Bankster Criminals Bring Us Ever Closer To Collapse

1.12.23 – Visualizing $65 Trillion In Hidden Dollar Debt

Gold last traded at $1,896 an ounce. Silver at $23.77 an ounce.

EDITOR’S NOTE: We are all aware of the mounting debt problem in the US. What many are not familiar with is the trillions of dollars in hidden debt lurking out there – debt that is being “hidden” by non US banks. If there wasn’t already reason for concern; what implications might this additional debt represent?


Visualizing $65 Trillion In Hidden Dollar Debt – ZeroHedgeby Tyler Durden

debtThe scale of hidden dollar debt around the world is huge.

As Visual Capitalist’s Dorothy Neufeld details below, no less than $65 trillion in unrecorded dollar debt circulates across the global financial system in non-U.S. banks and shadow banks. To put in perspective, global GDP sits at $104 trillion.

This dollar debt is in the form of foreign-exchange swaps, which have exploded over the last decade due to years of monetary easing and ultra-low interest rates, as investors searched for higher yields. Today, unrecorded debt from these foreign-exchange swaps is worth more than double the dollar debt officially recorded on balance sheets across these institutions.

Based on analysis from the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the above {click on image to expand} infographic charts the rise in hidden dollar debt across non-U.S. financial institutions and examines the wider implications of its growth.

Dollar Debt: A Beginners Guide

To start, we will briefly look at the role of foreign-exchange (forex) swaps in the global economy. The forex market is the largest in the world by a long stretch, with trillions traded daily.

Some of the key players that use foreign-exchange swaps are: READ MORE

Comment:  Top Banksters ALL Belong to Secret Societies.  They ARE THE CABAL working against the common person.  Get your money into hard assets: gold, silver, land, housing, pay off your car, food, and emergency items.

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