I’d like to personally thank Xi Jinping for solving San Francisco’s homeless crisis. He will be visiting the city this coming week for the APEC summit and because of his visit many of the homeless zombies, drug addicts and street criminals have suddenly been cleared out. I also understand that they have vigorously cleaned up a good amount of the poop!



As far as I’m concerned, this makes Xi a great American. He has literally done more for America than most anybody inside of the American political system.

This also shows that despite all of the gross incompetence and mismanagement we see within the system, it is still possible for these cities to solve problems when there is a proper incentive to do so.

I get that this is a small and temporary fix but this is more than has been done to sort out this mess in years if not decades.

Ultimately though, it reveals how ridiculous this system is. What they are doing for APEC and Xi is the way things should be handled all the time. There shouldn’t be homeless people and drug addicts roaming around everywhere in American cities. These are problems that do not exist in the cities of real first world countries.

Comment:  Guess San Francisco politicians like Nancy Pelosi had to take a break from lining their pockets to clean up the streets of San Francisco Temporarily.  As soon as these delegates are gone I’m certain San Francisco will go back to the way it was before.  America’s politicians are drug addicts, alcoholics and child molestors.  They are the WORST of the WORST.