The Paedo/Gay Mafia Running Washington D.C. Wrote This Bill & It is Aimed at Your Children

Senate Approves $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill

Mike Engleman🇺🇲

While Americans slept, Chuck Schumer got $1.2 trillion in spending passed in the Senate at 330am! Here’s a dirty laundry list of what our tax dollars will be funding in this $1.2 trillion garbage! $850k for a gay senior home, $15 million to pay for Egyptian’s college tuitions, $400k for a gay activist group to teach elementary kids about being trans, $500k for a DEI zoo, an anti-racist nature appreciation program, $400k for a group to gives clothes to teens to help them hide their gender, $1.5 billion Green New Scam funding, $300-500 million to Ukraine Secretary Assistance lnitiative, continues funding Joe Biden’s border invasion with more benefits for illegal aliens, late term abortions funding at home and abroad, per UN funding, DEI funding initiatives across the nation! Washington DC is nothing but a criminal enterprise, and both political parties are nothing but trash!

Comment:  He’s got it.  Our gov’t is a Sodomites Crime Syndicate who want man remade in the Transgender Image of Satan.  Evil as it gets.  When you expose the Sadistic Monarch and MKULTRA Assassins program it is pure evil.  There are Mass Graves of Murdered Children Everywhere this program was run by the CIA and Military Intelligence….ALL PAEDOS and Sadistic Ones at That!

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