The Greater Israel Aggressors Have Alienated Everyone EXCEPT Installed President Biden & Corrupt Congress, British Empire & Minions

People are forgetting here that the Globalists own and control all mass media and our political “leaders.” As Gaza is a tightly controlled and isolated area (basically a gigantic concentration camp) they could have killed every single person in all of Gaza without the outside world even becoming aware of any of it. Obviously they WANT us to know what’s going on and obviously they want world opinion turned against Israel.

To understand why, you need to look to the statements of highly influential Jewish spiritual leader Mendel “A Jewish Fingernail is Worth More Than All Non-Jews combined” Schneerson and his Jewish Supremacist group Chabad Lubavitch. You see Israel isn’t the historic national home of modern day Jews, Ukraine is. The territory of Ukraine was formerly the homeland of the modern day Jews and was known as Khazaria. Jewish Globalist puppets Zelensky and Putin and their governments are clearing out Ukraine of Goyim so that it can be reestablished as a Jewish (Talmudist, Khazarian) homeland. For this to happen Jews have to be made to relocate there, just like they were scared into fleeing to Israel through the Globalist psy-ops of “Antisemitism” Nazism and “the Holocaust.” I believe modern day Jewish elites do trace back to the Middle East, to Babylon, but Khazaria is better situated (right among the conquered lands of the most hated (envied) of Goyim; the European) and much richer in resources and as such works better as the power center of the (Talmudist/Satanic) Globalist New World Order.

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