Project Monarch-Mind Control

Project Monarch: Hollywood Monarch Slaves in Movies, Music and the Media.

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Hollywood and The Illuminati:

Hollywood is run by the Illuminati.

Thats what former illuminati member and ex monarch programmer known as Svali claims. Svali explains, “The Illuminati believe that to control the media is to control the public. This is one of their stated agendas. Remember, finances, media, law, government and education are the areas they targeted as being the best to dominate society.” (1)

  • “they will form a small investment corporation that funds movies with ideas that they like. They quietly hire actors and producers and directors and scripts, but they never mention their affiliation publicly or why they are doing this. Money talks, and especially in Hollywood. If you have money, you can get about anything made, and they know this. They can channel money into advertising campaigns, etc. for their films.
  • (how many Christian films have had major ad campaigns in the past twenty years? Very few. 
  • How many occult movies have? I rest my case).

Speaking of the movies…

According to

Software Delivered Subliminally

Turns out that the whole theater experience isnt as innocent as one might think…

“In everyday situations the average eye blinks about every 2nd or 3rd second. When watching a movie the average user is blinking about 3-4 times per minute. The drastically decreased blinking rate is equivalent to having your eyes taped, as it took place in some mind control programs.(2)

The darkness of the room effectively creates a reasonably effective level of sensory deprivation. Vast intake of sugar products helps the body sustain the impact of involuntary convulsions and biochemical responses, as the nervous system is bombarded with a sequence of impulses designed to take the subconscious mind through a cathartic journey leading through trauma to Gnosis.”(2)

“The Monarch technology is a universal method to target four main personality types and cultivate a basis for more indepth, hands-on mind control, carried out by the right hand of Illuminati, the secret intelligence communities.(2)

The method of delivery is coded sequences transferred to the brain through subliminal messages.”(2)

Monarch Movie Programming 

In a Monarch Movie the narrative, everything in the movie EVERYTHING works to form a “compressed script for a set of actions.” Subliminal messaging frames the program throughout the movie, presenting a secondary sequence behind the “front” that fundamentally alters the meaning of the entire story. Nothing is as it seems.(2)

Mass hypnosis is the goal it seems and this is done by installing sets of programs into the masses or the general population. Which can be put into action at a later date.

“The goal of the public mind control is to install a set of packages in the collective mind of the general population. These packages can be likened to software that can be triggered by a set of cues known only to handlers and mentors.”(2)

This process is extremely compartmentalized and many of the people framing the programs may not be aware what they are involved in nor how it is used or its intended effects.

Recruitment for Agenda:

When enough programming has been applied some people will be singled out and approached by those involved in Monarch programming.

“When the general public has been satiated with a specific programming, handlers and mentors may seek out adepts in people who display signs of sufficient levels of Monarch transformation.”(2)

This is done to recruit or enlist people to fulfill a task or further an agenda.

“These individuals can be recruited and groomed as a societal engineer (Alpha), a sex agent (Beta) or an assassin (Delta). Most people remain in a dormant stage throughout their life, responding only occasionally to collective triggers, for instance during democratic elections.Not all sequences can be perceived and deciphered by someone outside the system, since they are designed to only be known to handlers, who can apply the triggers for highly specific purpose. “(2)

Hollywood is more than just a movie industry or a place on the map. 

Its a Mass Media Propaganda machine with Common Symbolism across all its major mediums.

Monarch Symbolism:

  • Quick recap:mirrors, glass shattering, masks, castles, mazes, demons, butterflies, hour glasses, clocks and robots.


Disney Programming

Disney has a strange connection with the CIA and its MK Ultra programs. So it shouldnt be a surprise that Monarch symbolism can be found in its movies.

Many recent Disney movies and cartoons have dual purposes: desensitizing the majority of the population, using subliminals and neuro-linguistic programming. The other is the deliberate construction of specific triggers and keys for base programming of highly-impressionable MONARCH children. (14)

According to

A prime example of how subliminal programming works is by looking at the recent Disney cinematic sensation Pochahontas, curiously billed as their “33rd” (highest degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry) animated movie.(14)

“In the movie, Grandmother Willow is a mystical 400 year old tree who counsels the motherless Pochahontas to listen to her heart and help her realize all the answers lie within. Grandmother Willow is constantly talking in “double-speak” and using “reversals” (i.e. “Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one”; the esoteric derivative being: the left path [the path that leads to destruction] is the easiest one.”(14)

In Illuminati Structured MPD Systems, the willow tree represents the occultic powers of Druidism. The intrinsic imagery of the tree’s branches, leaves and root systems are very significant, as some of the dark spiritual proper ties associated with the Willow Tree Programming are:

(1) The branches are used to whip victims in rituals for “cleansing” purposes.

(2) A willow tree can endure severe weather disturbances (i.e. storms) and is known for it’s flexibility. Victims/Survivors of the programming describe the willow’s branches wrapping around them, with no hope of escape.

(3) The deep root system of the willow tree makes the victim/survivor feel as if they are falling deeper and deeper into an abyss while in a hypnotic trance. [12]

Music also plays an instrumental role in programming, through combinations of variable tones, rhythms and words.(14)

Movies with suspected Monarch Symbolism and or Programming

  • Pinnochio
  • Sleeping Beauty
  • Snow White
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Aladdin
  • The Little Mermaid
  • The Lion King
  • Batman
  • Reboot
  • Coralina  
  • Eyes Wide Shut
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • Avengers Civil Wars
  • A Clockwork Orange 
  • A few movies which depict or portray some aspect of MONARCH programming are Hell raiser 3, Raising Cain, Labyrinth, Telefon, Johnny Mneumonic, Point of No Return, The Lawnmower Man and Closet Land. (14)

The Wizard of Oz BluePrint

  • is used by Monarch handlers to program their slaves. Symbols and meanings in the movie become triggers in the slave’s mind enabling easy access to the slave’s mind by the handler. In popular culture, veiled references to Monarch programming often use analogies to The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland.
  • Rainbow Symbolism (Referencing Wizard of Oz Programming)

Movies with Monarch Symbolism


Mirrors are used in Monarch Mind Control programing. Each of a mirror’s broken shards represents a different alter, or personality. Eyes Wide Shut is filled with mirror symbolism. In programming Monarch slaves, mirrors are used a great deal. Within the Monarch slave’s mind, countless mirror images are made. The slave sees thousands of mirrors everywhere…(16)

Rainbow / Under the Rainbow

Rainbow / Under the Rainbow

There are constant references to rainbows. “Over the Rainbow” and “Through the looking glass” both mean entering a dream world, one of the dissociative personality created by an Illuminati programmer.(16)


Here, the Rainbow shop owner is pimping out is more-than-willing daughter. This is common in Monarch Programming(16)


The main character Sarah (Jennifer Connely) is mad at her parents. She has to watch her little brother named Toby while they go out for the evening. Sarah isnt much of a babysitter nor is she very motherly. Sarah gets irritated with Toby for his endless crying. instead of doing anything to soothe him she jokingly wishes for the Goblin King to take him away. Its at this point an owl then enters the room and turns itself into Jareth, the Goblin King.(17)

laby444 e1320782028430 "Labyrinth" Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

Jareth offering Sarah “gifts” represented by the crystal ball

Jareth takes Toby to his world and will turn him into one of his goblins. In mind control terms, baby Toby represents Sarah’s core personality that was taken away by Jareth, her handler. As long as Jareth holds Sarah’s core persona, he will be able to make her go through the Labyrinth – which will represent her programming.(17)

laby555 e1320783074935 "Labyrinth" Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

Sarah must traverse a gigantic Labyrinth in order to reach the castle, which represents her walled-off and compartmentalized core persona. The entire labyrinth is Sarah’s inner-world and Jareth is the undisputed master of everything that happens in it. He can also change everything at will. Obelisks are found all across the Labyrinth, a phallic symbol reminding of the sexual control the handlers have over their slaves.(17)

At one point Sarah is drugged and wakes up and finds herself in a Ballroom surrounded by people. At first everything is ok but “the Ball then quickly turns into a nightmare, where all of the masked guests start running after her. Sarah shatters a mirror and runs through it, another classic symbol of mind control.”

laby112 e1320958211941 "Labyrinth" Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

To escape the ball, Sarah must shatter a mirror – a symbolic image representing the fracture of her personality.(17)

T.V. and Cartoons:


Alice in Wonderland characters Mad Hatter and the Walrus both flash the Devil’s horns Illuminati sign. According to Monarch mind control researcher Fritz Springmeier, Alice in Wonderland is one of few Disney films used to program Monarch slaves.



Both the 1951 Disney animated film and the 2010 live action version of Alice in Wonderland had Alice fall onto a Masonic checkered floor after going down the rabbit hole. Checkered floor usually symbolizes the duality between good and evil and is featured in all Masonic Lodge. (15)


According to


  • The 1940 Disney animated film Fantasia apparently makes direct references to the multiple alters, or personalities, created by Illuminati programmers while creating Monarch mind-controlled slaves.
  • The existence of Monarch and how Fantasia is used to create mind-controlled slave is exposed in Deeper Insight Into the Illuminati Formula(15)
  • illuminati-symbols-disney-fantasia-monarch-fragmenting


  • According to Illuminati programmer Fritz Springmeier, Disney’s Fantasia is one of the main programming tool used by the Illuminati to create Monarch mind-controlled slaves.
  • The rainbow (Rainbow Bridge) has special significance in programming as it represents a bridge between both world, the real world and the fantasy world created by the programmer. (15)

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