Wake Up!!!
When He Worked For Criminals (British Empire) He Could BE a Criminal and Get Away With It:
Late Frank J. Sundstrom Acquitted In 1980 Of Murder By A corrupt Judicial System In Kenya, To later In Life Cause 3 More Deaths.
By kenyanblog2019 -June 7, 202001963

In the year 1980, a 19-year-old American sailor became the center of legal tussle in a murder case that ended in acquittal and a mere fine of equivalent of Ksh. 500. Talk of travesty of justice in real sense and this was one case that justice was never delivered.
Frank Joseph Sundstrom, a fireman’s apprentice of the USS La Salle, killed a prostitute named Monica Njeri in a lodging in Mombasa. He was arrested and pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of manslaughter and was released on a $70, and a two-year “good behavior” bond.
Sundstrom was a free man, and together with his mother Ann, who had flown to Kenya to witness the trial, had hurriedly returned to the United States. The mother had then thanked the judicial system in Kenya by saying that “God is Great” and “justice was done to his sweet son”. She however at the time, never considered justice for the two young children Monica had left without a father.
The Sept. 30 1980, controversial verdict all the same, caused an outcry for judicial reform from Kenyans, who pointed out that Sundstrom, from Coventry, R.I., was tried by a white British judge and a white prosecutor.
The brother had to later press charges to the American Government on behalf of the children which was settled out of court at a paltry of $16,860.

They had no idea that later in the years to come, the same man would cause the death of three more innocent Americans in a fatal accident while drunk.
State police said Frank Sundstrom, of Warwick, Rhode Island who was then aged 52, was under the influence of drugs or alcohol when he got onto I-95 South in Old Lyme, driving northbound, and struck an oncoming car driven by Tamara Nolin, 71, of Branford around 9 p.m. on Dec. 11, 2012. The 14-year sentence is the result of a plea bargain.
Marjorie Minore, 90, of North Haven, and her daughter, Barbara Prato, 63, of East Haven, were also in Nolin’s car. All three were killed.
That is exactly after being free for 33 years since the death of Monica Njeri.
The same man may not have spent the 14 years in jail as convicted, for he was released to later die at the age of 58 on September 22, 2019 according to records from the internet.
The obituary just read as follows:
Frank Joseph Sundstrom, 58, of Somers, Ct., formerly of Warwick, died Sunday, September 22, 2019. He was the beloved husband of Paula Joyce (Hicks) Sundstrom
Born in Chicago, he was the loving son of Anna (Piti) Sundstrom of Coventry and the late Robert Nicanor Sundstrom.
It is reported that Frank was formerly employed as a Machinist at Sandburg Machine Company in Burrillville, RI and was also a member of the Kingdom Hall Jehovah Witness.
The children of Monica Njeri, wherever they may be, may not be aware that the killer of their mother, died of natural causes 38 years from the day their mother was brutally murdered, but to them, his death would still not revive their beloved mother. To them its only sad memories for they never saw their mother while growing up and had no idea that the person that caused their miseries, had gone on with life.
All the same, had the judge who acquitted Sundstrom known that he would in later years cause the death of three more innocent motorists back in America, he would have given him the death sentence.
Can we say it was justice finally, or just conclude that Sundstrom after joining Jehovah witness, may have asked God to forgive him for all the mistakes he had done in life. We shall know all that during judgement day but in the meantime, let us hope that one day, there will be a proper judicial system in Kenya and elsewhere in the World to properly convict wrong doers.
Arch. Isaac Kinungi
Diaspora National Assembly for 254Share With
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