Biden Was Picked by the CIA; When Will These CIA Officials Be Charged With TREASON??? All 51 of Them!!!


Two former top intelligence officials who signed on to an October 2020 letter attacking The Post’s bombshell report on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop will be interviewed this month by the House subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government.

A source familiar with the plans told The Post on Thursday that former CIA Director John Brennan will sit for a transcribed interview on May 11 and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper will do the same on May 17.

Brennan and Clapper were among the 51 former intelligence officials who signed the now-discredited letter that claimed Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who also leads the government weaponization subcommittee, revealed last month that former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell testified before his panel that he drafted the letter and that Secretary of State Antony Blinken – then a Biden campaign adviser – was the “impetus” behind the attempt to discredit The Post.

James Clapper
Clapper was one of 51 former intelligence officials that signed on to the letter attempting to discredit The Post’s reporting.

Antony BlinkenJordan is also probing Blinken’s role in the letter’s construction.AFP via Getty Images

The letter, published by Politico in October 2020, was signed by Morell, Clapper, Brennan and dozens of other ex-spy agency officials, including former CIA directors Michael Hayden and Leon Panetta. (ALL TRAITORS WHO SUBVERTED AN ELECTION RUNNING A COUP AGAINST TRUMP DEPRIVING HIS SUPPORTERS OF THE PRESIDENT THEY ELECTED.)

Michael Morell
Morell testified that he drafted the letter after speaking with Blinken.  (Comment:  Looks like a man that knows he has dug his own grave.)
Getty Images
Jim Jordan
Jordan leads the weaponization subcommittee that will hear from Clapper and Brennan later this month.

Jordan and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) informed Blinken last week that they would be investigating his role in the production of the letter.

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President Biden cited the letter during his Oct. 22, 2020, debate against former President Donald Trump and used it to deflect accusations about his involvement in overseas influence-peddling schemes by claiming The Post had reported on “a Russian plant.”

A copy of the hard drive from Hunter Biden’s laptop, which he left in a Delaware computer repair store, was found to contain emails detailing influence-peddling involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and videos of the younger Biden smoking crack and having sex with prostitutes and his work subordinates.

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