My Take on These Whistleblowers
Please Pray for these Victims…
2012 Conference discloses information on how Multi-Generational Childhood Sexual Abuse & Incest is used to create MK Ultra & Manchurian Candidate Mind Control Victims. This is connected to the CIA’s Finders Child Sex Trafficking Cult, the Franklin Cover-Up, the Mormon/Catholic Church Pedophilia rings & Satanic Ritual Abuses. Many of these MK Ultra victims are used in Military Super Soldier Programs.
White House & Government Officials are named in this video including George Herbert Walker Bush, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney & 80’s Education Minister
& MK Ultra Guru, Bill Bennett.
Who’s your daddy…
Comment: I believe these are CONTROLLED WHISTLEBLOWERS/CIA and this is why:
1. MKUltra is a military acronym meaning Manufactured ASSASSIN. Cathy O’Brien was a sex slave NOT an Assassin. I do believe she was tortured in the MONARCH program and was made into a sex slave. I don’t believe she was an assassin as she never mentions ONCE being as assassin. Why is she controlled opposition? She is muddying the waters around the real MKUltra’s so if they come out they won’t be believed!
MKUltra=Manufactured Killer Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Required For Assassinations. This is a Military Acronym. Does Cathy O’Brien fit the bill? NO
Where does Cathy O’brien get money from to travel around the country with her ex-husband to give lectures? I have travelled a lot and know it costs a LOT of money especially for Hotels. If you drive it can easily cost $200 a day so how does someone who was used for free as a SLAVE get So Much Money? I think the Deep State/CIA has financed her somehow. Most people who even manage to live and get out of Mind Control are homeless w/o any money at all. They can’t even collect enough Social Security to live on as they are UNPAID SLAVES and no money has been contributed to Social Security in their names. They are the Street people, the beggars, the people locked up in the Psych Wards, etc. I met a Monarch who escaped and she went from One Homeless shelter to another living in tents when she had one, sleeping on park benches and being driven out by the police. She Only Had FOOD STAMPS. No Car, No Place to Live, Nothing.
I think Mark Philips was Cathy’s Handler and continued to be as her “Husband/Rescuer”. Does the CIA lie? All the Time. They lie via our Media, Newspapers and through their Assets. They even teach their Monarch slaves to lie. If a slave has No Money & escapes from the CIA they would be very vulnerable to making a deal with the CIA to muddy the waters of the very real MKUltra Assassin program so that if REAL ASSASSINS were to come forward they wouldn’t be believed. This is a common tactic for the CIA to use so don’t discount it. Seems Cathy O’Brien is the ONLY Monarch Escapee who is Thriving and I wonder why. Did she do a Deal with the deep state? My gut tells me YES SHE DID! Nonetheless she is telling the truth about how evil the Monarch Mind Control Program is but she is not an assassin or MKUltra. Think Mark Phillips was a basically good man that got involved with some evil fucks and had trouble finding his way out. Think he and Cathy made a DEAL with the CIA/FBI and I think it involved another or other Monarch Slaves. Maybe the deal was to muddy the waters around MKUltra’s b/c THAT involves International Assassinations and there would be a HUGE STORM around the politicians here, the U.S. Gov’t, etc. So she CLAIMS she is a MKUltra and the real purpose of MKUltra is covered up. There was further info from Bryce Taylor who claimed she had supported Mark & Cathy Phillips for about a year.
Sadly Although Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips Are the Greatest Whistleblowers Ever I Do Believe They Had to Make Deals to Betray Other Monarch Survivors Just to Survive (She’s Monarch Not MKUltra as She Was NEVER an Assassin)
March 29th, 2021
Wake Up Fools
by Admin · Published March 28, 2021 · Updated March 29, 2021
Cathy O’Brien’s claims have been corroborated by a filming of her visit to her Gynecologist. The film shows up close the vaginal carvings Cathy suffered under the hand of Robert Byrd. A face of Baphomet can be seen carved in her vaginal wall that was cut so it could then come forth to be carved. The Gynecologist agrees that it is a “ritual carving”. If thats not proof I don’t know what is. There are also videos of skeptical students traveling to judge Cathy’s story and after an hour with her they are all crying and fully believe her. I have a tough time believing skeptics could be so easily manipulated unless there was some truth to Cathy’s story. I see no motive for Cathy to lie. She has made no money from her books or her very few lectures. If she is a cointelpro plant why would George Bush Sr.’s name be involved? Why would several other very powerful men be named as well? Doesn’t feel like disinfo to me. The reptilian issue may be too much for people but thats their problem. Cathy writes that the reptilian aspect was holographic tech. and part of Alien Themed Programming.
Now Mark Philips is another story.
I believe Mark did rescue Cathy but in order to stay alive Mark struck a deal with his CIA handlers to be a double agent. He actually admitted that. Mark had a well documented history of meeting with MKUltra victims and then trying to convince them they weren’t ever in the program and were schizophrenic or hysterical. Mark did this with Sue Ford who wrote Thanks For The Memories aka Bryce Taylor. Mark’s recent relationship with Shayla Miller is very troubling and the claims of Shayla’s sisters are on video on Youtube for all to judge for themselves. I say all this reluctantly as I held Mark in great esteem for years and do not wish to speak ill of the dead.
I am subbed to Opperman but he gets things wrong and is a bit paranoid if you ask me.

Comment: MKUltra is a Military Acronym Meaning Manufactured Killer Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassinations. .

Mind Control is a Key Program of These Pictured Satanists! MKUltra was exposed in the Cancelled TV Series Treadstone Despite Widespread Popularity and high approval ratings. MKUltra is the Classified of Classified Projects CIA Does Not Want Exposed! TV Series Treadstone About Service Killers in Slavery & How These Victim/Killers Are BlackMailed & Entrapped into Perfroming Their Deadly Missions Was Cancelled After CIA Character Says CIA is Organized Criminal Syndicate:
Treadstone explores the origin story and present-day actions of a fictional CIA black-ops program known as Operation Treadstone — a covert program that uses a behavior-modification protocol to turn recruits into nearly-superhuman assassins.[6] The series follows sleeper agents across the globe as they are mysteriously ‘awakened’ to resume their deadly missions.[7] The program breaks down these assassins’ personalities, erases their memories, and eliminates their moral code so they can effectively kill targets around the world.[8]

Tags: Mind ControlWhistleblowers/Wikileaks/Anonymous