America is a Pawn of the ZIONISTS aka British Empire & Russia is Not Willing to Be Their Pawn
by Admin ·
NY Times: What Russians See in the News: A War Over Western Plans to Subjuga
In the Kremlin-controlled news media, the war is not about Ukraine, but about a long history of enemies trying to keep Russia down.
From the article:
“Vladimir Solovyov, a talk-show host and top cheerleader for President Vladimir V. Putin’s government, said this month that “Russia was invited to join Western society for dinner — not as a guest, but as a dish.” One of his nightly shows recently presented the war as a kind of cosmic showdown between good and evil.
The United States is the main antagonist, with Europe and NATO its lackeys.”
This is where the importance of understanding history — real history, that is — comes into play. When one understands that Putin and the Russian people weren’t the first and only ones to accuse “the international community” ™ of plotting to take control of their nation, it adds critical context to recent events. The Russians are right!
“First, Roosevelt incites war, then falsifies the causes, then odiously wraps himself in a cloak of Christian hypocrisy and slowly but surely leads mankind to war, not without calling God to witness the honesty of his attack, in the approved manner of an old Freemason.”
— The Great One (Hitler)
“It has truly been unavoidable and far from our wishes that our Empire has been brought to cross swords with America and Britain…. Eager for the realization of their inordinate ambition to dominate the Orient, both America and Britain, giving support to the Chungking regime, have aggravated the disturbances in East Asia. Moreover these two powers, inducing other countries to follow suit, increased military preparations on all sides of our Empire to challenge us.”
— Emperor Hirohito of Japan
“We know that you can harm us although we do not threaten you. ……We do not place America among the enemies. We place it where we want our friends to be and we try to be friends. But repeated American statements last year made it apparent that America did not regard us as friends.”
— Saddam Hussein
Americans must know I don’t hate them. I love them.… I hear it is a complex society inside. Many Americans don’t know about the outside world. The majority have no concern and no information about other people. They could not even find Africa on a map. I think Americans are good, but America will be taken over and destroyed from the inside by the Zionist lobby. The Americans do not see this. They are getting decadent. Zionists will use this to destroy them.”
— Qaddafi of Libya
“When our interests matched, the Americans have been good to us, and when the interests differed, they wanted us to mold ourselves to them, which we refused. … I am not a puppet. I was not made by the West to go to the West or to any other country.”
— Bashar al Assad of Syria
See the pattern? Plenty more — from plenty of other world leaders past and present — just like those. So you see — this persistent assertion that “the West” has been up to no good throughout the world didn’t start with “Kremlin propaganda” and “Russian news shows.” It actually dates back to the 1800’s, back when Rothschild UK and Rothschild France served as the pre-American global bully boys with a hand in plotting and/or fighting the 1848 uprisings, the Crimean War, the Russo-Turkish War, the Chinese Opium Wars, the British-Afghan War, the U.S. Civil War, and the Franco-Prussian War — not to mention the various covert intrigues, assassinations and “spontaneous” color revolutions targeted at the “bad guy” of the day.
“On state media, Russia is a pillar of traditional values, bound to prevail over the moral swamp that is the West. There is a daily fixation with L.G.B.T.Q. matters. To watch Russian television is to get the impression that the gay community runs the decadent Western world. For all their professed shock and horror, Russian news outlets avidly air footage with lurid depictions of gay life.”
It’s very simple, boys and girls. Putin and pals, in a very strong voice, are saying “Nyet!” to the Satanic, homosexualized, pedosexualized, denationalized, super-centralized New World Order. This righteous defiance is what “the usual suspects” refer to as “authoritarianism” ™ and “conspiracy theory ™.”
Boobus Americanus 2: Putin is unpopular. He needs to portray the United States as a bogeyman.
St. Sugar: You’re PROJECTING again, Boobuss!
Editor: Normies are so upside-down and lost that they actually can’t differentiate between a projectOR and a projectEE.