very poor, homeless, unable to pay for food, and die of starvation.
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