NY Times: A Yale Professor Suggested Mass Suicide for Old People in Japan. What Did He Mean?
NY Times: As Lawmakers Spar Over Social Security, Its Costs Are Rising Fast
As is always the case with this type of “social progress,” the shock statements are ostensibly presented as news “fit to print” by “the paper of record” only because the matter is so “controversial.” But the real purpose behind this neutrally presented report about Yale Professor Narita’s astonishing proposal is to break the ice of the public mind in preparation for the planned future reality. Though Narita’s comments are about Japan’s elderly, in reality, this is what the Globalists want for the USA and the world — which is why one of Narita’s book is being translated to English and set for publishing later this year.
“I feel like the only solution is pretty clear,” Narita said during one online news program in late 2021. “In the end, isn’t it mass suicide of the elderly?”
“If you think that’s good, then maybe you can work hard toward creating a society like that.”
“The possibility of making euthanasia mandatory in the future, he said in one interview, will “come up in discussion.”
“His extreme positions have helped him gain hundreds of thousands of followers on social media in Japan among frustrated youths who believe their economic progress has been held back by a gerontocratic society.” (emphasis added)
Naturally, government gangsters and central banksters will never admit to the frustrated young workers of the nation that the endless theft of their wages and savings through their taxation and inflation are what’s grinding down “economic progress.” The vulnerable and disposable elderly make for the perfect scapegoat for their quackademic and media co-conspirators to point at and say to the discouraged and degenerate youth: “Kill them!” This will keep the pyramid schemes “solvent” while doing nothing to improve the lot of the degenerate younger people who actually support the 37-year-old Narita.
1. Demonrat FDR signs Social Security into law. // 2. Demonrat LBJ signs Medicare into law. / 3. Demonrat Obongo signs the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) into law (as Creepy lusty Joe gawks at and massages the little boy they brought in as a prop.)
* Editor’s Note: The money stolen from workers and employers to pay for these expensive schemes could have enabled us to fully fund our own retirement, health care and long-term care in old age.
Again, that is why America is being introduced to Professor Narita.
Boobus Americanus 2: Wow! That is really shocking and provocative.
St Sugar: Only for the firsst time that you hear it, Boobuss!
Editor: The Slimes bosses know EXACTLY what they are doing by dispassionately reporting about this “controversial” professor whose soon-to-be-translated book seems already destined for Slimes “bestseller” status.