V2K – Voice To Skull
A Resistance Site For Victims of CIA, NSA, MI5 and Illuminati Mind Control

V2K – Voice To Skull
Remember the Gilligan’s Island episode where Gilligan could pick up radio signals from the fillings in his teeth? That is happening all the time.

Voice To Skull makes it all possible. Once the program was entirely face-to-face; but, now, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, there is the potential for constant harassment. Our enemies call it “artificial telepathy” or “AT.”
The technology is similar to your cell phone. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. That’s your brain.

Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no “firewall” and therefore cannot shut the voice out.
If you have an implant or possibly nanobots, then the sender can also hear your verbal thoughts and see mental images.

People who experience this feel raped, and I have been forced to listen to actual sexual assaults. The assailants won’t shut up, and they defile one’s mind with the most foul and perverse language imaginable. V2K is used to disrupt one’s sleep, to lay in hypnotic suggestions, and force one to engage in endless conversations with abusive idiots. It is also used to send visual images and to influence dreams, much like the Prisoner episode “A, B and C.” (See also “The General”).

“Voice of God” is what they are going for, when you follow commands, or forced speech, when you speak along with them, and they will even put resistant voices in to trick you. If you use your common sense and if you know about the technology, though, they will not succeed.
Remember they have influenced the world to think that if you hear voices in your head, or if you believe in “conspiracy theories,” you must be crazy….

Here is some material on the subject:
Here also is my later database of patents:
Patents for Mind Control Technology
And here are some ways to spot forced speech:
How To Spot Mind Control Through Unusual Speech Patterns

And here is another of my articles on how V2K and related technologies are misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and how to fight the scum who use them:
Mind Control & Misdiagnosis of Physical & Behavioral Symptoms

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