Now, not only do the quackcinnated have to deal with compromised immune systems(essentially A.I.D.S.), a menagerie of various heart conditions, a heightened propensity to develop a neurological issue at much younger ages and forever saddled with graphene hydroxide based nanoparticles swimming around in their bloodstreams for the rest of their now shortened lives, but they are also apparently about to have no damn teeth! Any of Vaxholes out there feel like fucking idiots yet? Fucking losers. You can all eat shit for not listening to me.
Dentists Say Millions of Vaccinated Patients Are Now Losing Their Teeth
April 24, 2023 By. Sean Adl-Tabatabai | Fact checked

Dentists across America have reported seeing an alarming number of patients with severe symptoms associated with teeth and bone since the rollout of the mRNA COVID vaccines.
Alabama orofacial pain and dental sleep medicine specialist Dr. Amy Hartsfield told The Epoch Times that she’s seen a huge increase in fully vaccinated patients with severe ailments:
Since the vaccines were rolled out, Hartsfield has seen an exponential increase in patients with head and facial neurovascular and myofascial pain, including headaches, toothaches not caused by the tooth, osteonecrosis of the jaw, sleep issues, tinnitus, and oral and facial autoimmune conditions.
“I’ve seen patients with no previous history of health issues [who] have perfectly healthy teeth and now have pain syndromes associated with these healthy teeth,” she said. These types of injuries affect both the nerves and blood vessels. reports: Hartsfield claims to have discovered a myriad of health issues caused by the COVID vaccine’s spike protein and its tendency to cause “micro” blood clots.
Consider the following case of Cheryl Alverson, who began experiencing severe bone loss after receiving the Moderna COVID jab.
Cheryl Alverson, 79, came to Hartsfield after having all of her lower teeth extracted due to a massive recurring infection that caused extensive bone loss.
Hartsfield immediately ordered multiple blood tests, including several specifically related to blood clotting.
“They showed I had microclots all through my body,” said Alverson.
Hartsfield explained that microclots can interfere with bone healing after extractions. What happened with Alverson typically only occurs in patients who have been on osteoporosis medication or had radiation therapy, neither of which applied to Alverson.
Alverson had received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccines and a subsequent booster shot before her issues began, and she had not been infected with the COVID-19 virus prior to seeing Hartsfield.
Alabama-based endodontist Dr. John Collier has also seen far more patients experiencing an “unbelievable amount of increasing facial pain” since the COVID jab was introduced.
Alabama-based oral surgeon Dr. Doug Denson has also seen more patients with facial pain that he’s referred to Dr. Hartsfield, but couldn’t definitively say that the COVID jabs were the cause.
“In my opinion, correlation does not always equal causation…again, there have been some odd symptoms since the pandemic started. It’s just impossible to tell the exact mechanism or cause,” he said, but acknowledged that he’s seen more of these cases since COVID.
Because of this uptick in troublesome symptoms and ailments, Hartsfield said she now has to screen patients for their vaccine status.
“I have to screen these people to see if they’ve been vaccinated, when and how many times, and then I see if I can treat them,” Hartsfield said, adding most practitioners don’t screen for the COVID injection.
“When you ask the whole population to have a mandatory vaccine that has more side effects than any other vaccines in history showing in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, you will definitely see injuries,” said Hartsfield.

Sean Adl-Tabatabai
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by Sean Adl-Tabatabai