Of course, neuroticism looks different for different people, but most people with highly neurotic personality traits share some combination of these defining characteristics, including:
A tendency toward mood disorders like anxiety and depression
A propensity to dwell on negative feelings and emotions
An expectation that the worst outcome in any situation is the one most likely to occur
Highly reactive to stress and emotional upset
Compulsive, and may play the same scenario in one’s head over and over
Prone to hypochondria and panic disorder
May be more likely to adopt maladaptive behaviors, such as self-medication with alcohol, food, or other substance. COMMENT: She looks like she’s gained about 50 or more pounds in the last 10 years. She’s now a fat, neurotic woman. Think she belongs in a Psych Ward. Instead, she is in one of the most influential appointments in D.C. the State Department. Woe is Me! She seems to want revenge on Russia for the wound to her grandfather and consequently father. She has also pushed NATO military bases all around Russia’s borders which the U.S. promised Russia to NEVER do!
Before she became OBESE Victoria Nuland was an Attractive woman.
She was foreign policy adviser to Vice-President Dick Cheney, in which capacity she defended the disastrous invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Bet nobody at Stormont asked Nuland how she reconciles her words about peace and harmony here with her record elsewhere of war-mongering and overthrowing governments the US doesn’t like. Mustn’t be cheeky.
Comment: Obese Nukeland Admits Illegal Biowarfare labs in Ukraine.