Interesting tweet here from Haaretz. They are effectively admitting that Israel is a home for Jewish sexual predators who flee prosecution from various types of criminality. It’s hilarious how they say “suspected sexual predators” while trying to separate the predator aspect away from the fact that these people are all Jews. If these Jews weren’t guilty of anything, they probably wouldn’t feel the need to uproot their whole life and move to Israel.


Here’s another tweet talking about Hollywood’s alleged sexual predators moving to Israel. Hollywood as most of you already know is totally Jewish in almost every regard.


This is just peak Jewish privilege. Jews can break all sorts of crimes sexual or otherwise and just flee to Israel for protection.

All that aside, it would be really great if every Jew would just pack up their shit and move to Israel and stay there. Whatever we can do to increase this phenomenon I fully support. They can commit their fucked up sex crimes and whatever else on each other.