Glass-Steagall to END Hyperinflation!

Comment: Endless monopoly money printing backed by nothing (Federal Reserve policy by Foreign Banks) is destroying the dollar and leading to collapse.

Moderator: Harley Schlanger (U.S.), The Schiller Institute 

  1. Jacques Cheminade (France), President, Solidarite et Progres, former Presidential candidate: “Why the Challenge of Public Health, Education and Food Policy Are a One”
  2. Paul Gallagher (U.S.), Editorial Board, Executive intelligence Review (EIR):  “The Central Banks’ Regime Change and the Great Reset”
  3. Dennis Small (U.S.), Ibero-American Editor, Executive Intelligence Review (EIR): “Double or Nothing: The LaRouche Program for Mankind’s Durable Survival”
  4. State Senator Mike Thompson (U.S.-Kansas), Chairman of Senate Utilities Committee: “How Americans Are Herded Into ‘Green’ Energy, by Weaponized, Politicized, Monetized Science”
  5. Mike Callicrate (U.S. – Kansas), Cattleman, Founder of Ranch Foods Direct, Policy Advocate, Operator of Mike’s “No Bull” Blog: “The State of U.S. Ag and Solutions”
  6. Daisuke Kotegawa (Japan), Former Official, Ministry of Finance, Japan; former Director for Japan at the International Monetary Fund (IMF): “Valuable Lessons on the Financial Crisis from Experiences in Japan”
  7. Marc Gabriel Draghi (France), Economist, Jurist and Author: “Hyperinflation: A Step of the Great Reset to Destroy Our Freedoms” 
  8. Pedro Rubio (Colombia), President of the Association of Officials of the General Accounting Office of the Republic: “COVID and Economic Austerity Are Devastating Colombia”
  9. Question and Answer Session

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