Any Person of Influence (on TV, in Hollywood or Politics) Must Be a Member of the CABAL Or They Would Not Be There Including Psychics & They Must Be ZIONIST Shills (Against Russia & BRICs Nations Basically)
Singing From the Same Song sheet Cabal Puppets Supporting Cabal Agenda (WW3) By Supporting Ukraine Against Russia:

Comment: Note all the mainstream TV stations she is on. She also promotes their version of Geopolitics: Putin BAD. US Good! Here is the truth which NO CABAL Representative Can Tell:
Ron Wieczorek
Documentation Shows Ukraine’s Missile Struck Kramatorsk Station April 10 (EIRNS)—The Tochka-U missile which struck the train station in Kramatorsk killing over 50 civilians, and immediately blamed on Russia despite their denials, has been identified by its serial number as one of the Ukraine army’s missiles, according to Moon of Alabama and many other news outlets. The evidence is that the serial number on the wreckage of the missile found near the station is from a stock owned by the Ukraine Army. The report documents the serial numbers of several other missiles fired on Donbas by the Ukraine army over the years, including one recently, showing that the serial numbers come from the same series. One differed by only one digit to the one found in Kramatorsk—9M79-1 Sh91565 and 9M79-1 Sh91579.
Russian intelligence had earlier identified the probable location of the launch of the missile as lying within Ukrainian-controlled territory. It was known that the Russian military stopped using these missiles several years ago. Russia Reports How Kyiv Has Tried Twice To Rescue Remaining Azov Nazis in Mariupol April 10 (EIRNS)—Russia has reported a second attempt by the Kyiv regime’s forces to rescue Azov commanders in Mariupol (the first was a few days ago which failed because the D.P.R. militias shot down the two helicopters). This time, a ship tried to break through the Russian naval blockade. “On the evening of 8 April, the regime in Kyiv made a new unsuccessful attempt to evacuate the neo-Nazi fighters’ leaders [trapped in Mariupol] by sea. In the evening darkness the Ukrainian dry cargo vessel Apache, assigned to the Maltese port of Valletta and flying the Maltese flag, followed a caravan of ships from Taganrog Bay to the Kerch Strait,” Konashenkov said in a briefing on April 9. “At 10:38 pm, 30 km southeast of Mariupol, the vessel abruptly changed course and attempted to break through to the Mariupol port, blocked from the sea by forces of the Black Sea Fleet” of Russia. The ship ignored Russian commands to halt, radioing instead “This is ‘Maniac’, I am coming for you.” Signal fires were observed from Ukrainian-controlled areas of the shore. In order to block the further movement of the intruding vessel, a ship of the Black Sea Fleet and Russian border patrol boats opened fire on the Apache. A blaze broke out aboard the vessel after a direct hit to the stern at which point the crew gave up and asked for h
Comment: Cabal Representatives get HUUUGE financial rewards for representing this cabal (ZIONIST Crime Syndicate). They get heavy Media Coverage, HUGE paychecks. They are promoted so their books become best sellers, etc. Psychics being promoted by the media can charge huge fees and get more venues. In the end, Cabal Representatives are Sell Outs. They are actually promoting wars with Russia and China which, in the End, will DEVASTATE the United States as well as the people of the United States. This will not end well. A Better Way is for the United States to NORMALIZE Relations with Russia and China which would be easy to do if we had Sane Representatives. But we only have representatives representing this Jewish Mafia Cabal not the American People. They have made the United States the enemy of humanity with endless wars in which innocent people are being slaughtered. This is how it will end for those who continue to listen to the Lies of the Wicked:

The Reasons For And Dangers Behind The War In Ukraine
The war in the Ukraine continues but the propaganda hysteria around it seems to have calmed down a bit as reality is setting in.
This gives room from more sane voices to be heard by the public. I will start with the Russian ones.
The Russian ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Antonov, was interviewed by Newsweek. He explained Russia’s political and judicial reasoning behind the war:
“The special operation in Ukraine is the result of the unwillingness of the Kiev regime to stop the genocide of Russians by fulfilling its obligations under the international commitments,” Antonov told Newsweek. “The desire of the NATO member states to use the territory of a neighboring state to establish a foothold in the struggle against Russia is also obvious.”
To Russia, Antonov said that the [Maidan] revolution was a “bloody coup d’état instigated by the West” in which “ultranationalist ideas came to power in Kiev.” He said that policies viewed by Moscow as hostile such as the removal of Russian as a national language and the rehabilitation of nationalist Ukrainian figures such as Stepan Bandera, who collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II, had “taken root in Ukraine under external administration.”
Antonov argued that it was the “nationalist frenzy and revanchist sentiments of the Kiev regime” that resulted in the effective death of the Minsk deals as Ukraine chose “the path of rapid militarization” with help from abroad.“The NATO member countries have commenced a military exploration of Ukraine,” Antonov said. “It was flooded with Western weaponry while President Vladimir Zelensky announced Kiev’s plans to acquire nuclear weapons which would threaten not only neighboring countries, but also the entire world.”
“In this context, Russia had no other choice but to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics,” Antonov said. “Then, in accordance with Chapter VII, Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, with the authorization of the Federation Council of Russia and in execution of the Treaties of Friendship and Mutual Assistance with the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin made a decision to begin a special military operation.”“Its aim is to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine in order to reduce military threats posed by the Western states that are trying to use the fraternal Ukrainian people in the struggle against the Russians,” he added.
Sergey Karaganov is a high level Russian political scientist and commentator who is also a presidential advisor in Moscow. He was interviewed (in English) by the Italian Corriere Della Sera
Sergey Karaganov: «We are at war with the West. The European security order is illegitimate»
How can an attack be justified on such grounds?
«For 25 years people like myself have said that NATO expansion would lead to war. Putin said several times that if it came to Ukraine becoming a member of NATO, there would be no Ukraine anymore. In Bucharest in 2008 there was a plan of quick accession of Ukraine and Georgia to NATO. It was blocked by the efforts of Germany and France, but since that time Ukraine has been integrated into NATO. It was pumped up by weaponry and its troops were trained by NATO, their army getting stronger and stronger day by day. In addition we saw a very rapid increase of neo-Nazi sentiment especially among the military, the society and the ruling elite. It was clear that Ukraine had become something like Germany around 1936-1937. The war was inevitable, they were a spearhead of NATO. We made the very hard decision to strike first, before the threat becomes deadlier».
I recommend to read the whole Karaganov interview to better understand the Russian thinking.
“It was clear that Ukraine had become something like Germany around 1936-1937,” said Karaganov. The ‘western’ public has difficulties to understand that. But it is the prevailing Russian view and when analyzing the developments in the Ukraine over the last years with Russian history in mind one can easily come to the same conclusion.
It is also what the Canadian Russia expert Patrick Armstrong had mentioned as the most important item after he had read Putin’s speeches at the start of the war:
Had I been at home I would have read Putin’s speech earlier and understood sooner. What he is talking about is what the Soviet Union tried to do from 1933 onwards: namely to stop Hitler before he got started. This time Russia is able to do it by itself. In other words, Putin feels that he is making a pre-emptive attack to stop June 1941. This is very serious indeed and indicates that the Russians are going to keep going until they feel that they can safely stop.
The Russian view is not really that far fetched.
Here is a recent news agency video of officials of the Ukrainian Security Service SBU in front of a destroyed house seemingly praying with a priest for the deceased.
Note the fascist Right Sector patch the official carries on his arm and back. The SBU has become a kind of Gestapo tasked with eliminating opposition elements in Ukraine. The UN’s OHCHR, the OSCE, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International have all reported about the SBU’s many crimes.
There is also an ‘SS Galizien’ patch on the officers back which refers to the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) which fought with Nazi-Germany against the Soviet Union. Like many other SS division the 1st Galician was involved in serious war-crimes but later mostly whitewashed. After the war many of its surviving officers fled to Canada and to the United States.
The offspring of those officers and other immigrants from the Ukraine played a noticeable role in lobbying for the war.
That has been successful as the U.S. had chosen to support extreme elements in Ukraine in opposition to peace. This has, as Aaron Maté writes, moved president Zelensky from an election campaign position of finding peace with Russia to becoming a war maniac:
On a warm October day in 2019, the eminent Russia studies professor Stephen F. Cohen and I sat down in Manhattan for what would be our last in-person interview (Cohen passed away in September 2020 at the age of 81).
“Zelensky ran as a peace candidate,” Cohen explained. “He won an enormous mandate to make peace. So, that means he has to negotiate with Vladimir Putin.” But there was a major obstacle. Ukrainian fascists, Cohen warned, “have said that they will remove and kill Zelensky if he continues along this line of negotiating with Putin… His life is being threatened literally by a quasi-fascist movement in Ukraine.”Peace could only come, Cohen stressed, on one condition. “[Zelensky] can’t go forward with full peace negotiations with Russia, with Putin, unless America has his back,” he said. “Maybe that won’t be enough, but unless the White House encourages this diplomacy, Zelensky has no chance of negotiating an end to the war. So the stakes are enormously high.”
Although Trump’s impeachment failed to remove him from office, it succeeded in cementing the proxy war aims of its chief proponents: rather than support Zelensky’s peace mandate, Ukraine would instead be used to “fight Russia over there.”
I had earlier quoted an interview with Dmytro Yarosh, then the leader of the fascist Right Sector, who just a week after Zelenski had become president threatened him with death should he try to make peace with the eastern Ukrainian rebels. Yarosh later became an advisor to the chief general staff of the Ukrainian military. He is the main person behind the ongoing nazification of the Ukrainian military.
As ambassador Antonov has said the war in Ukraine is not only about the Ukraine.
Richard Falk, Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University, is correctly pointing out the two levels of the war we see:
It is not that the empathy for Ukraine or support for Zelensky’s national resistance is misplaced, but that it has the appearance of being geopolitically orchestrated and manipulated in ways that other desperate national situations were not, and thus gives rise to suspicions about other, darker motives.
This is worrisome because these magnified concerns have acted as a principal way that the NATO West has gone out of its way to make the Ukrainian War about more than Ukraine. The wider war is best understood as occurring on two levels: a traditional war between the invading forces of Russia and the resisting forces of Ukraine as intertwined with an encompassing geopolitical war between the US and Russia. It is the prosecution of this latter war that presents the more profound danger to world peace, a danger that has been largely obscured or assessed as a mere extension of the Russia/Ukraine confrontation.
If this two-level perception is correctly analyzed in its appreciation of the different actors with contradictory priorities, then it becomes crucial to understand that in the geopolitical war the US is the aggressor as much as in the traditional war on the ground Russia is the aggressor.
Falk concurs with professor John Mearsheimer who fears that the larger U.S. Russia conflict hidden behind the war in Ukraine may lead to widening of the conflict into a potential nuclear war.
Summarizing Mearsheimer’s recent talk with Katrina vanden Heuvel and ambassador James Matlock, the former CIA analyst Ray McGovern writes:
Speaking at an April 7 webinar, Mearsheimer was, true to form, “offensively realistic”. He explained: (1) the root cause lies in the April 2008 NATO summit Declaration that Ukraine (and Georgia) “will become members of NATO”; and (2) that Russia sees this as an “existential threat” and therefore “must win” this one.
For President Joe Biden and the Democrats, even though Ukraine poses zero strategic threat to the U.S., a Russian “win” would be, politically, a “devastating defeat”, says Mearsheimer. In that sense, the conflict is a “must-win” for the US as well. Underscoring the obvious, he noted it is impossible for both sides to “win” – at least not in current circumstances.
Noting that US academics and policy makers don’t believe NATO’s designs on Ukraine represent an existential threat to Russia, Mearsheimer is as blunt as his courteous mien permits. “What people in Washington believe is irrelevant. What matters is what Russia believes.” He rejects the “mainstream” view that Putin’s Russia is motivated by expansionist aims, and asks the savants in Washington to put concrete evidence behind their claims. Moreover, “There is no evidence in what Putin has said that he wants to make Ukraine part of Russia,” Mearsheimer adds.
Towards the end of a talk with Gonzalo Lira former Marine officer and UN Inspector Scott Ritter disputes the potential for escalation. The Pentagon, he says, knows the real situation on the ground and that the Ukrainian army will lose the war. Neither NATO, nor the U.S. nor single countries like Poland have their forces configured in a way that would allow them to successfully wage war against Russia. They would need more time to get ready than Russia will need to win the war in Ukraine.
Ritter predicts that the Pentagon will overrule any escalation the Ukraine warmongers in the State Department and National Security Council may plan and that those responsible for the current mess, Victoria Nuland, Anthony Blinken and Jake Sullivan, will get silenced or removed after the midterms.
I hope he is right.
Posted by b on April 11, 2022 at 16:33 UTC | PermalinkComments« previous page | next page »
news report
Four days after joining the New Hampshire Republican primary, U.S. Senate hopeful and bitcoin millionaire Bruce Fenton compared the widespread adoration of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the reaction to Osama bin Laden, warning that bin Laden was also once seen as a “hero.”
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 12 2022 2:15 utc | 201
Posted by: james | Apr 11 2022 16:45 utc | 1
Special thanks to you, james, for posting bevin’s comment. I’ve returned to it several times as it is so well written – especially including the final statement:
“…Sadly the US has made a mockery of International Law and Justice for many years. It has discredited the peaceful anhd diplomatic solution of international problems.
This is a crime far worse than a single act of aggression. It amounts to a restoration of barbarism in international affairs.”
Very appropriate for this comment to be first after b’s. Thanks also to bevin.
Posted by: juliania | Apr 12 2022 2:16 utc | 202
Cadence Calls | Apr 12 2022 1:49 utc | 191
zelensky is a Kolomoisky protege. jews vs nazi’s think Soros in his younger days. Kolomoisky owns zelensky, finances the nazi volunteer battalions and was involved in MH17.
Ah yes the threat… from co workers? He is an actor, a well made ventriloquist puppet. that shit about him winning on a mandate for peace…CIA are no doubt good at what they do and wrote up suitable script for the actor to follow.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 2:17 utc | 203
juliania | Apr 12 2022 2:16 utc | 197
Until your comment that is something I simply took for granted but it certainly goes to the heart of what is occurring today, is perhaps well known outside the US west but where ever possible needs to be spread within the so called west.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 2:26 utc | 204
Posted by: Boo | Apr 11 2022 16:55 utc | 7
Unfortunately for you, the news coming from Donbass are not good for the ukies. This is what is left of blockpost 29 after few days of bombing barages:
Thanks for that, Boo. I do so love seeing photographic proof of dead Nazis.
Posted by: Pacifica Advocate | Apr 12 2022 2:26 utc | 205
librul 19- New NAto force on Eastern edge-
I would worry so much about that- I Command General giving testifying to US congress when asked the same said- not exactly- Well first we have to be invited/ then the country would have to spend roughly $20 billion dollars to setup bases for a ‘Corps’ ( men strength 20,00- to 0,000 ) and maybe 3 billion annually to keep the ‘Corps level’ operational. Now the US ‘seems’ to have a bottomless pit of dollars- However trouble in finance is close to breaking out in Wall Street/ banking Currency worlds,so this is a illusion of financial strength. So if you think one of the Baltic states would fund this, you have to be on drugs. As when Pres Trump views on Europe was they have to pay their own way. So it’s just posturing by NATO that a effective , say, Corps level force could be constituted close to Russia.
Posted by: col from OZ | Apr 12 2022 2:31 utc | 206
As I stated earlier, since U.S. intelligence is fixated on cracking the code to Putin’s thinking, and they haven’t been successful yet, they’re resorting to projection and making things up like: Putin is going to mess with the Midterms and the Presidential election cuz he’s desperate and angry, so he’ll attack voting machines cuz now that he’s got nothing left to lose he has a higher risk tolerance. I kid you not; they’re already sowing this non-intel intelligence about an election threat by Putin.
The United States believes Russian President Vladimir Putin may be willing to take more aggressive action against the US, including dialing up his attempts to interfere with American elections in response to its support for Ukraine, according to four sources familiar with recent US intelligence assessments.
That could include direct attacks on US election infrastructure, among a broad range of options, the sources said.
There is no evidence that Putin has made a decision to interfere in upcoming elections or that he has preferred candidates, the sources said.Putin more willing to take risks
The intelligence community has made understanding Putin’s mindset a priority since early in the invasion, sources familiar with internal deliberations told CNN. Raw assessments have pointed to his increasingly unpredictable behavior, and US officials believe Putin is more willing to consider taking risks due to his anger over Russia’s failures in Ukraine — something his advisers, who officials say have not been telling him the full truth, did not prepare him for.
The Associated Press reported on Saturday that Putin may use US support for Ukraine as a pretext to interfere in US elections.
What? The AP too?
I actually saw this as Breaking News on CNN’s news banner earlier and there was discussion on it.
This is just one example of why Andrei Martyanov refers to the mainstream as media whores and I second this opinion.
Posted by: Circe | Apr 12 2022 2:49 utc | 207
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Apr 11 2022 20:58 utc | 86
The Finnish membership in Nato is certain, after the Finnish government dropped the promised referendum .
In this feverish atmosphere, the referendum could give the same result.
Only thing to prevent this, would be Russia showing, that Nato’s article 5 is useless.
This couldt be done with the destruction of Romanian missile base.
Posted by: ka | Apr 12 2022 2:49 utc | 208
@Posted by: Jen | Apr 12 2022 1:20 utc | 183
Wow, Mark Chapman seems to have done well for himself since killing John Lennon! I couldn’t resist ….
Thanks for your comments.
Posted by: Roger | Apr 12 2022 2:55 utc | 209
the unipolar world = the weaponization of wahhabism and fascism. Islamic extremists for Russia China Afghanistan MENA. Nazi’s for eastern Europe.
The anglosphere – state sponsors of terrorism.
james, I’m a bit of a knuckle dragger when it comes to music. I liked ACDC’s ‘Its a long way to the top’ and ‘Highway to hell’ when I was flying. I did not expect to survive that.
Now looking at the geopolitical situation, I like Eve of destruction’ but also sonny and cher’s ‘the beat goes on’ (lyrics need changing but still I think accurate for the so called west) The beat goes on. Human nature unchanged. At least in the west. The east – open to change that eliminates warfare while preserving cultures. There was something about constant revolution but current day east seems to look at constant evolution.
Other than a disintegrating empire there are no historical precedents to what is occurring now.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 2:59 utc | 210
An excellent take on the situation with the China-Solomon Islands security deal from Brian Berletic and a guest, really showing the difference between US/Australian/Western approaches and Chinese approaches. No wonder the Chinese keep winning and all the West can do is try to create chaos.
Posted by: Roger | Apr 12 2022 3:09 utc | 211
#86 “Sweden and Finland joining will lead to a huge catastrophe, but I also think cooler heads in both countries will prevail”
The Finnish membership in Nato is certain, after the Finnish government dropped the referendum, which was promised always, since the talk about it started in 1991.
In this feverish atmosphere, also the referendum could give the same result.
The only thing to prevent this, would be Russia showing, that Nato’s article 5 is useless.
This could be done for example with the destruction of Romanian missile base.
Posted by: ka | Apr 12 2022 3:14 utc | 212
ka | Apr 12 2022 3:14 utc | 206
Napoleon tried it, Hitler tried it, Montgomery recommended against it… in the end the Russian flag will fly above the US Reichstag.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 3:22 utc | 213
Roger | Apr 12 2022 3:09 utc | 205
I see US have sent a hitman to Solomon islands. Its a wait and watch on that one.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 3:29 utc | 214
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Apr 11 2022 17:02 utc | 9
The same western Jewish banking system that put their weight behind the allies AGAINST the Germans are the same people propping up the Ukes against the Russians.
The comparison between Ukraine and 1938 Germany is the one thing that continues to make me scratch my head over this whole thing.
But, when you realize the term Nazi means very little nowadays, or that its meaning has been dilluted by mass appropriation by every group the world over who needs a boogeyman term to conjure up sympathy, it becomes understandable that the term Nazi is the well in which every peoples in the world can scream into.
My, my, my: that’s a mighty Nazi-sounding thing to say, there, because it sounds an awful lot like you’re trying to promote that old wive’s tale about how the Rothschilds and their Jewish allies control the world financial system and orchestrate all global conflicts.
Anyone who knows anything about finance knows that while the current global Western financial system does contain an outsized Jewish membership up at the top, the vast (vast!) majority of global financiers are of blue-blood UK Norman, US-WASP, and French (and increasingly German) descent.
In Asia, of course, they’re predominantly Chinese, because the Chinese have been doing banking five to eight times longer than the West has been–which means you will likely (provided we live long enough) soon be switching back to the old “Yellow Peril” nonsense you sorts favored back in the 1800s.
We can’t have our governments continue to obfuscate and lie to us in this regard. It is obscurantinism and it is a telltale sign of a global cabal of elites who are doing the devil’s work.
While I’ll agree with you that there is a global cabal of elites, your implication that it’s strictly a group of Jews up there is asinine and utterly ahistorical. The oligarchs running the world’s affairs, these days, are mainly North Americans (almost all of whose ancestors emigrated there from greater Europe), British (again, mostly Normans), and Franco-Prussian (are you aware of which country kicked off the dismantling and partition of Yugoslavia? Here’s a hint: while the US did participate, it was a relative latecomer to that particular set of atrocities). Jews remain a relatively small and minor player, among that group. China, Russia, Iran, India, Indonesia, and Japan all have more power to influence world affairs than “Jewish bankers” (more properly: Israelis/Zionists, because not all Jews affirm those ideologies) do.
Now, regarding Ukronazis: if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, then it most certainly is a duck. The Ukronazis fly literal Nazi flags, wear Nazi insignia, build monuments to and name streets after mass-murdering Nazis, and have made it perfectly clear that they want to wipe out all use of the Russian language, its associated symbols and rituals, and any vestiges of Russian culture within the areas these Galician Nazis are able to control by ethnically cleansing the region of all actual people who are ethnically Russian.
Add to all of that the fact that these people have been doing these things going all the way back to WWII and yes, that makes them Nazis. Not “neo-Nazis,” but literal unreformed, shameless, WWII-era Nazis.
I’m just wondering, Nemesis: have you ever heard of Kievan Rus’? The Cossacks? If you have, then you’ll know that the Galician language dominating the greater Ukraine region is a relatively (~100 years?) recent phenomenon–it was formally banned in most of what today calls itself “Ukraine” for a couple of hundred years prior to that.
So what we have here are a group of upstart Nazis who, going all the way back to the end of WWII, have been nourished, trained, and supplied by the US and the UK (the Norman Lordships do viscerally hate the Russians–and Slavs in general, to be frank)–not “Jewish bankers”, which is just a fucking stupid thing to assert–as a weapon to be used to limit first Soviet and now Russian economic development and cultural renaissance.
“Jews” don’t really much enter into it except as bit players invited in by the CIA or MI-6 to perform minor roles. Moreover, if “Jewish Bankers” really were as powerful as you say they are, then why is Ukraine’s economy in such a shambles? Why did it deteriorate so precipitously the moment the US/uk pulled off that 2014 coup?
Posted by: Pacifica Advocate | Apr 12 2022 3:31 utc | 215
The Finnish politicians must be mad. Or US educated. (The difference is imperceptible.)
Posted by: bevin | Apr 12 2022 3:33 utc | 216
#207 “Napoleon tried it, Hitler tried it, Montgomery recommended against it… in the end the Russian flag will fly above the US Reichstag.”
Finland tried it too, and was the integral part of killing over 1 million civilians in Leningrad.
I know, I’m Finnish!
Posted by: ka | Apr 12 2022 3:34 utc | 217
@ 197
diplomacy: the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations, typically by a country’s representatives abroad.
Has there been anyone in Washington who understands this? Who can stop insulting and sanctioning other governments?
No, instead we’ve had Hillary, and Pompeo, and Blinken, and Jake the Snake.
…and look at the State Dept motto:
“To protect and promote U.S. security, prosperity, and democratic[sic] values and shape an international environment in which all Americans can thrive.”
It’s all about ME with no consideration of YOU. That’s not managing relations.
Suppose other countries were this way? What a world it would be.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 12 2022 3:39 utc | 218
Pacifica Advocate@209
Thanks for that lengthy, eloquent and historically accurate statement.
It is lamentable, without being intolerable, that so many people have been misled into simplistic antisemitic views.
They are not to blame, however: socialists instead of concentrating on political education have wasted enormous amounts of energy and organisational work on sectarian infighting. The result has been a clear run for right wing propaganda because the ‘left’ is too busy committing suicide to defend the world view that it inherited.
Posted by: bevin | Apr 12 2022 3:43 utc | 219
Posted by: Roger | Apr 12 2022 3:09 utc | 205
Watch Brian everyday and read comments… but never once comments in YouTube..he was an ex-marine married, now living in Thailand… excellent….well informed geopolitics of the east – a pro Chinese and Russian.. maybe Gonzalo Lira should interview him…
Posted by: JC | Apr 12 2022 3:47 utc | 220
Lex #192
Lavrov doesn’t do slip of the tongue. …. Or, someone finally pointed out that the emperor has no clothes.
I wish Lavrov all the best in this moment of liberation. Consider his joy – rarely does a world leading diplomat of his class ever get to tell the enemy nation that they are a turd. Especially Lavrov, presenting such a dour front most of the time and now he can call the west for what they are.
Its enough to make a Russian want to dance.
At this rate of success the conga line would encircle the globe and include most of its people.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Apr 12 2022 3:48 utc | 221
Pacifica Advocate | Apr 12 2022 3:31 utc | 209
The mindfuck here for those that worship holocaust is the nazi volunteer battalions in Ukraine are often financed by jewish oligarchs. Soros pimped for the nazi’s
woke bullshit pervades. judaism is not far distant to wahhabism. each individual must be taken on their merits.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 3:49 utc | 222
What you refer to is also true of the three Baltic states. And a matter for deep national contemplation, which makes the current insane desire to leap onto the sinking ship of US Imperialism all the more astonishing.
“Roll up, roll up for the Mystery Tour”- the Owl of Minerva’s last flight.
Posted by: bevin | Apr 12 2022 3:50 utc | 223
@ Circe 202
Not to worry, the CIA has Putin all figured out.
Speaking to the House Intelligence Committee last month, intelligence leaders said Russian President Vladimir Putin believed he could take the capital in the first two days. Over a month into the war, Russian forces retreated into eastern Ukraine after failing to advance inside the city.
“He was confident that he had modernized his military and they were capable of quick, decisive victory at minimum cost. He’s been proven wrong on every count,” CIA director William Burns said at the March hearing. . .here
We’ll get an update from Burns after General Dvornikov takes him to school in Donbass, as he did in Syria.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 12 2022 3:53 utc | 224
Don Bacon | Apr 12 2022 3:53 utc | 218
The school of hard knocks.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 3:58 utc | 225
@Posted by: JC | Apr 12 2022 3:47 utc | 214
They would make a great pairing. To get a relatively unbiased picture of China and Asia I watch Brian, as well as Cyrus Jansen and Daniel Dumbrill. Numuves also posts some interesting stuff.
Posted by: Roger | Apr 12 2022 4:06 utc | 226
RE: Corriere Della Sera interview
That dumb Italian journalist trots out the same tired old line that Ukraine has no nazi problem because Zelensky. It’s like saying that the US has been cured of racism because Obama, a black man, was president. Yeah sure, racism vanished from the land of the free the minute Obama was elected. Trump? George Floyd? The murdered Chinese and Korean women? That’s just minor details. It’s getting better all the time in the best of worlds.
I think it was Cornel West who said that Obama was a black mascot for Wall Street. In the same way, Zelensky is a Jewish mascot for the Ukronazis.
Posted by: Robert Macaire | Apr 12 2022 4:19 utc | 227
Tom_Q_Collins | Apr 11 2022 21:42 utc | 101
There is little to nothing out there. Here are a few things you might use to hit the right search terms
I see that Ukraine is considering passing a law that all military aged men must return or face severe punishment. I see the NATO countries using this as an opportunity to clear the shelves of excess population so to speak.
Posted by: circumspect | Apr 12 2022 4:34 utc | 228
@209 Pacifica
You make it sound as if the Nazism of the NSDAP was the first-run of anti-Jewish sentiment in history.
It is not. Anyone who has investigated the issue knows that Jews get thrown out of most countries eventually. Even Stalin purged them.
Secondly, for you to insist that the torching of Yugoslovia was about anything other than squeezing Russia by expanding full spectrum dominance, that is silly. And why oh why would the west still have it in with Russia? Is it because they are a resurgent Christian Nation hellbent on restoring the Tsarist Christian Empire? You bet your ass it is? And why of why would the Christian West have it in for a Christian Russia?
How about I give YOU a hint, Pacifica? On second thought, you have probably figured out who I am referring to.
Stalin purged them. They escaped to the west and have had it in for Russia ever since.
Here is another question for the bar? Why is it ok for countries in Europe to have political parties with the name such as “Such and such-Christian Party?”
Why can’t we have one such party in the U.S.? Then we can openly state that we hate Jewish Banking because of its cancerous usury and innate drive to consolidation of power.
But here in the states we have been conditioned to stare with mouths agape at any notion of the JQ.
Morally repellant to be so dim if you ask me.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Apr 12 2022 4:36 utc | 229
@ karlof1 with the Lavrov quote about the Ukraine activity being part of ending the bankers wars…thanks
You know I have been banging that drum for a while. What continues to amaze and confound me is the lack of direct calling out of the global private finance cult by China and now Russia has a perfect reason to speak about the curtain and those behind it.
It is one thing to condemn and prosecute the West for the things it does but another still to address the social structure problem that supports aggressive and anti-humanistic behavior in the first place.
Will the shit show be stopped or ended?
I think that the exposure and prosecution of those empire tools trapped in Azovstal would go a long way toward exposing the shit show for the Might-Makes-Right barbarism tool it is for the God of Mammon cult.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Apr 12 2022 4:50 utc | 230
Martina @ 124
Ukraine is another step on the long road of eliminating Russia allies, isolating Russia, and encircling Russia. The shared culture makes it much more difficult. NATO will not relent no matter how much Ukraine shrinks.
It will continue to run color revolutions at Belarus until it is smashed or it folds into their camp. It has only been going on since the fall of the Soviet Union. The list of countries are endless. The moves of the West are methodical and relentless.
Whatever rump part of Ukraine is left it would be in the interest of Russia to keep it a demilitarized poverty stricken basket case and promote the territories it supports. Word will get out. Modern communications works both ways.
As one poster noted. NATO’s interest is in supplying weapons, the hell with economic support. They are already looking at beefing up rail systems in Eastern Europe. They know running the Black Sea is not going to happen.
Posted by: circumspect | Apr 12 2022 4:52 utc | 231
NemesisCalling | Apr 12 2022 4:36 utc | 223
And why oh why would the west still have it in with Russia? Is it because they are a resurgent Christian Nation hellbent on restoring the Tsarist Christian Empire? You bet your ass it is? And why of why would the Christian West have it in for a Christian Russia?
Because they’re the wrong type of Christians? I know that sounds unlikely, but Europe has a long history of having violent clashes over religion – from the conflict between the Nicaeans and the Arians in the later Roman Empire, to the Crusades to the Protestant – Catholic wars.
Now, I think most of these conflicts were probably about other things – access to resources, competition between power blocks, and the like – but they were dressed up in religious colours, so two parties both being Christian isn’t quite the guarantor of peace it might be.
Posted by: Kukulkan | Apr 12 2022 5:02 utc | 232
@ 197 juliania – thanks… and @ 199 peter au as well.. thanks.
@ Pacifica Advocate | Apr 12 2022 3:31 utc | 209
thanks for your post… i learn something new every day around here..
Posted by: james | Apr 12 2022 5:05 utc | 233
Sergey Karaganov is a high level Russian political scientist and commentator who is also a presidential advisor in Moscow.
From the above it sounds that Karaganov is close to Putin. I would argue that is not correct.
I have run onto Karaganov’s texts before and something did not sound right to me so I did a little bit of research. Here are couple points about the guy:
Karaganov is in a Board of Governors of East-West Bridge (Trilateral Commission)
Sergei Karaganov, head of the independent Council on Foreign and Defense Policy
The Council for Foreign and Defense Policy (SWAP) is a non-governmental public association founded on February 25, 1992 in Moscow by a group of politicians, business association leaders, businessmen, public and state figures, representatives of the power ministries, military-industrial complex, science and mass media information.
Financial support for the Council’s activities is provided through sponsorship fees, grants, donations from individuals and non-governmental organizations.
Karaganov is close to Prikhodko, Markov said, but not to the Kremlin as a whole. “Many [of the council’s] proposals aren’t accepted and some are even sneered at,” he said. The once mighty U.S.A. and Canada Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, headed by Sergei Rogov, has even less of a role in policy-making, Markov added“>”>
Is seems that Karaganov served on the International Advisory Board of the (US) Council on Foreign Relations.
I would leave it to barflies to make conclusions by themselves
Posted by: Vajezatha | Apr 12 2022 5:15 utc | 234
Some thoughts that may well be wrong. Phase one was a reconnaissance in force. A sounding out out. An opportunity for Ukraine to see the light. Phase two that is about to begin will be more like an impenetrable Greek phalanx moving forward.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 5:17 utc | 235
Posted by: S | Apr 11 2022 20:16 utc | 76
Thank you for the translation. I reposted it here on VK:
Discrimination of the Russian language is the Koshchey’s needle¹ of Ukrainian Nazism
Posted by: Petri Krohn | Apr 12 2022 5:20 utc | 236
I haven’t had chance to read the comments on this post tonight so don’t know if this fits here or not or has been posted already, but I’m sure a number of people here watch Patrick Lancaster’s youtube videos where he tries to show the reality on or at the “contact line” in the lower Donbas. Lancaster is a ex-pat American U.S. Navy veteran who hooked up with the Russian gal in Donetsk and now has a young family. He has been reporting on the Donbas war since at least Dec 2016 but most of his videos are from the current,expanded conflict.
Anyway, Lancaster had sent his family away a few weeks back after a close by Ukie arty or rocket attack on Donetsk. Perhaps the wife has relatives between the southern Ukie-Rus border and Rostov-on-the-Don. On 11 April, a Tochka-U rocket landed a couple hundred meters from where Lancaster’s family was staying in a little rural Russian village. Luckily, it was out in a farm field. Lancaster doesn’t say his family was targeted in his video but it’s sure interesting that the Ukies land a rocket in this very rural place. I’m sure George Washington Zelinsky’s state security people watch Lancaster’s youtube channel and the borderlands are a “small” place, people know people who know people…
Of course the western MSM will never report it. They won’t even knowledge Patrick Lancaster exists and is doing the job they are supposed to be doing. I hope Patrick and his family survive this war…
Posted by: DakotaRog | Apr 12 2022 5:30 utc | 237
A Russian Greek phalanx? total air cover from artillery, MLRS and whatever else the US Ukies lob at them. Concentrated force, concentrated drone sat recon, concentrated long range fire power.
A change of commanders for the Ukraine operation… Putin would have gone for the soft option first. Events have ruled that out so now a new commander and the hard option.
The coming operation to remove the threat to the ethnic Russian donbas will I think be full on.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 5:32 utc | 238
circumspect | Apr 12 2022 4:34 utc | 222
Thank you, very good info.
To the thread, is it my ‘gaming’ keyboard or has anyone else hit CTRL+V to paste some text and the text/zoom size shrinks drastically?
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Apr 12 2022 5:35 utc | 239
To S and Petri
I sincerely apologize for missing this important information, but I also decry this ‘blog’ platform for making replies and searches less easy.
That answers many of my questions about discrimination against Russian and gives me starting points for further research.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Apr 12 2022 5:39 utc | 240
Vajezatha | Apr 12 2022 5:15 utc | 228
The most important and influential group in Russia today is that put together by Putin a year or two back. It doesn’t make the news much but is headed by Dmitry Medvedev.
Anything put out by Medvedev as head of this group is just as important to read as anything put out by Putin or Lavrov.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 5:48 utc | 241
@bjk | Apr 12 2022 1:06 utc | 179
When opening the link, I get a blurred image with notice “media is too big,” as frequently happens. Do I need to download Telegram for this to work? I don’t seem to be able to update anything since my Ubuntu 19.04 library functions malfunctioned about 1 1/2 years ago.
Yes, in general you need to install Telegram for it to work. There are other ways, but I would install Telegram.
As for Ubuntu 19.04, it is now obsolete, it is not an LTS (Long Term Support) version. Ubuntu comes with new versions every 6 months, lasting for a year+ or so until an upgrade is required. The LTS versions come every 2 years in April and are supported much longer. 18.04, 20.04, 22.04 are LTS versions. I have 20.04 since 2 years ago and plan to upgrade to 22.04 some time in ~July when bugs have been ironed out.
Posted by: Norwegian | Apr 12 2022 5:52 utc | 242
I don’t know what to believe anymore, but I do know that the US can’t win a single war against poverty stricken 3rd world countries, so how in God’s name do they think there is even a remote chance to win against Russia?
The scary thing here in the US, is that we now have dangerous Zionist psychopaths running the State Dept who don’t give two shits about anything but world hegemony, no matter what it takes it or who dies while trying
And if Democrats are good enough as they have been in rigging elections, we might never rid ourselves of eugenicist Zionist like Vicky Nuland and her Zionist billionaire friends. The only thing I feel remotely hopeful about now is that more folks are waking up to US machinations and outright lies about President Putin and Russia that I support 100%
Scary times indeed
Posted by: Kay | Apr 12 2022 5:53 utc | 243
Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 5:48 utc | 235
Anything put out by Medvedev as head of this group is just as important to read as anything put out by Putin or Lavrov
I do agree. It is always important to know what the fifth column (Russian Liberals) is up to.
Posted by: Vajezatha | Apr 12 2022 5:58 utc | 244
Why is a Russian Intelligence General in Moscow Lefortovo Prison?
There are several explanations for why Putin decided to throw Beseda under the bus now. Some say it’s due to the bad intelligence before the war. But inside the FSB most sources seem to think it was his failure to create and fund a pro-Kremlin opposition to Kyiv’s regime. In any case, that is being used in the official line of investigation, according to sources.
I thought there were political parties in the Ukraine that were Russian oriented.
The most likely explanation is that Beseda’s Fifth Service was also still in charge of maintaining official contacts with the CIA. Many people in Moscow and the Kremlin have been asking themselves why U.S. intelligence before the war was so accurate.
The intel predicting the war could have been from communication intercepts, satellite surveillance or maybe they listened to Putin and guessed what he would do to counter their moves. The West was correct and were not shy in publicizing that they knew about the start of this war.
Putin smacks down Russia spy chief over backing Ukraine separatist regions
Interesting level of fear and lack of policy clarity in that intelligence official.
Russian general killed and clutch of spy chiefs arrested
The FSB’s Fifth Service is the organisation that gave Mr Putin information on the political situation in Ukraine, which may have suggested that the Kyiv government would rapidly collapse and be easily replaced with Russian puppets.
I find that hard to believe that one would take a country to war on such light and airy notions. Losses may be higher than many believe.
Posted by: circumspect | Apr 12 2022 6:02 utc | 245
Peter AU1 | Apr 12 2022 5:48 utc | 235
The Security Council of the Russian Federation
The Council on Foreign and Defense Policy
Posted by: Vajezatha | Apr 12 2022 6:08 utc | 246
mmmmmmmmMMMMM smells like COPIUM in the morning
Posted by: you’rewhitedon’t@me | Apr 12 2022 6:14 utc | 247
circumspect | Apr 12 2022 6:02 utc | 239
Christo Grozev and Bellingcat are not reliable sources.
No official confirmation so far.
Posted by: Vajezatha | Apr 12 2022 6:21 utc | 248
The combined West has no chance of defeating Russia or China. The s-300s that Slovakia gave to Ukraine was effectively blown up today by kinzhal missiles fired from Russia boats.
This nonsense about re-arming Ukraine is a joke. The propaganda machine will continue to intensify but the facts on the ground is all that matters. What hurts us is the skyrocketing inflation, food prices and shortages and in Europe, already setting in.
Some still believe in superpower America, but I suggest to take that to the grocery store, and see if you can get groceries.
Posted by: Karl luck | Apr 12 2022 6:22 utc | 249
Karl luck | Apr 12 2022 6:22 utc | 243
Have you heard Psaki?
Putin is responsible for high inflation in US !
Posted by: Vajezatha | Apr 12 2022 6:29 utc | 250
I think Scott Ritter could be right to be optimistic about the Pentagon only if this war took place on the American continent.
I hope fate will prove me wrong, but I have a very gloomy prognosis because in my life I have never seen such a level of blindness around me.
Posted by: Marjorie | Apr 12 2022 6:29 utc | 251
Lavrov: Our special military operation is designed to put an end to the reckless expansion and course towards the complete domination of the United States and the rest of NATO countries in the international arena.
The meaning has not yet been grasped, but in fact it is crystal clear and unequivocable.
Even before the start of the special operation Russia made it clear that NATO assets had to be removed to pre-1997 positions, and that if they will not do that themselves Russia will remove them herself. Russia waited long painful years for this moment, determined and resolute. She waited until she was in a position to impose her will by force, because she knew it would never come without force. That meant she had to be ready for all-out war with US/NATO.
Since the operation started the US/NATO have doubled down, making the full neutralisation of US/NATO military capability ever more utterly unavoidable.
That is why Russia readied such large forces before the start of the special operation, yet unly used a small fraction of them – because she must be ready for total war if necessary. That is why the entire Ukraine operation has been fought as though Russia had her hands tied behind her back – almost no highest-tech weapons except Kinzhal, very limited EW, very limited AD (even though she positioned S500 units at her borders prior to the operation), no SU-57, only older drones, etc – because her core weapons secrets had to be held tightly to her chest for the main battle.
Talking of the Pentagon not being willing and/or not daring to enter direct warfare against Russia is totally irrelevant – once you have committed your pieces to the battle they cannot be removed! The USA has already irrevocably committed itself to all-out warfare with Russia – in such a multitude of ways – that move cannot be reversed. No wonder the US and NATO are in such a tantrum! They can see they are no match for Russia, yet they cannot get out.
In theory it was stated again and again that Russia had taken out in the first 24 hours the ability of Ukraine’s high command to give orders and control her troops – but that’s irrelevant – because Ukraine’s army was and still is under the direct control of NATO at the level of platoon. Every fire is targetted and controlled and fired by NATO command on the basis of surveillance by NATO assets (aircraft, satellites etc). Ukraine’s army are just the zombies carrying out a zombie mission under NATO control.
It is obvious that in their exceptional stupidity and arrogance the US really did think that after 8 years meticulous preparations they could fight Russia in Ukraine and win (according to their own battle plans of course, not Russia’s). That’s why they had and still have large numbers of high level NATO officers right there in the Donbass and in Mariupol. For some time that was just rumours, but now Russia has officially confirmed it.
Supplying weapons; training; planning operations; officers on the ground in the thick of the battle; direct control by NATO of orders to combatants at platoon level; fire control; provision of targetting data; strategic control of the battle; … for these reasons and more, the US is already 100% a combatant, and was so from even before the start of the Special Operation. Any military operation by Russia against the US whatsoever – including on continental USA – is totally legitimised under international law because the US/NATO are full participants in the hostilities – and were full participants in the attacks against Donbass that triggered the Special Operation.
Make no mistake – Russia will take such operations – when the time is right and under conditions that are optimal for her.
One day, after the Special Operation in Ukraine is secured and requiring minimal commitment of forces, key satellites and the major optical fibres will suddenly go dead. All Western key radar stations will be destroyed. All air defences will be destroyed. Airfields will be destroyed before aircraft can take off. Then every US/NATO/allied military asset in the entire world will be comprehensively destroyed. In the continental north America, UK, Europe, Australia, Japan, and every overseas base, every ship, every aircraft. Every Western arms manufacturer will be totally destroyed. There will be no “invasion” – only stand-off weapons (except in limited cases to take war criminals captive for trial).
This much has been predetermined by the combination of the following: Russia’s declared demands before the start of the Special Operation; US/NATO commitments to full participation prior to and after the start of the operation; US/NATO doubling down after the start of the operation; etc. The US/NATO was an existential threat to Russia before the start of the operation; after doubling down they are even more of an existential threat, and it is clear that that threat cannot be removed except by eliminating it.
No “decision” or “choice” by the US is necessary for the described Russian escalation to take place, the US has no choice, it has blown it’s choice and burnt its boats. The US has committed all the prerequisite conditions for this course of events in advance – an avoidance is now inconceivable and impossible – except perhaps through unconditional surrender by the US, which of course in not going to happen.
Posted by: BM | Apr 12 2022 6:50 utc | 252
circumspect #225
NATO will not relent no matter how much Ukraine shrinks.
It will continue to run color revolutions at Belarus until it is smashed or it folds into their camp. It has only been going on since the fall of the Soviet Union. The list of countries are endless. The moves of the West are methodical and relentless.
Whatever rump part of Ukraine is left it would be in the interest of Russia to keep it a demilitarized poverty stricken basket case and promote the territories it supports. Word will get out. Modern communications works both ways.
YES! Thank you. That is exactly the best analysis and I am fairly certain that Russia has the picture regardless of their public statements. Lavrov’s recent blunt remarks reinforce it for me.
If Russia leaves one square centimeter of dirt unaccounted for the Polish nazis will insist it is theirs and that some ancient fascist hero’s blood is actually right there – a sacred site etc, etc. Likely they will say that anyway. IMO the Russians will make life intolerable for the westies in a month or two by just walking around and smiling and taking selfies (when they get their phones back). The westies will end up in Paris, Shropshire, Belfast, Malta, Corsica etc what fun!
I am not sure The New Ukraine will be exactly safe though as the place will be awash with early release criminals who might have survived the war and footloose fascists seeking revenge on anything living at all. Zelensky and his NATO team have truly fractured the place.
Posted by: uncle tungsten | Apr 12 2022 7:03 utc | 253
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Comment: The Jewish Crime Cabal is actually Satanic and these Puppets are part of this Satanic Anti-Humanity Cabal. At the top this cabal is SO EVIL Americans will not believe it. They are a gullible, naive people being manipulated by lying, deceiving Cabal members.
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Senator Kosachev Makes Clear, and with Good Reason, Why Russia Does Not Feel ‘Isolated’
April 11, 2022 (EIRNS)—On April 10 CGTN interviewed Russian Sen. Konstantin Kosachev, a deputy speaker of the upper house, the Federation Council, and currently member and a former chair of Federation Council Foreign Affairs Committee. Kosachev said that, in spite of the continued Western sanctions, Moscow doesn’t feel isolated:
“I know perfectly well that the United Nations consists of 193 countries. I know perfectly well that just 40 countries plan tough sanctions against Russia, 40 countries out of 193 is … one-fifth. It is not the international community. It’s not the majority…. And Russia definitely will not give up because some 40 countries see the future of the world differently.”
In an article the previous day, April 10, reviewing UN votes in which expulsions and condemnations of Russia were claimed to have passed, the Washington Post noted with concern that aside from the draconian sanctions voted by the European Union as a body, “just seven countries in the world have sanctioned Russia.” The world map the paper published showed just six and did not name them, but they were the U.K., the United States, Canada, Ireland, Japan and Australia. This combination of “the Anglosphere” and the EU constitute the one-fifth or 40 countries referred to by Konstantin Kosachev. But the Post author, Adam Taylor, assured readers that although these countries are quite a minority of the world’s population and do not dominate its economic product either, they do have dominant control of its finances and its monetary system, “from the U.S. dollar to the Belgium-based Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Transactions.” Therefore he proclaimed them able completely to isolate Russia’s economy.
But the all-out assault of this 40-country minority on the credibility, stability and essential functioning of the international financial system, is a powerful reason so many o
ther nations’ leaders and constituencies are now looking for and discussing a new monetary system.
The Information-Warfare Hoax Behind the Ukraine Invasion Hysteria
By Tony Papert
February 19, 2022Login to follow

It is the oldest ploy in the book of empire. A failed elite, a failed presidency, confronted at every turn by a population in revolt, creates a foreign emergency, even a war, in an attempt to regain its hold on power and on its population. An evil enemy (portrayed as the scariest of monsters) is to blame for the ills which confront you, they argue, not us. The best reflection on the desperation now dominating the Biden Administration and Washington’s establishment concerning Russia and Ukraine, is seen in the fact that in San Francisco, this week, three progressive members of the school board were recalled. The vote was overwhelming. It was not done by Republicans, obviously, but by sane people of all political stripes interested in seeing their children educated. In San Francisco, of all places.
Or, if you will, you can just look at Canada —Canada, of all places, in full-throated revolt– and the jack boot totalitarian reaction of that elite to a peaceful protest by truckers who started out just trying to get ludicrous COVID mandates off their backs. In addition to the very vocal demands for just such a fascist reaction to the truckers by Joe Biden’s fascist minions here, uber globalist banker and UN Climate Czar Mark Carney and Canada’s Deputy Premier Chrystia Freeland played major roles in formulating it. Both are major players in the World Economic Forum. Freeland’s beloved grandfather was a Nazi.
Right now, that fascist overreaction could spell the doom of the Trudeau government and has mobilized people throughout the world to fight for their freedom.
As for what we are experiencing regarding the contrived hysteria around imminent war in Ukraine, General Jack Keane, who has been a dimwitted neocon mouthpiece since his retirement, let the cat out of the bag in a Feb. 16 Fox News interview with a surprised Harris Faulkner.
He told her that Washington’s day-after-day, relentless insistence that the Russians would invade Ukraine on Feb. 16 was a “US information campaign releasing classified information to gain dominance over Russia.” In other words, it is all propaganda and manufactured narratives and word games. Keane called it an “unprecedented campaign.” Faulkner, highlighting the unreality Keane was celebrating, protested that the American people had been kept in the dark, saying “What you have been saying is the complete opposite to what we have been told. All of that was on purpose?” “Absolutely,” replied Keane.
Within this “information campaign,” Keane singled out the Biden administration report that Russia was preparing a phony video of a false-flag attack on their own forces, but especially the panic-inducing “emphasis on an attack as imminent,” as master strokes. This “imminent” full scale invasion hype continues to the moment of this writing, two days after that attack was supposed to have occurred–with certainty–on Feb. 16. At present, this campaign of hysteria has resulted in many prominent Ukrainians fleeing the country, massive capital flight, and further damage to the country’s already decimated and collapsing economy. Hence, the protests you hear from Ukrainian President Zelensky pleading against the idea of any imminent invasion of the country. On the eve of what the United States says is imminent war, he is leaving Ukraine over the weekend to attend the Munich Security Conference.
Now, in the afternoon of February 18th, February 16th having come and gone, President Biden has just appeared yet again at the White House podium to assure us, in the most somber tones his teleprompter can invoke, that he knows the next stage of this drama and that “Putin has made up his mind” and decided to “invade.” He admits that he can’t read Putin’s mind and says the path to a diplomatic solution is still open.
Those familiar with Ukraine know that Russia has no plans to take over the country or re-create the Soviet Union as heard on every TV and radio in this country over the past week. Ukraine is an economic basket case which only huge chunks of western aid presently sustain. Those familiar with U.S. and British plans know full well that Kyiv has well over 100,000 troops amassed on the line-of-contact in southeast Ukraine aimed at the independent republics in the Donbass, Luhansk and Donetsk, and that this is the flash point. Those troops have been there for months. Many of the troops on the line-of-contact are overt neo-Nazis. Ever since the U.S. and Britain, along with elements of NATO, staged the 2014 coup in Ukraine, a civil war has raged in this region. The Donbass is composed of Russian speakers who have no allegiance to the installed government in Kyiv.
Kyiv’s troops on the line-of-contact are now heavily armed with fresh shipments of missiles and other ordinance from the U.S. and, particularly, Britain. Thus, the Russian “false flag” alleged in the White House’s info op is no false flag –it is a provocation in the Donbass, planned for months by the U.S., Britain, and Kyiv. It is aimed at drawing Russia into Ukraine to defend its citizens and their relatives in the Donbass.
You can be assured that the Russian General Staff has totally planned for the eventuality. They will respond in the most restrained way possible, given that Washington and London have profiled them as committing atrocities and creating a bloodbath. The reports out of Russia today are that the Donbass is being evacuated: women, children, the elderly, and the vulnerable are being put on buses to Russia.
Former CIA officer Larry Johnson has pointed out that Russia and Belarus announced their forthcoming military maneuvers on Ukraine’s border as early as Dec. 2 of last year. These maneuvers and others within Russia account for the troop presence on the Russian border which the U.S. and the British keep howling about. This was not a sudden deployment or troop buildup. If these maneuvers were to serve as a cover for invasion of Ukraine, then when was the last time that an invader announced a forthcoming invasion in advance in this way?
Military exercises occur throughout this volatile region all the time. NATO, for example, and the British have been conducting exercises throughout this year right up to Russia’s borders. Creating security arrangements concerning these exercises to prevent an accidental war and removing the numerous missiles and arms which have been built up over the recent period is part of what Russia is seeking in a “new security architecture.” Those missiles and armaments create a hair trigger for potential nuclear war by vastly decreasing Russia’s response time.
The Biden Administration’s preparations for its information-warfare operation began still earlier. The Washington Post has reported that the administration began creating a cross-department “Tiger Team” to game out a Russian “invasion” of Ukraine in November. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, who played such a large role in the Trump/Russia fake collusion “narrative,” asked Alex Bick, the NSC director for strategic planning, to lead a planning effort across multiple agencies, according to the Post. The Departments of Defense, State, Energy, Treasury and Homeland Security, along with the U.S. Agency for International Development are involved.
The intelligence community is also involved, gaming out various courses of action the Russians might pursue and the risks and advantages of each. They range from a limited assault that captures only a portion of Ukraine to a full-scale invasion that seeks to replace the government of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and occupy much or all of the country, according to the leaked Post account.
All these scenarios and narratives, bereft of any present or any intended reality on the ground, have been thrown out to the American people as Putin’s plans for war. All of them have very little to do with what the Russian General Staff and Putin will do if forced to respond to continued provocations.
The game being played out here is also embedded in the national defense strategy of the United States, which dates back to the last years of the Obama Administration. It cites Russia and China as “revisionist” powers, “authoritarians” who refuse to collapse themselves into the “rules based” globalist order. The plan concerning Russia is to economically cripple the country through sanctions, a plan made obvious by Republicans who have insisted throughout Washington’s months-long war game and table-top exercise, upon massive sanctions against Russia even if Russia takes no actions concerning Ukraine. Under this fantasy, Russia will not be able to sustain itself economically, which will allow the U.S. to move on to the more difficult problem of confronting China’s emerging economic prowess.
Unaccounted for, again, in Washington’s fantasies is the fact that Russia has been preparing for this economic warfare for months and has all sorts of economic options at its disposal, including the opening of new markets with China and others.
More fundamentally, what has not been accounted for in all of Washington’s scenarios and mind games is the simple fact that Russia was not about to play along and has, in many, respects outmaneuvered Washington. As the days have gone by, Germany, France, and others have realized that the U.S. and Britain are quite crazed and desperate at present and could easily involve them in an uncontrollable war while creating devastating consequences for their economies. They are resisting Washington’s drive to create a permanent state of emergency and a strategy of tensions throughout the world. NATO head Stoltenberg has described this strategy of tensions and manufactured emergencies as “the new normal.”
As opposed to Joe Biden, we don’t claim to know what will happen in Ukraine or how Russia will respond. We do know that it will not be a response that any of Washington’s “tiger team” dimwits played out in their exercises, or any response forecast by Joe Biden.
We do know that the blowback will be primarily economic. If you think inflation is bad now, just take Russian gas, wheat, and massive disruptions in Europe out of the picture. It is our job to ensure that that blowback will not be on Russia but on the fools who precipitated this crisis to save their power. And that will be a reckoning which the American people will make as they cast off those who have so misled and abused them.
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Recent responses
- Becky Triplett commented 1 month agoSo glad I found your site. I took a deep dive into John Solomon’s reporting on Biden-Ukraine so I understood the fake impeachment over Ukraine. I learned about US directed and involvement in 2014 coup. It was very violent. It’s hard to wrap my head around this type of evil that is willing for thousands to die, destroy more lives by suppressing a country’s economy for power,control. This evil is in Washington D.C.. I do wonder with all the evidence presented from ukranian officials against Biden and Poroshenko how desperate is Biden to destroy all evidence and lives to make this go away?
Andrew Ess followed this page 1 month ago
- Tony Papert published this page in Read 1 month ago