About the Hijacking of the Activism By the Capitol Yesterday By Agent Provocateurs

logonewsheadlineswww.helpfreetheearth.comHORNED DEVIL & INFILTRATORS HIJACK DC PROTEST
Among the crowd of protesters who came to the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, a horned hijacker pretending to be a QAnon and Trump supporter stole “the show” when he stormed the Capitol building with other suspected infiltrators.His name is Jake Angeli. He’s a 32 year old aspiring actor from Phoenix, Arizona, who “has been a fixture at Arizona right-wing political rallies over the past year,” according to the AZ Central. He denies he’s from corporation-supported Antifa or a DHS actor or that he was paid to hijack the protest and attract negative media attention as a horned, tattooted, howling and violent freak.Baphomet Jake claims to be a shaman angel but he looks more like a stand-in for Satan. Although he talks the talk. nobody’s buying his schtick. He’s now the target of a backlash from Trump supporters. Angeli is nobody’s angel.OPEN DOORSThe violent siege of the Capitol building and chamber was so OBVIOUSLY staged. Weak barricades, cops standing down and opening doors for protesters. It was a “C’MON IN!” siege. The whole thing was staged to turn off MSM viewers.
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