Syrians Elect President Bashar al-Assad With 95.1% Majority (He is a HERO to Them.)
Syrians Democratically Reelect President Bashar al-Assad
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
After over a decade of US aggression against Syria and its people, overwhelmingly popular Bashar al-Assad is the only president the vast majority of the country’s people want as their leader.
It’s a reality the US-dominated West and their press agent media suppress in their misinformation, disinformation and fake news about him and all things related to the Syrian Arab Republic.
Assad is more popular now than when reelected in June 2014 — with 89% majority support.
On May 26, he overwhelmingly won with a 95.1% majority — announced on Friday by parliamentary speaker Hammouda Sabbagh.
There was never any doubt about his triumph, only by how great a majority to be known after ballots were counted.
Turnout was 78.64%, a remarkable show of support for the republic and its leader at a time of war and foreign occupation of northern and southern parts of the country — including by diaspora Syrian refugees able to cast ballots.
Presidential aspirants Mahmoud Marei and Abdallah Salloum Abdallah won 3.3% and 1.5% support respectively, Speaker Sabbagh adding:
“(A)ccording to article 86 of the constitution and item /B/ of article 79 of the general election law, and in light of the fact that Mr. Bashar al-Assad gained the majority of votes with 95.1%, I have the pleasure to announce the winning of Dr. Bashar al-Assad with the post of president of the Syrian Arab Republic.”
In Damascus, Lattakia, Homs and other parts of the country, large numbers of Syrians took to the streets to celebrate Assad’s reelection — a reality ignored by Western regimes and their press agent media.
On Friday, the NYT reported nothing about Assad’s triumph.
WaPo published an AP News propaganda report, saying:
“Syrian President Bashar Assad was re-elected in a landslide…following an election described as illegitimate and a sham by the West and his opposition
There’s nothing illegitimate about Syria’s democratic process — shaming fantasy versions in the US and other Western countries.
The fake news AP report also falsely claimed that “no independent monitors” watched proceedings at polling stations on Wednesday.
Monitoring delegations were there from Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador, Armenia, and perhaps other countries.
None showed up from the West, their ruling authorities wanting information about Assad’s legitimate reelection suppressed.
Opening at 7:00AM, more than 12,000 polling stations let Syrians cast ballots to midnight — to accommodate maximum numbers wanting to participate.
Following his electoral triumph, Assad thanked Syrians “for their high sense of nationalism and their notable participation,” adding:
“(F)or the future of Syria’s children and its youth, let’s start from tomorrow our campaign of work to build hope and build Syria.”
Russian election monitors reported that Syria’s process was open, free and fair — Wednesday’s election held with no violations of international rules.
According to Russia’s Foreign Ministry envoy-at-large Vladimir Churov, Syria’s main election threat was (foreign orchestrated) terrorism and obstruction of its process.
As expected, the Biden regime and complicit UK/EU partners defied reality by falsely calling Syria’s process “neither…free nor fair (sic).”
Their ruling regimes have been waging preemptive war on Syria since March 2011, including use of ISIS, other jihadists and White Helmets as proxy foot soldiers against Syrian sovereignty and its people.
The West and apartheid Israel also falsely blame Assad for crimes of war, against humanity, and atrocities committed by their ruling regimes and jihadist foot soldiers against Syria and its people.
Blaming victims is longstanding policy by the West, Jewish state, and their press agent media.
In the aftermath of Assad’s reelection, endless US-led aggression on Syria and its people continues with no prospect for near-term resolution — because the Biden regime, like its predecessors, rejects restoration of peace and stability to the country.
The same goes for US wars by hot and/or other means against other countries worldwide.
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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:
“How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War”
“Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity”