Defend the Heroes Who Defend Our Freedoms
The Department of Defense (DOD) is bringing the battle home to its service members fighting against a dangerous, tyrannical COVID-19 vaccine mandate with effectively no exemptions. We are calling on you to come to our brave service members’ defense. Our voluntary military service members put themselves on the front lines to protect our freedoms and now it’s time the American people protect our heroes.
We must stop the Department of Defense (DOD) from discharging our military members for simply exercising their deeply held religious beliefs. Forcing them to submit to this vaccine violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.
Armed Forces members have submitted medical exemptions, but few have been accepted. There are reports of service members who have suffered serious adverse events after one dose who are being forced to complete the series.
In January 2022, attorney Thomas Renz brought forth three whistleblowers’ testimonies at Senator Ron Johnson’s roundtable discussion, outlining shocking data found in the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database: including significant increases in neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, diseases of the nervous system, various forms of cancer, infertility, cardiology and pulmonary diseases.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin disagrees with the premise that this vaccine mandate is causing a “deficit” in the number of our troops. Let’s look at the actual numbers. The DOD has involuntarily separated over 5,000 service members from service thus far while offering record-high bonuses to new recruits and still falling short of their recruiting goals. If something does not change, the Department of Defense stands to lose a minimum of 100,000 service members including a high volume of highly trained, hyper-focused operators such as Navy SEALs, other special operations troops, pilots, flight surgeons and more.
Additionally, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley says that those not getting the vaccine are “a very, very low” number and are doing so because of an issue of “education and persuasion.” This is not an insignificant impact on national defense and this is not an “education and persuasion” problem — this is a corruption problem.
Armed Forces members who have served honorably, including multiple combat deployments, with less than a year until an honorable retirement stand to lose all benefits earned serving this great nation. On the other side of the spectrum, young service members who joined expecting to find a place of community and brotherhood have been bullied, coerced and harassed for not bending a knee to the forces behind this mandate.
Our service members have devoted their lives to the ideals and freedoms we hold dear. We need Defenders like YOU to stand alongside them and bring forth justice. Tell the DOD to #StopThePurge and end military mandates now. Take action to let our elected officials and military leaders know that we are committed to standing behind our nation’s heroes and combating corruption.
Please send a message to DOD leaders and our elected representatives demanding they safeguard the integrity and security of our nation and end the unethical and corrupt vaccine mandate. We must insist on transparency of the adverse effects of this injection and investigate the legal issues, violations of religion and the threat to national security this vaccine mandate embodies. Most importantly, pray for our nation’s leaders and warriors.
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