Military Commander Running Pedophile Ring Protected For Decade Because He Was Likely Connected to Rich & Powerful Pedophiles!

US Army & State Officials Facilitated Torturous Child Sex Ring by Ignoring Dozens of Complaints for a Decade
By Matt Agorist
Arizona — The US Army and the state of Arizona facilitated through inaction, a decade-long child sex abuse ring ran by a top civilian commander, David Frodsham. According to a report from the Associated Press this week, the Army and the state of Arizona missed or ignored multiple red flags over more than a decade, which allowed Frodsham to abuse his adopted children and other children for years, all the while putting national security at risk.
Before his arrest, Frodsham was the deputy commander of the Fort Huachuca Army base — a position he held after being kicked out of Afghanistan for deviant sexual behavior.
“I would not recommend placing him back into a position of authority but rather pursuing disciplinary actions at his home station,” wrote one commanding officer when recommending that the Army order Frodsham to leave his post at Bagram Airfield for his “deviant sexual behavior,” and return to Fort Huachuca.
Instead of discipline, however, Frodsham rejoined the Network Enterprise Technology Command, the Army’s information technology service provider, where he had served as director of personnel for a global command of 15,000 soldiers and civilians, according to the AP.
While running the child sex ring, the state and the Army overlooked nearly 20 complaints, and attempted complaints, of abuse, neglect, maltreatment and licensing violations that surfaced through Arizona’s foster system. Despite these complaints, the state allowed this monster to continue to foster, adopt and retain custody of their many children who were used in the sex abuse ring.
According to officials, Frodsham’s illicit child sex practices coupled with the fact that he held a top secret clearance, made him a target of of blackmail from foreign intelligence agencies and a vulnerable security risk.
“He would have been an obvious target of foreign intelligence services because of his role and his location,” said Frank Figliuzzi, the former assistant director of counterintelligence for the FBI. “Fort Huachuca is one of the more sensitive installations in the continental United States. People with security issues should not be there.”
Yet he was there, and he was running a child sex ring in the meantime.
Three of the Frodshams’ adopted children have each filed a civil suit against the State of Arizona, with one filed this week for allowing the couple to continue parenting them despite the allegations of abuse.
In an interview with the AP, Ryan Frodsham said his adoptive father began sexually abusing him when he was 9 or 10 years old and the abuse continued into his teens, when David Frodsham began offering his son’s sexual services to other men.
Comment: This is typical of CIA pedophile Rings.
“Makes me throw up thinking about it,” Ryan said.
All the people who claim to keep children safe were ignoring complaints of child sex abuse and allowed it to go on for a decade. In the latest complaint, the now 19-year-old Trever Frodsham says case workers ignored numerous signs that David and Barbara Frodsham were unfit parents. These included a 2002 sex abuse complaint filed with local police — who, along with the Army and the state of Arizona, refused to act.
When the allegations of ignoring the abuse first came to light, instead of facing it head on, the Arizona Department of Child Services attempted to cover it up by gagging employees. As we reported in 2019, Beth Breen, a former employee of Arizona DCS broke her gagging order and detailed the horrifying treatment suffered by a young girl named Devani at the hands of the Frodshams.
Breen explained that she was a driver for Devani, then a 5-year-old girl whose stay in foster care ended with her being permanently disfigured and fighting for her life in ICU because of her bureaucratic ‘protection’ within the system.
Because her biological mother struggled with addiction, the state took Devani from her. They took her from a bad situation and threw her into a nightmare where she was repeatedly raped and tortured.
Comment: Sounds like this Commander worked with the CIA like Colonel Michael Aquino.
In 2017, TFTP reported on Devani’s case and a subsequent lawsuit which is nothing short of something out of a horror film.
After having her child taken, Michelle Tremor-Calderon, the girl’s biological mother, began to improve her condition. With a clearer head, Tremor noticed that her daughter seemed to be deteriorating in the care of her state-appointed foster parent — David Frodsham.
“I did everything DCS wanted me to, and received certificates of completion, and was in full compliance when my rights were severed,” Tremor said.
After only a few weeks in the care of the Frodsham, multiple signs of abuse and neglect began to arise. However, no action was taken.
Tremor had pointed out, on multiple occasions, that her daughter had continued urinary-tract infections, which can sometimes indicate signs of repeated sexual abuse in children. Her concerns, however, fell on deaf bureaucratic ears.
“I told my CPS/DCS caseworker on several occasions due to my concerns, and they were all ignored,” Tremor said.
“Instead of investigating Jane Doe’s biological mother’s concerns of abuse, [DCS] and the defendant caseworkers accused her of making false and exaggerated reports to DCS,” the lawsuit states.
Despite jumping through all their hoops, the state refused to give back Tremor her daughter.
The longer she stayed away from her mom, the worst things got for little Devani.
Frodsham had been in the state’s foster program from 2002 until 2015 when he was removed after being caught DUI with children in his car — one of whom was Devani.
It was no ordinary DUI, however. This monster was so comfy with the statist system that was paying him to rape children that he went to the foster office drunk to get paid!
As the complaint notes, despite her mother’s repeated complaints, the state did not act on behalf of Devani until “David Frodsham, driving drunk, left 3-year-old Jane and another child in his parked car while he was collecting his foster parent check in a state office, while “visibly drunk and acting belligerent.”
Even after they found abused children in his car while drunk at the state office, the DCS did not conduct a review of his home. It took him getting arrested again — this time with another child rapist.
David Frodsham, the state’s choice for a better environment than her own mother, was arrested along with an active duty soldier for transferring child porn — which they made — over the internet.
After his arrest, David Frodsham pled guilty rather than face a trial and was sentenced to 17 years in the Arizona Department of Corrections. Instead of giving Devani back to her biological mother, the state put her in another foster home where she was tortured, put in boiling water until she lost 80% of her skin. She lost her toes to amputation “and will undergo lifelong operations to replace 80 percent of the skin on her body and will need incredible amounts of care for the duration of her life as a result of the abuse she suffered.
Comment: I wouldn’t doubt this is punishment for the mother blowing the whistle. The satanic cabal prostituting children is very sadistic.
For more than a decade, David Frodsham was allowed to prey on children — and instead of correcting their actions after his arrest, the state moved one of his victims to another abuser.
This article originally appeared on The Free Thought Project.
CIA’s Rape & Torture to Create MKUltra Randy Turner
MKUltra Programming Via Extreme Torture & Sexual Stimulation Done By Bush, Sr., Carter and Bill Day@13 (ALL CIA)
MKUltra programming Via Extreme Torture and Sexual Stimulation: This is part of the actual Programming done to Randal Turner as a teenager.
This occurred in the late 70s Jimmy Carter was president at the time.
George Bush Sr. was CIA director or running for office at the time. They came into the bedroom of the house I was staying in with Marcheline Bertrand. I had went on a white house tour about a week prior and had to defend myself from Bush Jr. for telling him to get away from some kids in our tour group that he was perving out on.
Jr had grabbed two of them and rubbed their heads against his crotch.
I told him to get away from the kids and he said Randy I like you boy as he walked walking over and placed his arm around my shoulder then he sucker punched me in the gut.
I bent down from the punch to my gut then stood up hitting him with an upper cut to the chin knocking him down.
A kid named Paul Bonacci was with Jr.
Our tour was passing through the kitchen at the time where George Jr. and Paul were getting something to eat.
Bush Jr. stood up after I punched him and said oh! Randy’s a fighter! Then he came at me and I rabbit punched him about 5
times in the face before he could throw a punch and he went down.
I grabbed the kids and told Jr to stay down or he would end up in the hospital. He stayed down till I left with the kids and we caught up to the others in our tour group. Jon Voight was part of the group ahead of me and found out what happened. He was afraid Bush Sr. who was CIA at the time would be mad at him. He invited me to the billiards room and as I opened the door I was hit in the face with a beer mug cracking one of my teeth. I got up and started going towards Jr but Voight stopped me and said it was over you got Jr. and now Jr. got you back so it ends here! Voight set the whole thing up so the little punk could get a cheap revenge shot in. which ended up cracking my front tooth at the root leaving me with a dead tooth.
Randal Turner explaining the torture and how they create one or more of his mind control alternates.
Not to be confused with Multiple personality or Dissociative Identity Disorder. Though they use techniques that have been found to be the cause of DID it is not the same.
A MKUltra must be activated via drugs and Alternates called out by a handler whereas a DID or MPD will have a multiple come out due to something traumatic occurring:
(Randal is talking about being held down and tortured by Bill Day, Photojournalist, ex-President Herbert Walker Bush and ex-President Jimmy Carter) Randal replied that all these people were a bunch of sadistic psychopathic perverts.
Randy Turner’s Account of Sexual Abuse by Bill Day, Jimmy Carter and Herbert the Pervert Walker Bush when he was around the age of 13-14.
Maybe a week After I had beat Bush Jr. up during our white house tour I am laying in bed and wake up to Bill Day walking into the room.
He sat on the bed to my left and grabbed my left arm then G.H.W Bush walks in and then {Jimmy} Carter walks in and I was thinking wtf is the president doing in my bedroom?
Carter gets on the bed and grabs my right arm and I believe they shoved these long cardboard tubes on my arms which were to make sure I wasn’t able to fight back.
Bush says I heard what u did to my boy you son of a bitch! Bush reaches down and grabs my testicles and starts crushing them.
I was begging them to kill me the pain was so bad and I must have passed out from the pain.
Bill Day was saying things into my left ear as Bush was torturing me, something about not trusting cops or authority and at some point I passed out.
I recall coming to looking down and seeing poppy sucking on my penis.
Carter was saying something into my right ear as Bush was trying to stimulate me sexually; he was saying something about sex with boys, girls, young or old is all good like he was trying to convince me nothing was wrong with sex with young kids with older women and men. I don’t recall what all they programmed just the beginning of it and the rest is a blur.
This continued for what seemed like an hour or more but during one of my court trials Bush claimed I popped within 15 minutes.
When being tortured to this extreme 15 minutes can feel like and hour.
The (popping) is what happens when the brain is unable to deal with the pain it makes a physical change and when this occurs you feel and hear a popping sound in your head.
I am no expert on how it works but I do recall some medical professional explaining it during my court trial saying the brain can physically alter itself to stop pain receptors in some people.
This popping noise is that the victims hear and feel in their head.
It is at this point the Alternates are created.
These Alternates are given names and have completely different personalities from the person being programmed.
The drug they use (Adrenochrome) allows the programmer to feed information into the subconscious and when the drug wares off the victim will have no memory of what took place or a very vague memory of something but usually will relate it to a dream or nightmare they had and not reality.
Comment: Mind Control is essentially a Rothschild Zionist project and done on military bases in conjunction with the CIA primarily. The Rothschild’s consider theirselves ‘Jews’ but are the Synagogue of Satan and mind control is a Satanic project.
Fritz Springmeier has heavily researched Mind Control and his pdf books are readily available for free on the internet.
Insider Comments on Nelson Rockefeller Assassination by 13 Year Old MKUltra Programmed by H.W. Bush & Others
Randy Turner
19 hrs ·
David Rockefeller had his brother Nelson assassinated via poisoning by a 13 year old MKUltra which G.H.W Bush programmed to poison him. Nelson was going to run for president and David didn’t want Nelson in because he couldn’t control him. After Bush had Nelson assassinated David went back on his promise to make George president and instead chose Reagan as President and George VP. This led to George using the 13 year old MKUltra to frame David as taking part in drugging and t…See More
Tags: ILLUMINATI CRIMINALSMind ControlMKUltraPedophilia NonprosecutionPolitical Corruption/ManipulationPOLITICIANSRape/TortureTortureViolent criminals (crimes)
16 Year Old MKUltra Used for Reagan Assassination – Brutal … ReaganAssassination Attempt This is the true story of a CIA MKUltra victim who was used at the age of 16 to assassinate then President Ronald Reagan. Randal has proof to validate being used as a CIA Mind Control assassin during the attempt.Videos
TV Series Treadstone About Service Killers in Slavery & How These Victim/Killers Are BlackMailed & Entrapped into Performing Their Deadly Missions Was Cancelled After CIA Character Says CIA is Organized Criminal Syndicate:
Treadstone explores the origin story and present-day actions of a fictional CIA black-ops program known as Operation Treadstone — a covert program that uses a behavior-modification protocol to turn recruits into nearly-superhuman assassins.[6] The series follows sleeper agents across the globe as they are mysteriously ‘awakened’ to resume their deadly missions.[7] The program breaks down these assassins’ personalities, erases their memories, and eliminates their moral code so they can effectively kill targets around the world.[8]
Treadstone – promotional poster.png

Devani before entering foster care and her abuser David Frodsham.
CPS Worker Defies Gag Order, Exposes Violent Child Sex Ring in State Foster System
Matt Agorist September 13, 2019Spread the love445
Sierra Vista, AZ — While many think that the state taking children from parents is a noble gesture to protect the child, all too often, the state removes kids from a bad situation and throws them into a situation akin to a horror film. Many times the children are taken from caring parents, who happened to hit a rough patch in their lives, and thrown into torturous and outright sadistic situations where they end up raped, tortured, and even murdered.
Beth Breen, a former employee of Arizona DCS recently broke her gagging order and went on Northwest Liberty News where she detailed the horrifying treatment suffered by a young girl named Devani at the hands of the state foster system.
According to Breen, she is not supposed to speak about the case because of the gag order, but is anyway because the information is vital and the order unconstitutional.
Breen explained that she was a driver for a 5-year-old girl whose stay in foster care ended with her being permanently disfigured and fighting for her life in ICU because of her bureaucratic ‘protection’ within the system. The child, who is referred to as Jane Doe in a lawsuit, but whose real name is Devani, was taken from her parents because they had substance abuse issues.
Because her mother struggled with addiction, the state took Devani from her. Like mentioned before, they took her from a bad situation and threw her into a nightmare where she was repeatedly raped and tortured.
Breen’s job involved driving Devani from her foster home 90 miles away for a 2-hour supervised visit with her parents each week. Because the round trip was four hours, Breen spent more time with Devani than her parents.
During the interview, Breen states that there were 36 police reports made to the foster home in which Devani lived, but that they were never investigated. The foster parent, David Frodsham — the deputy commander of the Fort Huachuca Army base, a position he held after being kicked out of Afghanistan for deviant sexual behavior — would only be arrested after this monster became so overtly careless that he went to the foster office drunk to collect his check for fostering children.
Breen said she was perplexed at the fact that only three people were arrested in connection with the child sex trafficking and torture ring Frodsham was running out of his DCS-approved foster home. Instead of opening a statewide investigation after Frodsham and another sex-trafficking sicko were arrested, the state went after those who tried to expose it. During the interview, Breen explains how she was arrested for peacefully protesting the abuse of children inside the system.
In 2017, TFTP reported on Devani’s case and a subsequent lawsuit which is nothing short of something out of a horror film.
After having her child taken, Michelle Tremor-Calderon, the girl’s biological mother, began to improve her condition. With a clearer head, Tremor noticed that her daughter seemed to be deteriorating in the care of her state-appointed foster parent — David Frodsham.
“I did everything DCS wanted me to, and received certificates of completion, and was in full compliance when my rights were severed,” Tremor said.
After only a few weeks in the care of the Frodsham, multiple signs of abuse and neglect began to arise. However, no action was taken.
Tremor had pointed out, on multiple occasions, that her daughter had continued urinary-tract infections, which can sometimes indicate signs of repeated sexual abuse in children. Her concerns, however, fell on deaf bureaucratic ears.
“I told my CPS/DCS caseworker on several occasions due to my concerns, and they were all ignored,” Tremor said.
“Instead of investigating Jane Doe’s biological mother’s concerns of abuse, [DCS] and the defendant caseworkers accused her of making false and exaggerated reports to DCS,” the lawsuit states.
Despite jumping through all their hoops, the state refused to give back Tremor her daughter.
The longer she stayed away from her mom, the worst things got for little Devani.
Frodsham had been in the state’s foster program from 2002 until 2015 when he was removed after being caught DUI with children in his car — one of whom was Devani.
It was no ordinary DUI, however. This monster was so comfy with the statist system that was paying him to rape children that he went to the foster office drunk to get paid!
As the complaint notes, despite her mother’s repeated complaints, the state did not act on behalf of Devani until “David Frodsham, driving drunk, left 3-year-old Jane and another child in his parked car while he was collecting his foster parent check in a state office, while “visibly drunk and acting belligerent.”
Even after they found abused children in his car while drunk at the state office, the DCS did not conduct a review of his home. It took him getting arrested again — this time with another child rapist.
David Frodsham, the state’s choice for a better environment than her own mother, was arrested along with an active duty soldier for allegations of transferring child porn over the internet.
According to the lawsuit, “Later, David Frodsham was arrested and accused of sexual misconduct with a minor, procuring minors for sex, and possessing and/or manufacturing child pornography. Law enforcement’s investigation revealed a video made by David Frodsham of a 3- or 4-year-old girl being penetrated by an adult male and screaming for her mommy. David Frodsham pled guilty rather than face a trial and has been sentenced to 17 years in the Arizona Department of Corrections. David Frodsham was part of a pornography ring involving numerous children in his pornography and the procurement of sex for the ring.”
For more than a decade, this sicko likely preyed on children — all of whom were given to him by the State of Arizona.
Naturally, one would think, that once Tremor’s daughter was found to have been placed in a home and sexually abused because of the negligence of the state, they would give Devani back to her mom who had done everything they asked to improve her situation. However, one would be wrong.
Instead of reuniting this poor abused girl with her biological mother, she was placed into another horrifying nightmare.
Devani’s new state-appointed abuser was Samantha Osteraas. After staying with Osteraas for a few months, this little girl would be nearly killed.
According to the complaint, “Defendant Samantha Osteraas submerged and held down Jane Doe, a 5-year-old, in a bath of scalding hot water. Jane Doe suffered severe burns over 80 percent of her body. When police arrived, there was blood on the floor and pieces of Jane Doe’s skin were falling off her body. There were bruises to her neck and arms along with other signs of trauma.”
Devani was put into a medically induced coma, suffering from organ failure. She lost her toes to amputation “and will undergo lifelong operations to replace 80 percent of the skin on her body and will need incredible amounts of care for the duration of her life as a result of the abuse she suffered in the Osteraases’ home.”
No one within the agencies involved in placing this little girl in the ‘care’ of sick child abusers has been held accountable. The only means of accountability will come from this lawsuit which seeks punitive damages for negligence, respondeat superior, breach of duty, intentional infliction of emotional distress, assault and battery, and constitutional violations.
Sadly, as the Free Thought Project has reported far too many times, this is not an isolated incident.
Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many in the mainstream media and the government refuse to see this very real epidemic of child sex trafficking in the United States. What’s more, according to the government’s own data, the vast majority of a portion of these trafficked kids are coming from the government system who promises to keep them safe—a horrifying irony indeed. But it appears to be set up this way.
This system is set up to pull children from their families for ridiculous reasons and turn them over to for profit systems—funded by your tax dollars—that use these children as cash cows and have no incentive to keep them safe.
In 1984, the United States Congress established the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), and, as part of Missing Children’s Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2013 they receive $40 million to study and track missing and trafficked children in the United States.
In 2017, NCMEC assisted law enforcement with over 27,000 cases of missing children, the majority who were considered endangered runaways.
According to their most recent report complied from FBI data and their own, of the nearly 25,000 runaways reported to NCMEC in 2017, one in seven were likely victims of child sex trafficking. Of those, 88 percent were in the care of social services when they went missing.
Showing the scope of the abuse, in 2017 alone, NCMEC’s CyberTipline, a national mechanism for the public and electronic service providers to report instances of suspected child sexual exploitation, received over 10 million reports. According to NCMEC, most of these tips were related to the following:
- Apparent child sexual abuse images.
- Online enticement, including “sextortion.”
- Child sex trafficking.
- Child sexual molestation.
Other governmental organizations have corroborated this horrifying trend. In a 2013 FBI 70-city nationwide raid, 60 percent of the victims came from foster care or group homes. In 2014, New York authorities estimated that 85 percent of sex trafficking victims were previously in the child welfare system. In 2012, Connecticut police rescued 88 children from sex trafficking; 86 were from the child welfare system.
Equally as disturbing as the fact that most sex trafficked kids come from within the system is the fact that the FBI discovered in a 2014 nationwide raid that many foster children rescued from sex traffickers, including children as young as 11, were never reported missing by child welfare authorities.
Even high-level government officials have been ensnared in these foster care abuse scandals. As TFTP previously reported, multiple victims came forward and accused Seattle Mayor Ed Murray of sexually abusing them when they were children in Washington’s foster care system.
The records in that case, dating back to 1984, explicitly noted that Ed Murray should “never again be utilized as a certified CSD resource for children.” It also showed that a criminal case was brought against Murray by prosecutors but in spite of the multiple accusations, charges were somehow never filed and his records buried.
As Snopes and the mainstream media in general attempts to smear those who try to call attention to alleged and very real child trafficking, the government’s own data shows how irresponsible this is. While there are certainly some outlandish theories being presented online, the facts are outlandish enough to warrant serious scrutiny. Until this epidemic is taken seriously, the government, the media, and all those who deny it will remain complicit in keeping it going.
As Michael Dolce, who specializes in these horrific child abuse cases, pointed out last year, “we have set up a system to sex traffic American children.”
Indeed, and as the mainstream media continues to sensationalize issues like the non-crisis of vaping or measles or any other fear-mongering content, they are providing perfect cover to keep that system going.