Japan on the Verge of Collapse Thanks To Endless Rothschild Money Printing (Where Rothschilds Go Collapses Follow)
Japan on Verge of Systemic Financial Collapse
Comment: U.S. & Rothschild’s have controlled Japan since the end of WW2. U.S. has many bases in Japan.
This week, in its bid to stem the tide of inflation, the US Federal Reserve Bank announced its biggest interest rate hike in 25 years, raising the rate three quarters of a percent. Relatively speaking, this is like throwing a glass of water on a forest fire, but in the short term it will certainly tighten-up the economy which will trigger that bona fide recession everyone was fearing. In truth, the real economy has been in recession for years. As our globalized economy continues its tailspin due to the suicidal economic policies implemented by leading western countries – like the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union, the original ‘Asian Tiger’ economy, Japan, is now on the verge of systemic collapse with “dramatic, unpredictable non-linearities” manifesting themselves in already over-stretched financial markets, warns Bloomberg, Deutsche Bank and others.
It’s no secret that Japan’s economy is massively over-leveraged and may very well see a repeat of its epic ‘lost decade’ from the infamous economic crash of the 1990s.
The tea leaves are alarming…
Zero Hedge reports…
Less than a week ago, we wrote that “As Yen Crash Accelerates, It Puts Catastrophic End Of MMT Experiment In The Spotlight” a less than cheerful assessment echoed this morning by Bloomberg, which writes that “Japan Starting to Crack as Yen Tumbles With Stocks and Bonds“ noting that despite the yen crashing to a 24-year low (for the same reasons we have repeated again and again, namely you can’t keep your 10Y yield at 0.25% and avoid a currency collapse in a scorching inflationary environment), Tokyo stocks were down the most since March.
But there was another major development, and one which suggests that days of fiat, and MMT are numbered: with Japanese yields surging, the Bank of Japan today bought more than 1.5 trillion yen of government bonds to defend its yield curve control target as the 10Y JGB rose above 0.25%, the upper end of the BOJ’s YCC corridor.
As Deutsche Bank’s George Saravelos shockingly calculates in a post this morning titled “The printer is on overdrive“, and available to professional ZH subscribers, if the current pace of buying persists, the bank will have bought approximately 10 trillion yen in June. To put that number in context, it is roughly equivalent to the Fed doing more than $300bn of QE per month when adjusting for GDP!

This is a “truly extreme” level of money printing given that every other central bank in the world is tightening policy. It is one of the reasons why we have been bearish on the yen. And as so many have argued, currency intervention in this environment is simply not credible given it is the BoJ itself that is the cause of yen weakness.
More broadly, Saravelos echoes what we said in our preview of the end of MMT, writing that he worries that “the currency and Japanese financial markets are in the process of losing any sort of fundamental-based valuation anchor.”
The more global inflation picks up, the more the BoJ prints. But the more easing accelerates, the higher the need to press hard on the brake when the (inflation) cliff approaches and the more dangerous it becomes. As a result, we will soon enter a phase where dramatic and unpredictable non-linearities in Japanese financial markets would kick in, according to the DB strategist, who also notes that “if it becomes obvious to the market that the clearing level of JGB yields is above the BoJ’s 25 basis point target, what is the incentive to hold bonds any more?”
This leave us with a few exploding questions:
- Is the BoJ willing to absorb the entirety of the Japanese government bond stock?
- Where is the fair value of the yen on this scenario and what happens if the BoJ changes its mind?
- The BoJ may want to generate inflation, but how does it get there with triggering a complete systemic collapse?
Finally, what happens if and when the yen careens off the fiat cliff, and domestic holders of yen-denominated savings flee into either dollars or cryptos? We will find out very soon.
READ MORE JAPAN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Japan Files
Comment: Japan is a U.S. Occupied Country Since WW2 and Still Has U.S. Bases and Troops Forced on Them. The Rothschild’s have benefitted greatly from Japan’s Occupation by the U.S. as shown below: (Japanese are Now Work Slaves and no longer have families and children working about 60 hours a week.)The Family Planning Association of Japan reported the results of a survey which prove the lack of interest in having sex among the Japanese. From the 1,134 people who participated, as many as 49% of the participants between 16 and 49 years of age claimed not to have had sex in a month. When asked about the reason for the lack of sex, the main blame was given to WORK FATIGUE, little interest in sex, or the ‘bothersome’ nature of the act, according to some women.
In terms of business, the Rothschild family has a lot of influence in Japan, especially in the financial sector. Back in 2004, the time when the fund was owned by Jacob Rothschild is RIT Capital Partners, this fund invested in Shinsei Bank with £100M profit. Shinsei is the first bank in Japan be invested and controlled by the foreign owner. In the 4.0 era, with improvements from new technologies such as Blockchain or Big Data, Rothschild is also one of the advisors to the $100 billion Fund — the SoftBank Vision Fund. This investment is part of a long-term investment plan with unprecedented scale, according to SoftBank Chairman Masayoshi Son.
Recently, SoftBank and its partners, Synchronoss and TBCASoft, have also completed payment testing via its mobile service provider network based on Blockchain in Japan. This technology is called the Rich Communication Service (RCS), which replaces the traditional SMS protocol. RCS will have more features, such as sending multimedia content or material through the cellular network instead of through a network on mobile apps.
LINA NETWORK is also an enterprise who research on Blockchain and has been cooperating with many Japanese companies. Therefore, Japan stimulates all the process for industry 4.0 is also an opportunity for LINA NETWORK enter this market.
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Japanese Have Become SLAVES to the Evil Rothschilds
The wealth of the Rothschilds come from slave trade and colonialism?
abdelkarim elhawassGénéral janvier 25, 2019 4 Minutes

The Rothschild family joined the Orange House of Holland (Royal Family) to found the Bank of Amsterdam in the early 1600s, becoming the first private central bank in the world.
In the 1600s, the Dutch with the Rotschilds built in a short time an immense colonial empire. They thus demonstrated the power of their navy, and this empire contributed to the economic development of their brand new country.
Passed under Spanish and Portuguese rule around 1540, the Dutch began to revolt against their new masters in the 1570s. In 1579 they founded the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, whose independence would not be recognized until 1648 However, as early as 1595, Dutch sailors traveled as far as India following the road opened by the Portuguese Vasco de Gama.
From then on, the Dutch colonial adventure can begin. In 1602 is created the Dutch East India Company (or V.O.C.).
So the VOC was to colonize South Africa and Indonesia and Suriname. The VOC therefore enslaved the predominantly Muslim Indonesian people in the mines and cotton fields and sugar cane.
At present the Rothschilds own a large party of Sri Lanka where the population lives a situation of quasi-slavery and is exploited by the Rotschild family to produce tea.about:blankREPORT THIS AD
Finally, the French branch of the Rothschilds financed the colonization of Algeria and enslavement of its Muslim population from 1830 to 1962. The company of the French Indies enslaved the Asian and African population in favor of French slave banks like Rothschilds and Seillère in Haïti.
Today, among his direct descendants of slavers is Baron Ernest-Antoine Seillière of Laborde, who owns several investment funds, and who was the president of Medef (Union of French bosses) and Business Europe (Union of European bosses ). In addition, the Baron is one of the owners of a very large bank, NMSD, which is part of the conglomerate, ABN-AMRO (in the Netherlands), which has collected the assets of Mallet Bank, itself very involved in the history of the slave trade, Gorée (the Mallet Bank financed the expedition that allowed to conquer and exploit the island), and the colonial economy in the West Indies. The Seillère and Rothschild families organized the colonization of Algeria, its looting and the genocide of the Algerian people.
Finally, the Rothschild family financed the colonization of Palestine and enslavement of its Muslim and Christian Arab population for the benefit of European Jewish settlers and Rothschilds.
The English branch of the Rothschilds contributed to the slavery of Irish Catholics.
The Bank of America, or Bank of America, belongs partly to the Rothschilds, such as the Bank of France, the Bank of Holland, and the City of London. The rothschilds owned the Indian companies of those nations involved in the slave trade, like the banks.
These families, who are currently the world’s trillionaire families in power, have probably been the greatest slaveholders of all time in world history, but their involvement in evil and perverse trade has always been hidden until recently. In fact, historical accounts have been distorted to highlight the anti-slavery efforts of these ruling elites.
Mr. Nathan Mayer Rothschild: Slavery and the rise of capitalism in the west
Nathan Mayer Rothschild was the leading London financier of his time. He was one of the founders of the international banking dynasty of the Rothschild family. He was born in the Frankfort-on-Main ghetto, the fourth child of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Gutle Schnapper.
Apparently, he first worked as a textile merchant in Manchester, but was deeply involved in financing, borrowing and speculating on the Manchester Stock Exchange, a British city that was competing with Liverpool. in London as the international capital of the slave trade.
Having benefited so much from the slave trade and financing of the Manchester slave trade, he later expanded to the London Stock Exchange.
From 1809, Rothschild began processing gold bullion in Africa and South America. He also speculated on financial instruments such as currency effects and government securities related to projects such as the theft of entire countries and their resources later qualified as shameful as colonialism.
However, in private, Mr. Rothschild, sneaky, almost created slavery. Documents recently discovered and revealed for the first time by the Financial Times of London show that Rothschild made personal gains by using slaves as collateral in banking transactions with slave owners.
It is besides Rothschild who obtained the loan which finances the bailout of the owners of British slaves by the British government when the British government sanctioned slavery. The industry was abolished in the 1830s.
The bailout of British slave owners would be the biggest bailout of an industry in history. In today’s dollars, it is lower than the recent bailout of the banking, financial and automotive sectors.
By realizing this financial coup de grace, which was tantamount to saving the entire economy of the British Empire, which was firmly based on the slavery of the African and Asian and American peoples, Nathan Mayer Rothschild became the undisputed master of Europe.
Slavery and colonialism have caused the death of more than 100 million black Africans and the death of millions of Irish enslaved the Indians of Amerqiue at least 100 million dead, and recent genocide in the Middle East in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Communism and Nazism also was financed by the banks caused the deaths of 80 million Russians and 120 million Chinese. In all the slave bankers are responsible for at least the death of 500 million human beings!
All the wars, colonization false revolutions, genocide, pollution, vaccines, smallpox epidemics or plague cancers and famines behind everything there is the Rothschild
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The wealth of the Rothschilds come from slave trade and colonialism?
abdelkarim elhawassGénéral janvier 25, 2019 4 Minutes

The Rothschild family joined the Orange House of Holland (Royal Family) to found the Bank of Amsterdam in the early 1600s, becoming the first private central bank in the world.
In the 1600s, the Dutch with the Rotschilds built in a short time an immense colonial empire. They thus demonstrated the power of their navy, and this empire contributed to the economic development of their brand new country.
Passed under Spanish and Portuguese rule around 1540, the Dutch began to revolt against their new masters in the 1570s. In 1579 they founded the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, whose independence would not be recognized until 1648 However, as early as 1595, Dutch sailors traveled as far as India following the road opened by the Portuguese Vasco de Gama.
From then on, the Dutch colonial adventure can begin. In 1602 is created the Dutch East India Company (or V.O.C.).
So the VOC was to colonize South Africa and Indonesia and Suriname. The VOC therefore enslaved the predominantly Muslim Indonesian people in the mines and cotton fields and sugar cane.
At present the Rothschilds own a large party of Sri Lanka where the population lives a situation of quasi-slavery and is exploited by the Rotschild family to produce tea.about:blankREPORT THIS AD
Finally, the French branch of the Rothschilds financed the colonization of Algeria and enslavement of its Muslim population from 1830 to 1962. The company of the French Indies enslaved the Asian and African population in favor of French slave banks like Rothschilds and Seillère in Haïti.
Today, among his direct descendants of slavers is Baron Ernest-Antoine Seillière of Laborde, who owns several investment funds, and who was the president of Medef (Union of French bosses) and Business Europe (Union of European bosses ). In addition, the Baron is one of the owners of a very large bank, NMSD, which is part of the conglomerate, ABN-AMRO (in the Netherlands), which has collected the assets of Mallet Bank, itself very involved in the history of the slave trade, Gorée (the Mallet Bank financed the expedition that allowed to conquer and exploit the island), and the colonial economy in the West Indies. The Seillère and Rothschild families organized the colonization of Algeria, its looting and the genocide of the Algerian people.
Finally, the Rothschild family financed the colonization of Palestine and enslavement of its Muslim and Christian Arab population for the benefit of European Jewish settlers and Rothschilds.
The English branch of the Rothschilds contributed to the slavery of Irish Catholics.
The Bank of America, or Bank of America, belongs partly to the Rothschilds, such as the Bank of France, the Bank of Holland, and the City of London. The rothschilds owned the Indian companies of those nations involved in the slave trade, like the banks.
These families, who are currently the world’s trillionaire families in power, have probably been the greatest slaveholders of all time in world history, but their involvement in evil and perverse trade has always been hidden until recently. In fact, historical accounts have been distorted to highlight the anti-slavery efforts of these ruling elites.
Mr. Nathan Mayer Rothschild: Slavery and the rise of capitalism in the west
Nathan Mayer Rothschild was the leading London financier of his time. He was one of the founders of the international banking dynasty of the Rothschild family. He was born in the Frankfort-on-Main ghetto, the fourth child of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Gutle Schnapper.
Apparently, he first worked as a textile merchant in Manchester, but was deeply involved in financing, borrowing and speculating on the Manchester Stock Exchange, a British city that was competing with Liverpool. in London as the international capital of the slave trade.
Having benefited so much from the slave trade and financing of the Manchester slave trade, he later expanded to the London Stock Exchange.
From 1809, Rothschild began processing gold bullion in Africa and South America. He also speculated on financial instruments such as currency effects and government securities related to projects such as the theft of entire countries and their resources later qualified as shameful as colonialism.
However, in private, Mr. Rothschild, sneaky, almost created slavery. Documents recently discovered and revealed for the first time by the Financial Times of London show that Rothschild made personal gains by using slaves as collateral in banking transactions with slave owners.
It is besides Rothschild who obtained the loan which finances the bailout of the owners of British slaves by the British government when the British government sanctioned slavery. The industry was abolished in the 1830s.
The bailout of British slave owners would be the biggest bailout of an industry in history. In today’s dollars, it is lower than the recent bailout of the banking, financial and automotive sectors.
By realizing this financial coup de grace, which was tantamount to saving the entire economy of the British Empire, which was firmly based on the slavery of the African and Asian and American peoples, Nathan Mayer Rothschild became the undisputed master of Europe.
Slavery and colonialism have caused the death of more than 100 million black Africans and the death of millions of Irish enslaved the Indians of Amerqiue at least 100 million dead, and recent genocide in the Middle East in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Communism and Nazism also was financed by the banks caused the deaths of 80 million Russians and 120 million Chinese. In all the slave bankers are responsible for at least the death of 500 million human beings!
All the wars, colonization false revolutions, genocide, pollution, vaccines, smallpox epidemics or plague cancers and famines behind everything there is the Rothschild