It takes some strange doings for the news to say there’s insanity in Ireland, but now the day has finally come.
The New World Order plans to kill almost one quarter of a million of the country’s cattle.
These are not beef cattle, who would be killed anyway, but they are dairy cattle….
This is murderous insanity, which will drive farmers into bankruptcy as it destroys beautiful countryside, but the planners are trying to sell it as a long overdue humanitarian and environmental solution.
And that’s from me—a vegetarian!
Back when I planted the heirloom seeds in my garden, and I bought yeast to go with the local berries, for my home-made wines, the European Union was working to shut down three thousand farms in the Netherlands.
I called it then, and I’m calling it now, while I encourage readers to take control of their food.
As the satanic enemy pretends to support the Earth, they are slaughtering its animals.
The World Wildlife Fund is only part of the fakery.
WWF is the big cause of the criminal stooge who is as fake a three-pound banknote.
It’s the German-Danish-Greek Overlord of the British Isles!
King Charles pretends to love the Earth, but he is run by the satanic Rothschilds.

He grazes his sheep, and I don’t just mean on the crown lands of Dartmoor….

Look at his mother dressing up for the Irish….

The rapid global phaseout of animal agriculture does not mean helping animals, but it means an international mandate to kill the innocents who are kept as slaves.
The policy comes not only from the Tavistock Institute, from Belgium, and from Switzerland, but from the mind-control hub of Colorado.
They call it by the ironic name, Zero Waste, while a bunch of zeroes and wastes run it through the mind control programs of the United States Air Force.
Through not only Schriever but Lackland, the losers plan to attack the heart of our own cattle country.
It’s where my daddy used to work in agribusiness, as he moved among ranches all over the world.
He didn’t work for the good guys, but he could think for himself.
That’s more than I can say for some of the so-called professors.
The policy comes from the mind-control hubs of Stanford and Berkeley in the heart of Silicon Valley.
That’s where they’ve turned what used to be our greatest state, California, into a bunch of fruits, nutcakes, and eggheads.
Through MicroSoft, Bill Gates runs the show, as he works to control your so-called food, your so-called medicine, and your so-called access to information.
Monsanto-Bayer works to destroy small farmers, to destroy organic crops, and to destroy your own health, while a large portion of its stock is owned by the scumbag.
Don’t let it happen here.
Take a moment to write your congressperson to support our withdrawal from their globalist council.
It’s the United Nations.
Stop Agenda 2030.
They say they want to feed the hungry, and they say they want to save the planet.

And we hear the same from our government.

While they block the embedding of their own websites on the links above….

And I get this when I try to preview the article you are reading….

And they kill, and enslave, the free emblems of our country, wild horses and wild burros, on our public lands, to make way for cattle production.
Killing animals is the constant.
We’re next.
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