Don’t Listen to Mainstream Media False Narratives Like This One & Real Media Follows
Here is Fake Media Propaganda:
Over 700,000 People in the U.S. Have Died From COVID, Death Toll Was ‘Completely Avoidable’
Abigail Adams 18 hrs agoLike169 Comments|188
Man killed in Mill Park neighborhood shooting identifiedVaccine mandates are working in California. Here’s what the numbers show
Over 700,000 people in the United States have died from COVID-19 since the pandemic began.© Provided by People Mario Tama/Getty
Despite the availability of vaccines, the milestone was reached late Friday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Additionally, more than 100,000 people have died in the last three months as the Delta variant consumes the nation.
Dr. David Dowdy, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told the Associated Press it’s likely that 70,000 of the last 100,000 people to die from COVID-19 were unvaccinated. Those who died from breakthrough infections, he added, contracted it from an unvaccinated person.© Mario Tama/Getty More than 100,000 people have died in the last three months as the Delta variant consumes the nation, according to data from Johns Hopkins University
RELATED: 1 in 500 Americans Have Now Died of COVID-19
“If we had been more effective in our vaccination, then I think it’s fair to say, we could have prevented 90 percent of those deaths,” Dowdy said of the data collected since mid-June.
According to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 55.8% of the nation’s population (185.2 million people) are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, while 64.7% (214.9 million people) have received at least one shot.© Provided by People Getty
John Brownstein, Ph.D., an epidemiologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and ABC News contributor, said the massive death toll is not only “tragic,” but also was “completely avoidable.”
“We had the knowledge and the tools to prevent this from happening, and unfortunately politics, lack of urgency and mistrust in science got us here,” Brownstein told ABC News.
RELATED: FDA Recommends COVID Vaccine Booster Shots for Ages 65 and Up, but Not Younger People
“The vast majority of deaths going forward will continue to be those that elected to delay vaccination,” he added. “While the current downward trajectory of cases provides an optimistic outlook, this path will unfortunately continue to include tens of thousands of vaccine-preventable deaths.”
All Americans age 12 and older are eligible to receive the COVID vaccine. Pfizer, which has received full approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Association for its vaccine for individuals age 16 and up, recently submitted initial trial data for kids age 5 to 11 and reported a “favorable safety profile and robust neutralizing antibody responses” in children while using a smaller dose.
RELATED: COVID Is Killing Rural Americans at Twice the Rate of People in Urban Areas
More people in the United States have now died from COVID than the country’s 675,000 deaths from the 1918 influenza epidemic, the AP reports.
According to recent data from the Rural Policy Research Institute, about 1 in 434 rural Americans have died of COVID, compared to roughly 1 in 513 Americans living in urban areas.
“There is a national disconnect between perception and reality when it comes to COVID in rural America,” Alan Morgan, head of the National Rural Health Association, said last month. “We’ve turned many rural communities into kill boxes. And there’s no movement towards addressing what we’re seeing in many of these communities, either among the public or among governing officials.”
As information about the coronavirus pandemic rapidly changes, PEOPLE is committed to providing the most recent data in our coverage. Some of the information in this story may have changed after publication. For the latest on COVID-19, readers are encouraged to use online resources from the CDC, WHO and local public health departments. PEOPLE has partnered with GoFundMe to raise money for the COVID-19 Relief Fund, a fundraiser to support everything from frontline responders to families in need, as well as organizations helping communities. For more information or to donate, click here.Continue ReadingSHOW FULL ARTICLES WITHOUT “CONTINUE READING” BUTTON FOR 24 HOURS.
Here is the Truth:
Looks Like member is pushing this poison shot:
Ron Wieczorek
16h ·…/over-700-000-people…/ar-AAP557N…
Comment: Guess some people at LaRouche need to push the clot shot to stay on JewTube or YouTube the CIA/ZIONIST Empire Media outlet. Anyone who disagrees with the forced vaccination of the Clot Shot is Quickly Taken Off of So I guess LaRouche’s Publications group on the East Coast are more concerned about their DONATIONS than telling the evil truth about the Covid Depopulation Vaccine freely pushed by Bill Gates , son of PLANNED PARENTHOOD’s Founder.
I used to be a contributor to this organization but defunded them over the Clot Shot and their pushing it. I initially fell for the scam getting gloves, masks, and hand sterilizer long before anyone else but I AM SO GLAD I was warned about this shot. I am so glad to be in excellent health due to never taking this shot. Those who take it are as follows:
An 18-year-old woman in Nevada who suffered seizures after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has received three brain surgeries related to blood clots, a spokesperson for her family said. Subscribe to FOX 11 Los Angeles:… Watch FOX 11 Los Angeles Live: FOX 11 delivers breaking news, live events, undercover investigations, police chases, true crime files, business news, celebrities and entertainment on Good Day LA (GDLA) and local stories from Los Angeles, Long Beach, Pasadena and across the nation.
Celebrities Parrot What their Masters Command Them to Do
Deaths Among Teenagers Up 56% Since Fake Vaccine Roll-Out Began

A post on the Daily Exposé on Thursday showed concerning statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicating that deaths among teenagers over the summer have increased significantly on the previous year, coinciding with the vaccine roll-out.
I dug into the data a bit and I have to say I agree that it looks worrying. I’ve plotted above the deaths among 15-19 year-olds by week for 2020 and 2021. (Unfortunately the equivalent data isn’t available for previous years as prior to 2020 the breakdown was into 1-14 and 15-44 year-olds.)
The marked divergence around week 23 broadly corresponds to when the vaccination programme among the age group was being ramped up, as indicated below.
Between weeks 23 and 37 in 2021 there have been 252 deaths among 15-19 year-olds in England and Wales. This compares to 162 in the same period in 2020, an increase of 90 or 56%. That’s a lot, and deserves some kind of explanation.
Importantly, there is no similar rise among younger children aged 1-14, as the plot below shows. Interestingly, 2020 was a low-mortality year for this age group, presumably due to fewer deaths due to road accidents and such like. 2021 has had lower mortality again, illustrating how little threat COVID-19 is to children.
Read more: Deaths Among Teenagers Up 56% Since Fake Vaccine Roll-Out Began
Pfizer stand accused of experimenting on orphan babies to test their ‘Covid-19’ fake vaccine

Allegations that Pfizer are conducting experiments on six-month-old orphans to test their Covid-19 vaccine have been made by whistleblowers in Poland leading to a group of lawyers, medical professionals and activists demanding members of the Polish parliament and Senate organise an urgent conference on Saturday 2nd October.
Children’s Health Defense was recently alerted by Polish whistleblowers that Pfizer is conducting experiments on orphan babies 6 months old to test their new vaccines. Babies and children do not die from Covid and rarely transmit the disease. This alone should be enough to refuse any kind of clinical trials with experimental vaccines. But Pfizer seems to be operating outside legal boundaries. If this is case, it is simply unacceptable and needs to stop. Answers and action are needed.
A group of lawyers, medical professionals and activists asked members of the Polish parliament and Senate to organise the following conference on Saturday October 2nd entitled:
The conference is planned at 12pm CET time (Warsaw).
Please watch our re-stream here with live translations as we will follow closely on this issue.
Conference in EN, FR, DE, IT or ES
The conference is organised by Polish associations and foundations such as The Polish Association of Independent Doctors and Scientists, The Association of Lawyers Voice of Freedom, Dobrostan Health Information Center Association, and the New Spectrum Foundation
International speakers will feature Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo from Spain, Dr. Meryl Nass and Mrs. Vera Sharav from the United States.
Read more: Pfizer stand accused of experimenting on orphan babies to test their ‘Covid-19’ fake vaccine
The Booster Shot Hoax Will Cause Mass Death
Don’t Even Think About Getting One…Watch
More Shocking Truth About The Experimental
Covid Vax From A Frontline Doctor
Vaccine Company Employees Exempted From Taking Vaccines as Are Congress, Illegal Aliens and President as are Street People/Homeless Exempted From Vaccinations
Black Eyed Babies Born to Mothers Who Took the Vaccine:
Out of Control Tremors From Pfizer Vaccine
Update by Shawn Skelton
“home again, still no answers!
MRI. Cat Scan are perfect!
Doctors are trying to convince me this is a conversion disorder from stress!
Am I stressed?
Well who in this world doesn’t have stress. Is it coincidental that this happened after the vaccine?
I guess anything is possible, but I know I’m a very happy, upbeat person that always has a smile. I would go out of my way to help anyone or just to make them smile! I’m the loud one that do the dumbest things just to make you laugh…
And my life was normal before taking the vaccine on Monday! I am not anti vaccine as I have all mine, my kiddos have all of theirs! I’m just a normal person who’s life has been turned upside down and I’m left here to try and figure this out.
Yes I have a place that is willing to detox me, they don’t accept insurance so it’s $1400.00. No idea when I can even go back to work since I can’t stop dancing around! This is so unfair!!!?? Please just continue to pray! If you don’t believe me that’s ok, but please stop being mean on my post. Instead, I’m always hungry, invite me to dinner and I’ll introduce myself ??”
Comment: Those who run this country are Unspeakably EVIL and they HATE the American People. Unfortunately, the American people did not believe this and demonized anyone who tried to warn them. They were mesmerized by the media & celebrities….the Evil Cabal’s puppets. Their attitude towards anyone trying to warn them was Who the Hell Are You? How Dare You Criticize My Government? This is your last warning before you die.
In an CBS interview Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates talked about side effects of COVID-19 vaccines and how the latest tests give the vast majority ‘serious side effects’. Bill Gates is funding most of the potential vaccines around the World and also funding the WHO who might be the organization to greenlight a future vaccine.
Bill Gates have earlier proposed a new digital microchip to monitor your health records. That project is still underway and can be combined with the vaccine project if needed as well. All both good stuff for conspiracy theorists and cause for legitimate concern.