Transvestigations-Conspiracies Unproven But Convincing Read

Tranny Watch

By AnneMarie – Roses are Red 
Violets are Blue
He said – she said
Ain’t even true! 

People – stop wasting money – stop flipping your gender – you’re not a car tire- or a car fender! 

The Terrible Fraud of Transgender Medicine: will be posting notes on this video asap 10/9/2018


Due to not having a domain for almost two years and just getting a domain from Google FINALLY (they refused all this tiime, telling me “you don’t need one”) I am now recovering the blog.    4/29/2020
The Terrible Fraud on the Transgender MedicineBy Dr. Quin Van Meter, American Organization of Pediatrics                        Some Info I found on internet, for your reference about Dr. Van Meter              
       Portion of above copied here to give you an idea of what it shares:      Everywhere people are waking up, beginning to take notice of the nefarious Transgendered Agenda playing out in our generation—but there’s a lack of understanding about what it will truly mean for our society if the Transgendereds get their way.
Well here it is, spelled out in clear common sense language, explained simply enough that even progressive liberals won’t be able to deny the far-reaching implications of… The Transgendered Agenda.

Transgenders Destroying the Economy

By insisting on bringing their non-traditional ideas of gender into the workplace, Transgendereds force employers to fire them and hire new staff—letting the Transgendereds become a parasitic drain on our welfare system, funded by regular hard-working folks who still have their jobs. It’s especially hard for employers in some of the more liberal parts of the country, where they have to make up an excuse to fire the employee, or watch like a hawk waiting for minor infractions to add up, because (thanks to progressive liberal tampering with the law), it’s now illegal to fire a person “just” for being a Transgendered in 18 of the 50 states. God bless the other 32.Of course, many of those fired Transgendereds end up working as prostitutes “to survive,” because they “have no other choice,” conveniently forgetting the option of simply not being a Transgendered any more. Their depraved lifestyles prove what everyone already knew: that Transgenderedism is all about sex and immorality. And of course, chasing them down and throwing them in jail (where criminals belong) costs tax-payer dollars as well. They receive expensive court proceedings, legal aid (because they’re almost always too poor to pay for their own lawyer), and then they get free food and shelter in prison courtesy of the hard-working tax-payer, all because of the crimes they chose to commit.

<INSERT 11/10/2018>

Blackstone Intelligence NetworkPublished on Nov 9, 2018SUBSCRIBED 196KIsrael sees that China’s economic power is on the ascent while that of the United States is in decline. The parasitic philosophy of Zionism knows that its current host is going to die and is seeing new blood. I love Jake’s reporting, he is so scholarly, but my having about 15 years on him, I tend to be much more tired of the corruption and violence coming out of Washington!  Look at all the mass shootings!  They make money on mass shootings – snatching and grabbing and using it for nefarious purposes such as building more Transgender clinics!  WAKE UP! Sandy Hook FAKE shooting was Dec 12, 2012 (12/12/12) In 2013 – MANY TRANSGENDER CLINICS WERE BUILT!  And I mean MANY!  See my blogpost on Tranny Watch, the notes about the Transgendering of children, a current video I watched.  My comment:  USA Foreign policy sucks right now. So if China and Russia and Iran and India want to pick up the slack to promote WORLD PEACE – I am all for it. US is known for being bullies and when our great honorable statesmen and others – promote DIPLOMACY – they are SQUISHED. Something to consider. If they posture themselves as stronger than USA – Trump will have no standing, the military would only want to get involved if they want to commit suicide, so Trump will hit a WALL that THEY built and I say GOOD!!!  

We the GOOD people of United States want Peace and appose those leaders who incite war! <END OF INSERT>Twitter account:  @Quin_Pelz24            Van Meter Pediatric Endocrinology Group, located in Atlanta, GA
          1800 Howell Mill Road NWSuite 475Atlanta, GA 30318
p – 678-961-2100f  – 678-961-2107
Open Monday through Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm

The picture came with what I copied to paste.  She is adorable, isn’t she?
“The Three Musketeers”Alfred Kinsey            Entemologist at the Kinsey Institute 1947
John Money            Psychologist, Johns Hopkins University, 1951                        Trained himself to be a Pediatric EndocrinologistHarry Benjamin            General Med Phys, NYC

John Money introduced the term gender as a psychological construct.

Previous to the 1960’s, it pertained to language, where certain nouns were  masculine (France and Germany)            Le chat                       dur hund            This “allowed” social engineers to introduce the term gender as a psychological constructPrevious to the 1960’s, it pertained to language, where certain nouns were masculine or feminine            La chaise       die kirchJohn Money decided that gender applied to human beings and that the term gender identified “the internal sexed self” as male or female
John Money’s psychohormonal Group at John’s Hopkins, Boston, MAMoney trained in Boston and was intrigued by the opportunity to study patients with various disorders of sexual differentiation.  Then-called hermaphrodites or pseudo-hermaphrodites.Johns Hopkins was the epicenter of patient care for such individuals since the understanding of steroid biochemistry as it applied to human fetal development came from the clinical studies done. There in our country’s first pediatric endocrine department.How cortisal is made            Offshoots of causes for sex perceptions            Only 10-12 patients were studiedPretreatment and Post TreatmentTransexual Program1.     Patients who believed they were born in the wrong body were recruited2.     Cross-dressed for two years3.     Cross Sex Hormones administered4.     Surgical procedures to alter genitalia were developed. They were modified from adaults, to perform on childred, infants, toddlers!  
Don-trella, pt MTF – this patient became a hooker!Money’s Scientific Protocols1.     I have an idea2.     Let’s do this to the patient and see how it comes outa.     Medical castration of sex offendersb.     Directed interviews with pediatric patients                                                              i.      Teaching boys with “precotious puberty” how to masterbate1.     They got a boy to masterbate 6 times a day. Encouraging a PERVERTED LIFESTYLEc.      The Tragic Case of the newborn boy with an AMPUTATED (ABLATED) PENIS – surgeon, who performed circumcision on the twin, said he made a mistake with the second child!                                                              i.      This gave them opportunity to see how parents will cooperate – raising him as a girl. They completely removed his genitalia and was sent home, forced to live like a girl.                                                            ii.      HE COMMITTED SUICIDE WHEN HE WAS A TEENAGER!       d. The case of David-Tabitha-David from Buffalo, NY (baby)                   iii. He was treated with testosterone to induce growth of his testicles                             1.   Dr. Van Meter had to go out of the country yet did not expect anyone to tamper with his patients.  John Money took advantage of Dr. Van Meter’s leave and approached the parents and said what Dr. Van Meter was doing was absolute nonsense.  He told them to raise the baby as a girl and they changed the baby’s name to Tabitha, cross-dressing him.                                 2. 6-wk evaluation:  Dr. Van Meter was there.  The baby had normal size penis and testicles.  Treatment was successful.  He was a boy with just a pituitary deficiency.                   iv.  That case lead to closing down Money’s program
            Should have proved tampering with the sexes was unnatural, inhuman!
The poor outcome of the adult transsexual patients            Living as caricatures of the new sex identity with their neurons persisting
Psychohormonal Program was shut down by Dr. Paul McHughTrangender Clinical Services 1970’s – 2006·        The Netherlandso   Adults were treated with hormones and surgically changed§  Persistent gender incongruence resulted§·        Torontoo   Dr. Kenneth J. Zucker§  Evaluated children and adolescents; counseled with goal·        Accepting Natal Sex·        He coined:  Gender Identity Disorder·        Yet the industry fails to apply it!·        “Archives of Sexual Behavior”  2001 – his article····        You can sign up for this:···        That disorder (Gender Identity) is accepted into the DMSIV·        His clinical experience with 560 patients was a great success·        Boston, MAo   Dr. Norman Spack visits the Netherlands and is intrigued – returns to US and starts the same type of clinic         §  He was sort of fascinated with the transgender idea·        There were THREE facilities at that timeo   Baltimore (now closed)o   Bostono   Los Angeles·        The Harry Benjamin Societyo   Membership requirement:  interest in Transgenderism·        The World Professional Association Of Transgender Health is formed (WPATH)·        Yet Dr. Zucker proved that 80-98% of children and adolescents with GID revert to the identity of their natal sex (desist) if allowed to go through puberty spontaneously without counseling  N=560
WPATH is NOT happy with the major medical literatureA Study from Sweden reveals that the suicide rate of adults who progressed into adulthood with affirming therapies (medical and surgical) had a 20-fold increase in suicide compared to the general population N=324Sweden was very acceptive of transgenders, promoted it      Yet – an increase in the suicide rate occurred due to these mutilated patients§  WPATH creates its own bibliography through poor-quality research§  Very small number of patients§  Biased recruitment of study subjects§  No control groups§  Many anectodatal case reports§  “Recycling” of the same articles§  Citations are marginally-relatedo   Very little to do with anything in the subject mattero   Very poor science§  Creates a peer-reviewed journal of Transgender Healtho   Only the members of WPATH may contributeo   Will not include any studies with contrary conclusions
WPATH is on the rampage1.     Develops “Standards Of Care” for transgender health provision2.     Lobbies the APA committee to change GID to gender dysphoriaa.     Legitamizes transgenders as normal, variantb.     Blames society for the “agony experienced by the patients”c.      Facilitates insurance coverage for treatment of the dysphoriad.     Removes all references to Dr. Zucker’s research and publications                                                              i.      I believe Mark Zuckerberg was Robert T. Morris, who destroyed tens of thousands of computers in 1989 with a virus he spread through the use of the MIT computer lab; and CIA gave him a new identity, told him how to act to deceive the public                                                            ii.      And because  CIA is obviously behind this transgender agenda, it is obvious they mocked Dr. Zucker by taking his name and adding “berg” to it to pay homage to Jewish Rothschilds – tell Zuckface to get his DNA checked – truth will come out!1.     Berg means mountain/cliff – and he sure enjoys taking chances even when it causes death! e.     Dr. Zucker is a psychologist at the Clark Institute, Toronto Canada                                                              i.      The tranny pushers refer to it as “Jurassic Clark” and they describe him as:  Zucker is famous for forcing gender-variant children into reparative therapy to conform to the expectations for male and female behavior in children.”MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE RANCH23:55 min            Norman Spack coalesces a group of adult and pediatric endocrinologists into a working committee to establish treatment guidelines for the Endocrine Society(The Academic Professional Society For Endocrinologists in the US)The committee excludes anyone with a contrary opinion, most notably Kenneth Zucker and Paul McHugh§  Here is another one.  Chris Hughes, Mark Zuckerberg’s partner in facebook crime.  Most likely he changed his name to mock Paul McHugh – I just bet!2009 – they published guidelines for treatment of transgender persons1.     Psyche assessment2.     Affirm and transition any child who states they are born into the body of the wrong sex.3.     Block puberty as it begins4.     At age 16, consider cross-sex hormone therapy5.     At age 18, if the patient desires – after corrective surgery (wtf?)Of the 22 guidelines, only  3 meet a moderate amount of scientific evidence and those three are all concerning the need to monitor the known and theatrical side of the hormonal manipulation25:32 min
2017 Revised Endocrine Society Guidelines            Added additional concerns about the need to counsel the patients about  the expected infertility and the need for pre-treatment planning to harvest oocytes and spermatozoa for future invitro fertilizationTHESE ARE KIDS – NO COUNSELING WILL HELP THEM – THEY ARE BRAINWASHED!Suggested earlier cross-sex hormone therapy            EARLIER??? THEY ARE KIDS!!
Suggested earlier “top” surgeryOnce again, lacked reasonable scientific evidence for all but four recommendations27:07Article:           The New Atantis                        Sexuality and Gender “findings” from the biological, psychological, and social science                                    By Lawrence S. Mayer                                                MB, MS, PhD                                    Paul R. McHugh, MD
Not to be left out….guidelines by the Pediatric Endocrine Society            Emphatic restatement of 2017 (Endocrine Society Guidelines)            Dr. Van Meter gave the input as they requested.  They failed to document anything – yet they asked him for inputHow come most of the large medical professional societies agree with WPATH?American College of PediatriciansVsAmerican Academy of Pediatricians            And Blackwater founder (brother to Secretary of Dept of Ed, Betsy Devos) changed its name to ACADEMI (watch for these tricks!)
These are like birds of a feather, flocking together: American Psychological AssociationAmerican Association of Family PractitionersThe Endocrine SocietySuddenly they are all in favor of Obamacare!All in favor of Transgendering kids!In truth, the physicians who work there don’t even pay attention to what is going on through their administrationLGB – pushed to add a T            Male and Female values go awayTransexualTransgender                        These are not the same thing!Transvestite
RuPaul, actor is an example of a TransvestiteAdvantages of Inclusion in this alphabet soup1.     Anchoring transgender as a civil rights issue2.     Attempt to legitamize “born that way”3.     Wider audience on the internet4.     Recruitment of New Victims
The US Landscape
1970 – transexuall clinic at Johns Hopkins established1984 – transsexual clinic at Johns Hopkins CLOSED2006 – Dr. Spack’s Boston Clinic opens2009 – Endocrine Society Guidelines published            Was the Boston bombing caused by trannies?            In 2013 – so they could get money to open many more clinics throughout the country?2014  Over 45 Transgender Clinics are established and the number keeps growing!            So when they need money, they cause mass shootings?             If you agree, I just ask you share thisMushroom-sprouting            “Experts” really have no former training!
THE BATTLE TO RETURN TO SCIENCE            Only gender affirming “experts” are invited to speak at academic meetings            Austin-balanced presentation? No. Denied. They only want to promote sex change!
Counseling to return to natal sex identity is OUTLAWED in some states!LGBT activists seek to destroy the opposition through academic influence            They will suspend or remove faculty with opposing views!            They push the opposition underground!The Major Medical journals refuse to publish opposition literature regardless of its scientific merit, forcing publication in lesser known journals            Journal of Medicine            AMA            Journal of Pediatrics
Dr. McHugh had to publish in the Atlantis Journal
The Ethical Guidelines For Clinical Research1.     Informed Consent2.     Clear assessment of benefits vs harm (high risk of suicide not brought up)3.     Absence of bias-presence of balanced approach4.     Independent assessment of safety as study progress with stopping criteria set in advance and rigorously adhered toCurrently funded NIH study1.     Four academic centers – all of which had established transgender clinics already treating patients2.     5-yr study of the benefits of affirmation in children age 5 and older3.     No control group4.     Evaluation of how successful you are – based on asking parents and transgender clinic staffa.     Totally biased!b.    Details of NIH study are unavailable! FALLOUT IN OUR LOCAL COMMUNITIES          Schoolboards are railroading through regulations without public hearings
38:31          Large corporations are threatening to pull out of municipalities          Gender Centers of Excellence                    Are actively treating patients from age 3 yrs and older despite no scientific evidence or efficacy!What can we do to turn back the tide to sanity?1.     Always begin with a statement that truly shows your compassion for the suffering individuals2.     Stand firm with our scientifically based conviction3.     Invite a dialogue instead of engaging in a war4.     Join with a broad-based group of diverse backgrounds5.     Never be afraid to weave your faith into the discussionThe more I know about science, the more I know there is God.Encourage the victims of drug and surgical therapy to speak outBook: Don’t Get On The Plane!(Reasons to prevent a sex change)It’s time we point outThe Emperor is Naked.Dr. Van Meter

FYI, check out this blogpost as well:  

What would you say if I told you that Lady Di – was really a transgender – most likely transgendered at an early age by the Rothschilds (parents) to use “her” as a weapon on the Monarchy.  Maybe not even the age they claimed, 12 years younger than Prince Charles.  Alluding to being a Christian, a virgin of 19 years old who was a nursery school teacher….then blackmails Prince Charles AFTER marriage…the motor vehicle accident was created to allude “she” died to do a gender reversal and rather than hear her bitch about being “just a piece of the furniture” at Buckingham Palace – “HE” emerged as “David Furnish” – the Monarchy got the last laugh.  Decide for yourselves. They do not offer this information because they are descrete and societies are being mass-mind controlled by the Rothschild cabal – all the rich SOBs who follow them like Reagan did, like Bushes do, like Clintons, like Obamas (Barack Obama is probably son of Malcom X, compare images, for instance) – everything is a stage and we have to stop it!  President Trump’s wife Melania is probably a tranny!  Trump is lying to us deliberately and we need to call a spade a spade!  See my other blogposts in my TABLE OF CONTENTS:

Please refer to this blog post as well:       There is much evidence to lead us to believe that Jackie Kennedy was a tranny; Jackie was the one who murdered JFK. 

Carolyn Kennedy and JFK Jr were adults when Jackie Kennedy died after falling off a horse and then having a serious groin issue – I presume that it was then that it was discovered s/he was a tranny, had lied to Carolyn and JFK Jr and the other “offspring” and someone took the law into their own hands, which is always wrong because it feed the “bad wolf” (Cherokee Story of Two Wolves, YouTube, 4 min. Look it up if you don’t know that story)   


Mike Pompeo is obviously a tranny – woman’s hands and that’s why Trump fired Hon. Rex Tillerson!  But also, Pompeo was CEO of Thayer Aerospace when Americans attacked Americans on Sep 11, 2001 – “his” company was obviously a CIA front, collaborating with John Bolton, who was undersecretary of firearms and weaponry and obviously got the military grade explosives that were used to demolish the WTC Buildings. Wake up people! The Satanic cabal are hijacking USA! 

The “Michael” referred to is MTF Michelle Obama

Michael may Not Be The First Tranny in the W House, Part 1
Michael may Not Be The First Tranny In the W House, Part 2

Trump probably wanted him to be No. 69, tooSince 69 represents inverted genders, married = Satanic perfection
Below are real men – and they express their faith Tranny Trump doesn’t like real men Trump went to Rex Tillerson’s corp office and pleadedwith him to be his Secretary of StateRex Tillerson wasn’t interested but felt a call to dutyThat call never ends for one who has served the country!Pompeo served himself, not the country Y
40% suicide rate with Trannies – any wonder?  The large majorityare mutilated by their parents when children! The rest are victimsof Mind Control for the NWOsDoes that mean we can trust them?  NO Yet this may be a “Father Forgive them, for they know not what they do”They are part of the Human Trafficking! 
There are some actions, though, which they should be held accountable forlike when Jackie Kennedy murdered JFK 

The Globalist NWO’s use this Transgender Agenda to bring more chaos to society and ruin one life at a time – increase suicides, etc.  

Michael Springman may not be a tranny but I do not trust him. 


Don’t you wonder what all of the sudden occurred for him to speak out and join Sibel Edmonds Whistle Blower group, National Security Whistle Blowers?  Could it be the quest for justice which Jeff Sessions is working on – to serve the wants of American Patriots? 
Americans murdered Americans on September 11, 2001 – We Need Justice! Mr. Springman has that typical tranny – blank stare yet his features are not consistent with tranny profiles. 

Why have they required female models to be the height of men?  I have heard them say it is clearly because they want to pair them equally when they model together – yet would that not distract from who’s who?  

As Hudna says, The apple is not a banana  – and no matter how much they mutilate a body, they cannot convert one sex to another. Bodies should not be mutilated.  

Also consider what they name the celebrity Trannies – another form of exploitation.   

Barbara Barbarian Bush and GHW Bush 

Maybe this blog post should be titled “Adams Apple Watch” 
Barack Obama has no Adam’s Apple 

Michelle Obama is really bigger than Barack 
Wearing flat shoes in that photo!

Donald Trump is a tranny! 

President Carter seems to have larger hands but if you look at dimensions and notice fingers, you may notice they are dimensions of a woman. I thought, omg 😲- not President Carter, a tranny? Yet the photos are compelling on both him and Roselyn (fyi, FreeMason HQ in PA is Rosecretion HQ)

Trump has woman’s hands! Notice Bill Gates’ man hands 

Obama pulled the same crap about not allowing gays in the military, then allowing them – AND letting them have transgender operations at the
cost of US Gov = WTF

Quite a familiar resemblance, wouldn’t you say?

Barbara Bush is/was transgendered 
MTF of Aleister Crowley

Satanic Transgendering 
by Bush Family  
Decide for yourself..
their perverted lives pollute society
Their lives of crime should be 
a ticket to prison
They should be tried for Treason
Kavanaugh is part of their
crime family – he married Bush’s 
private secretary at the White House; 
then was rewarded position of Fed Judge
Great job he did covering up 
Murder of Vincent Foster!

Monica Lewinsky is obviously a Tranny 
I will share more later..Shania Twain 

Notice head sizes, ear sizes 

They may even be same height because the promoters often create altered images. ie, Michelle Obama is really bigger than Barack Obama – both are transgendered to opposite Sexes.  OMG 

Hands do look smaller, though

Decide for yourself. This photo shot may be a deliberate angle to allude her hands are smaller. 
BTW, Shania marries the husband of the wife who was cheating on him, sleeping with her husband? Obviously arranged relationships since Shania is a tranny. My opinion–man-wife-stole-husband.html 

As long as Oprah blesses their lives, it’s all good in Hollywood = ewwww!!

Do the math: 
Shania and her ex-husband share custody of their son Eja, nine, and the Thiebaud’s have a daughter, also nine.
The trannies should be 
Demi Moore is a tranny and his manly roots are showing as he ages

Next:  Cher, sharing her/his filfth 

The organized criminals that run.Hollywood obviously murdered Sonny! My opinion. 

Chastity – mutilated! 

Cher is a Tranny Also, look up master psychotropic drugs creator SASHA SHULGRIN. Turned into a CIA operative #OperationIWantWhatYouGot – OMG! Amazon has a documentary on him. 

Van Halen Transvestigation has many more names …I showed some pictures and jumped to a different video and need to resume to the rest of Van Halen video. When you see the band logo, I resumed. 
Female to Male Trannies 
Aydian Dowling

Ben Melzer

Alex and Edward Van Halen 

Michael J Fox FTM

Probably not tranny, I’d say, but she probably Married Van Halen for publicity purposes No, I did not type that!  I would think Van Halen Married MTF Valerie for publicity purposes.  

I have more pictures. Just stopping for a commercial.  Secret Celeb Transgender Inversion – Case Studies – Blade Runner…then and now.   

Here’s another commecial. Daryl Hanna. 
The Kardashians are all men! 
Transvestigation Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (corrected version)
   Angelina Jolie’s father has perhaps by coincidence a facial simularity with Nicole Kidman’s father.  ewww. 

  1. I will return to the Van Halen video – look at these! …

Brad Pitt is a tranny also!!! 

Ann Margaret is another tranny! 

Madonna – Michelle Obama – Barack Obama – Cindy Crawford – Claudia Schaefer – Naomi Campbell – Rod Stewart = all trannies!  

This keeps getting deleted from my blog – “the absence of evidence is the evidence of absence!” 
Sherlock Holmes,  Kilie Minogue 
Sarah Bareilles 
Caitlin Jenner 
(notice how it sounds like gender? obv result of psy-opping) 
Sophia Loren 
Serena Williams? could be! 

Adele is a transgender. Decide for yourself.

Lady Gaga 
Julia Roberts – obviously a tranny
Michelle Clooney, model – obviously a tranny
Angelina Jolie?  Think about it…sure seems like 
What about Billy Crystal-experience a Chrysalis?  The Buttterfly effect?  omg 
Jennifer Anistan 
Courtney Cox 
Katie Perry 
Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell
“I’m not May West but I’ll do my best” 
Princess/Lady Diana 
Transgender Reversal and Married Elton John?  Could be! 
(See my “Why Di” post) Jackie Kennedy 
Jackie and Farrah Faucet 
There are many more… 

List of Transgender People via WikiLeaks·         Marja-Sisko Aalto (b. 1954), Finnish Evangelic-Lutheran priest[1]·         Alexander James Adams (b. 1962), American musician, singer and songwriter[2]·         Calpernia Addams (b. 1971), American actress, author, and entrepreneur[3]·         Aderet (b. 1976), Israeli pop singer[4]·         Tamara Adrián (b. 1954) , Venezuelan politician[5]·         Leelah Alcorn (1997–2014), 17-year-old American artist and suicide victim[6]·         Harry Allen (1882–1922), American pioneer period Pacific Northwest transgender man known for flouting social norms[7]·         Rebecca Allison (b. 1946), American cardiologist, president-elect of Gay and Lesbian Medical Association[8]·         Nadia Almada (b. 1977), Portuguese winner of Big Brother UK series 5[9]·         Kye Allums (b. 1989), American basketball player·         Barbra Amesbury (b. 1948), Canadian singer-songwriter[10]·         Charlie Anders, American author[11]·         Luke Anderson, South African-born winner of Big Brother UK series 13[12]·         Nahshon Dion Anderson (b. 1978), American writer, actor, model, and activist[13]·         Jacob Anderson-Minshall (b. 1967), American transgender author[14]·         Erica Andrews (1969–2013), aka Erica Salazar, Mexican-born American international and national beauty pageant title winner, drag performer, actor and entrepreneur[15]·         Buck Angel (b. 1972), American trans man, adult performer and producer, activist, educator, and motivational speaker[16]·         Anohni (b. 1971), British-born lead singer of Antony and the Johnsons[17]·         Carla Antonelli (b. 1960), Spanish actress, activist, and legislator[18]·         Nikki Araguz (b. 1975), American marriage equality activist and public speaker[19]·         Gwen Araujo (1985–2002), murdered American teenager[20]·         Victoria Arellano (1984–2007), Mexican immigrant to the US who died in an immigration detention facility[21]·         Valerie Arkell-Smith (1895–1960), British writer and entertainer[22]·         Alexis Arquette (1969—2016), American actress and musician[23]·         Nina Arsenault (b. 1974), Canadian writer[24]·         April Ashley (b. 1935), English model[25]·         Estelle Asmodelle (b. 1964), Australian actress, author, and dancer[26]B[edit]·         Mianne Bagger (b. 1966), Danish golfer[27]·         Jenny Bailey (b. 1962), English politician, former Mayor of Cambridge[28]·         Grace Banu, Dalit and trans activist, first transgender engineer in Tamil Nadu[29]·         Ben Barres (1954–2017), American neurobiologist[30]·         James Barry (1789/1799–1865), British military surgeon and Inspector General in charge of military hospitals·         Thomas Beatie (b. 1974), became known as the “Pregnant Man”·         Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad (b. 1949), Norwegian physician, family therapist, sexologist[31][32]·         S. Bear Bergman (b. 1974), Jewish American writer and performance artist[33]·         James Blake (b. 1984), American writer and transgender activist [34]·         Katherine Blake (b. 1986), American Trans Person, Activist [35]·         Danielle Bunten Berry (1949–1998), American software developer[36]·         Georgina Beyer (b. 1957), New Zealand politician[37]·         Alexandra Billings (b. 1962), American actress, singer, and educator[38]·         Maddie Blaustein (1960–2008), American voice actress[39]·         Leyna Bloom, American fashion model, dancer, and activist[40]·         Alejandra Bogue (b. 1965), Mexican film, television and stage actress[41]·         Justin Vivian Bond (b. 1963), American singer-songwriter, performance artist[42]·         Chaz Bono (b. 1969), American singer and activist[43]·         Kate Bornstein (b. 1948), American author, performance artist, and gender theorist[44]·         Jennifer Finney Boylan (b. 1958), American author and activist, previously an award-winning professor of English at Colby College·         M. C. Brennan (b. 1969), American author, filmmaker and performer[45]·         Namoli Brennet, American folk singer[46]·         Aleshia Brevard (1937 – 2017), American film, TV, and theatre actress, model, author, and professor – did not self-identify as trans[47]·         Zac Brewer (b. 1973),[48] American transgender author[49]·         Poppy Z. Brite (b. 1967), American gothic horror author·         Willmer “Little Ax” Broadnax (1916–1994), American Gospel tenor[50]·         Blake Brockington (1996–2015), 18-year-old American activist, student, and suicide victim[51]·         Sarah Brown, British politician and activist·         Harrison Browne (b. 1993), hockey player for Buffalo Beauts·         Sara Davis Buechner (b. 1964), American musician[52]·         Cidny Bullens (b. 1955), American musician[53]·         Balian Buschbaum (b. 1980), German pole vaulter and two-time European Championship bronze medalist[54]·         Alec Butler (b. 1959), Canadian writer[55]·         Mya Byrne (b. 1978), American folk/rock musician[56]C[edit]·         Mauro Cabral, Argentinian intersex and trans advocate, academic, and co-director of Global Action for Trans Equality[57]·         Meryn Cadell, Canadian writer, performance artist, and assistant professor of song lyrics and libretto writing[58]·         Patrick Califia (b. 1954), American writer[59]·         Loren Cameron (b. 1959), American photographer/visual artist[60]·         Mina Caputo (b. 1973), singer for Life of Agony·         Micha Cárdenas (b. 1977), American artist/theorist and lecturer of Visual Arts and Critical Gender Studies at UCSD[61]·         Wendy Carlos (b. 1939), American composer and electronic musician[62]·         Carmen Carrera (b. 1985), American reality television personality, drag performer, actress and model[63]·         Lynda Cash, British Royal Navy officer[64]·         Albert Cashier (1843–1915), Irish-born Union Army soldier[65]·         Ryan Cassata (b. 1993), American musician, public speaker, writer, filmmaker, and actor[66]·         Candis Cayne (b. 1971), American actress and performance artist[67]·         Chen Lili (b. 1980), Chinese transgender woman[68]·         Choi Han-bit (b. 1987), South Korean model, actress, and singer[69]·         Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark (b. 1938), served in both the US Navy and Army, trans and AIDS activist, and nun [70]·         Angela Clayton MBE (1959 – 2014), British physicist and activist[71]·         Jamie Clayton (b. 1978), American model and actress[72]·         Roberta Close (b. 1964), Brazilian model[73]·         Coccinelle (1931–2006), French singer and entertainer[74]·         Raewyn Connell (b. 1944), Australian sociologist and academic[75]·         Joanne Conte (1933 – 2013), American politician, the first openly transgender person to be elected to a city council in the U.S, radio show host, and investigative reporter[76]·         Lynn Conway (b. 1938), American computer scientist and electrical engineer[77]·         T Cooper, American novelist, nonfiction writer, television writer, and journalist[78]·         Ruby Corado, American LGBT rights activist[79]·         Caroline Cossey, professional name “Tula” (b. 1954), English model, actress, and author[80]·         Jayne County (b. 1947), American musician[81]·         Roberta Cowell (1918–2011), World War II fighter pilot, and the first British trans woman to undergo gender reassignment[82]·         Laverne Cox, American actress, producer, and advocate[83]·         Brittany CoxXx (1978–2016), American trans woman, adult actress[84][85]·         Kate Craig-Wood (b. 1977), British IT entrepreneur[86]·         Victoria Cruz (b. 1945/6), American activist and retired domestic violence counsellor[87]·         Phillipe Cunningham, American politician[88]·         Jackie Curtis (1947–1985), American actress and writer[89]D[edit]·         Christine Daniels (1957–2009), American writer[90]·         Candy Darling (1944–1974), American performer[91]·         Gia Darling (b. 1977), Guatemalan-born American adult entertainer, director, and producer[92]·         Florencia De La V (b. 1976), Argentine actress[93]·         Vicky de Lambray (d. 1986), English sex worker, con artist[94]·         Baby Dee (b. 1953), American multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter, and performance artist[95]·         Michael Dillon (1915–1962), British physician[96]·         Sean Dorsey (b. 1972/3), Canadian modern choreographer, dancer, writer and trans rights activist[97]·         Michelle Dumaresq, Canadian bicycle racer[98]E[edit]·         Elizabeth Eden (1946–1987), American trans woman·         Lili Elbe (1882–1931), Danish trans woman[99]·         Felicia Elizondo (b. 1946), American LGBT activist[100]·         Chevalier d’Eon (1728–1810), French diplomat[101]·         Catalina de Erauso (b. 1592-1650), Spanish lieutenant·         Rüzgar Erkoçlar (b. 1986), Turkish actor and model[102]·         Eli Erlick (b. 1995), American trans activist[103]·         Bülent Ersoy (b. 1952), Turkish singer and actress[104]·         Erika Ervin (b. 1979), American transgendermodelfitness trainer, and actress[105]F[edit]·         Florian-Ayala Fauna, American artist, musician, poet, and music producer[106][107]·         Issa Fazli (b. 1968), Pakistani-American paralegal[108]·         Leslie Feinberg (1949–2014), American author and activist[109]·         Maxine Feldman (1945–2007), American singer-songwriter and comedian[110]·         Jamie Fenton (b. 1964), American software engineer and video game writer[111]·         Bibiana Fernández (b. 1954), Spanish actress and model[112]·         Sir Ewan Forbes, 11th Baronet (1912–1991), Scottish doctor, farmer, 11th Baronet of Craigievar[113]·         Tyler Ford (b. 1990), American writer, public speaker, and activist[114]·         Lydia Foy (b. 1947), Irish dentist and transgender rights activist[115]·         Ina Fried (b. 1974), American author and senior writer for CNET Networks[116]·         Phyllis Frye (b. 1946), American, first openly transgender judge appointed in Texas[117]G[edit]·         Ketty Gabriele (b. 1982), reputed Italian mafia figure[118]·         Dorce Gamalama (b. 1963), Indonesian entertainer[119]·         Natalie van Gogh (b. 1974), Dutch professional racing cyclist[120]·         General Tito Aníbal da Paixão Gomes (d. 2007), Portuguese scam artist[121]·         Gigi Gorgeous (b. 1992), Canadian-American model and YouTube personality[122][123]·         Laura Jane Grace (b. 1980), American lead singer and guitarist for punk rock band Against Me!·         Jamison Green (b. 1948), American writer and educator[124]·         Grey Gritt, Indigenous Canadian (OjibweMétis) musician, educator, and activist[125]·         Anna Grodzka (b. 1954), Polish politician, first transgender MP in European history[126]H[edit]·         Jamie Lee Hamilton (b. 1955), Canadian Aboriginal activist and politician[127]·         Jan Hamilton (b. 1965), British soldier·         Harisu (b. 1975), South Korean model, singer, and actress[128]·         Deborah Hartin (1933–2005), American lecturer and activist[129]·         Lauren Harries (b. 1978), English child prodigy[130]·         Alan L. Hart (1890–1962), physician, researcher, writer[131]·         Ian Harvie (b. 1968), American comedian and actor[132]·         Elle Hearns (b. 1986/7), American organizer, speaker, writer, and activist. Co-founded/is strategic partner and organising coordinator of the Black Lives Matter Global Network, founded/is executive director of The Marsha P. Johnson Institute[133]·         Rebecca Heineman (b. 1963), computer video game programmer[134]·         Michelle Hendley (b. 1991), American actress[135]·         Jess Herbst (b. 1958), American politician[136]·         Adela Hernandez, first transgender person elected to political office in Cuba[137]·         Sandra Mara Herzer (1962–1982), Brazilian counter culture writer and poet[138]·         Rita Hester (1963 – 1998), American murder victim and inspiration for the first Transgender Day of Remembrance·         Stephanie Hirst, English radio and television presenter/broadcaster[139]·         Stacey Hollywood (b. 1968), American actor, model, nightclub promoter, performance artist[140][141]·         Mary Ann Horton (b. 1955), Usenet and Internet pioneer, computer scientist and transgender educator and activist[142]·         Laurel Hubbard (b. 1978), weightlifter from New Zealand[143]·         Tyra Hunter (c. 1970–1995), American hairdresser[144]I[edit]·         Dana International (b. 1972), Israeli singer[145]·         Kim Coco Iwamoto (b. 1968), Hawaiin politician, activist, editorialist, policymaker, advocate, and philanthropist[146]·         Eddie Izzard (b. 1962), English comedian, actor, writer and political activist.[147][148]J[edit]·         Andrea James (b. 1967), American entrepreneur, filmmaker, and activist[149]·         Kimber James (b. 1988), American former adult actress[150]·         Jennell Jaquays (b. 1956), American game designer and artist[151]·         Sir Lady Java (b. 1943), American stage performer, actress, and activist[152]·         Bailey Jay (b. 1988), American adult actress·         Andrea Jenkins (b. 1961), American politician[153]·         Caitlyn Jenner (b. 1949), American Olympics athlete and television personality[154]·         Jazz Jennings (b. 2000), American activist and TV/YouTube personality[155]·         Joanna Jet (b. 1961), British trans adult actress and producer[156]·         Natasha Jiménez, Costa Rican trans and intersex human rights activist, and author[157]·         Jin Xing (b. 1967), Chinese dancer[158]·         Marsha P. Johnson (1945–1992), American trans activist[159]·         Nireah Johnson (1986–2003), American murder victim[160]·         Jeffrey Catherine Jones (b. 1944), American painter and comic book artist[161]·         Christine Jorgensen (1926–1989), American trans activist[162]·         Michelle Josef (b. 1954), Canadian musician[163]K[edit]·         Christina Kahrl (b. 1967), American sportswriter, editor, co-founder of Baseball Prospectus, and civil rights activist[164]·         Aya Kamikawa (b. 1968), Japanese politician[165]·         Roz Kaveney (b. 1949), British writer[166]·         Julia Kaye (b. 1988), American illustrator[167]·         Aidan Key (b. 1964), American K–12 educator, community organizer, author, Trans Bodies, Trans Selves·         Isis King (b. 1985), American model, fashion designer[168]·         Victoria Kolakowski (b. 1961), American judge[169]·         Andreas Krieger (b. 1966), German athlete[170]·         Janae Kroc (b. 1972), professional powerlifter and competitive bodybuilder[171]L[edit]·         Sophie Labelle (b. 1987/8), Canadian author, cartoonist, and public speaker[172]·         Joy Ladin (b. 1961), author, poet, first openly transgender professor at an Orthodox Jewish institution, and holds the David and Ruth Gottesman Chair in English at Stern College for Women of Yeshiva University[173]·         Lady, Korean transgender pop group active from 2005 – 2007[174]·         Vicci Laine (b. 1960), American drag performer, celebrity impersonator, singer, and HIV/AIDS activist[175]·         Greer Lankton (1958–1996), American artist[176]·         Stacie Laughton (b. ca. 1984), American politician[177]·         Lee Si-yeon (b. 1979), South Korean actress[178]·         Yasmin Lee (b. 1983), Thai-born actress and adult entertainer[179]·         Paris Lees, British journalist, radio presenter and transgender rights activist[180]·         Rodrigo Lehtinen (b. 1986), Cuban-American, transgender LGBT rights advocate[181]·         Amanda Lepore (b. 1967), American transgender icon and model, celebutante, singer, and performance artist[182]·         Alicia Liu (b. 1986), Taiwanese model and television personality[183]·         Vladimir Luxuria (b. 1965), Italian politician and actress[184]·         Cam Lyman (1932 – c. 1987), American dog breeder[185]M[edit]·         Trevor MacDonald, Canadian author, public speaker, and healthcare researcher[186]·         Kellie Maloney, British boxing promoter, television personality[187]·         Chelsea Manning (b. 1987), American trans woman, soldier, and convicted whistleblower under the Espionage Act[188]·         Mimi Marks, American entertainer[189]·         Shabnam Mausi, Indian politician[190]·         Lily McBeth (b. 1934), American educator[191]·         Sarah McBride (b. 1990), American LGBT advocate[192]·         Deirdre McCloskey (b. 1942), American economist[193]·         CeCe McDonald (b. 1989), American, imprisoned 2012–2014 after fatally stabbing an attacker[194]·         Cate McGregor, Australian senior military officer·         Amanda Milan (c. 1974–2000), American sex worker and murder victim[195]·         Tiq Milan, American writer, public speaker, activist, and strategic media consultant·         sj Miller, American academic, author, public speaker, and activist[196]·         Riley Carter Millington, British actor·         Miriam (b. c. 1981), Mexican reality TV star and adult entertainer·         Janet Mock (b. 1983), American writer, transgender rights activist, author, and former staff editor of People magazine’s website·         Casey Mongillo (b. 1987), American voice actress, activist and YouTube personality[197]·         Micheline Montreuil, Quebec lawyer, teacher, politician[198]·         Angela Morley (1924–2009), English composer and conductor[199]·         Jan Morris (b. 1926), British historian and writer[200]·         Nizah Morris (1955–2002), American entertainer[201]·         Chris Mosier (b. 1980), American athlete[202]·         Anwen Muston, British Labour Party politician, first openly transgender woman to be elected to represent Labour[203]N[edit]·         Ataru Nakamura (b. 1985), Japanese singer[204]·         Shay Neary, American fashion model, first openly trans plus-size model to land a major campaign[205]·         Hari Nef (b. 1992), American actress, model, and writer[206]·         Nisha Ayub (b. 1979), Malaysiantransgender rights activist; first trans woman to be awarded with the prestigious International Women of Courage Award in 2016[207]·         Remy Noe (b. 1974), English landscape artist[208]·         Bell Nuntita, participant on the show Thailand’s Got Talent, Thai transgender actress, singer, entertainer, and radio DJ[209]O[edit]·         Terri O’Connell, American automobile racer[210]·         Anne Ogborn, transgender activist[211]·         Pepe Julian Onziema, Ugandan LGBT rights activist[212]·         Dylan Orr (b. 1979), political appointee[213]·         Daniel Mallory Ortberg (b. 1986), author[214]P[edit]·         Caroline Paige (b. 1961), Royal Air Force officer[215]·         Dee Palmer (b. 1937), English musician from Jethro Tull[216]·         Pauline Park (b. 1960), American transgender activist[217]·         Charley Parkhurst (1812–1879), American stagecoach driver[218]·         Ophelia Pastrana (b. 1982), Colombian physicist, LGBT activist, entrepreneur and social media personality·         Nicole Louise Pearce (b. 1964), Australian child murderer[219]·         Andreja Pejić (b. 1991), Australian model of Bosnian Croat and Bosnian Serb ethnicity[220]·         Peppermint (b. 1980), American drag queen, singer and actress[221]·         Kim Petras (b. 1992), German pop singer[222]·         Yasmine Petty, American fashion model and actress·         Misty Plowright (b. 1982/3), first transgender woman to be a nominee to the US House of Representatives from a major political party[223]·         Rachel Pollack (b. 1945), American author[224]·         Midge Potts, American political activist[225]·         Fay Presto, British magician[226]·         Virginia Prince, American pharmacologist, transgender activist, and author[227]·         Jennifer N. Pritzker, investor and philanthropist[228]Q[edit]·         Teddy Quinlivan, model[229]R[edit]·         Jordan Raskopoulos (b. 1982), Australian comedian and singer in The Axis of Awesome[230]·         Stu Rasmussen (b. 1948), first openly transgender mayor in the United States[231]·         Renée Richards (b. 1934), American athlete and physician[232]·         Vicki Richter, American transgender adult actress[233]·         Sylvia Rivera (1951–2002), American transgender activist[234]·         Monica Roberts, American writer, blogger, and trans rights advocate[235]·         Eva Robin’s (b. 1958), Italian actress and activist[236]·         Allyson Robinson, served as Army officer, American LGBT rights activist[237]*·         Geena Rocero (b. 1983/1984), Filipina model and activist·         Diane Marie Rodriguez Zambrano, Ecuadorian activist; in 2009 created a legal precedent in favor of the trans and intersex population; during the 2013 general elections, became the first openly transgender person and even LGBTI person to run for elected office in Ecuador·         Danica Roem (b. 1984), American politician[238]·         Terri Rogers (1937–1999), English ventriloquist[239]·         Geraldine Roman (b. 1967), Phillipine Congresswoman[240]·         Rebecca Root (b. 1969), British actress[241]·         Angelica Ross, American businesswoman, actress, and activist[242]·         Martine Rothblatt (b. 1954), American lawyer and author[243]·         Joan Roughgarden (b. 1946), American biologist[244]·         Henry Rubin (b. 1966), American sociologist[245]·         Eliana Rubashkyn (b. 1988), New Zealand/Colombian pharmacist, former refugee, first transgender woman recognised as woman under International Law and the UNHCR·         Carmen Rupe (1936–2011), New Zealand/Australian entertainer and activist[246]S[edit]·         Trish Salah, Canadian poet, labour activist and educator[247]·         Bamby Salcedo, American LGBT rights activist[248]·         Ali Saleem (b. c. 1979), Pakistani television personality[249]·         Ryan Sallans (b 1979), American LGBT activist and public speaker[250]·         Antonia San Juan (b. 1961), Spanish actress and director[251]·         Fulvia Celica Siguas Sandoval (d. 2004), Peruvian trans woman[252]·         Stef Sanjati (b. 1995), Canadian YouTuber[253]·         Harmony Santana, American film actress[254]·         Jeanette Schmid (1924–2005), Czech whistler[255]·         Scott Turner Schofield (b. c. 1981), American writer and performer[256]·         Lauren Scott (b. 1963), American civil rights activist and politician[257]·         Julia Serano (b. 1967), writer, performer, speaker and activist[258]·         Kemal Shahin (b. 1985), Cypriot reality television participant[259]·         Lucas Silveira, Canadian rock musician[260]·         Dawn Langley Simmons (1937–2000), British American writer[261]·         Amanda Simpson (b. 1961), political appointee[213]·         Nikki Sinclaire (b. 1968), English parliamentarian[262]·         Misty Snow (b. 1985), first transgender nominee to the United States Senate from a major political party[223]·         Theresa Sparks (b. 1949), American politician and entrepreneur[263]·         Rae Spoon (b. 1982), Canadian musician[264]·         Susan Ashley Stanton (b. 1959), American politician[265]·         Allanah Starr, Cuban-born American adult entertainer[266]·         Jahna Steele (1958–2008), American showgirl, actress, writer[267]·         Abby Stein, American writer, speaker and activist[268]·         Georgie Stone (b. 2000), Australian activist[269]·         Sandy Stone (b. c. 1940s), American educator[270]·         Margaret Stumpp (b. 1952), American executive[271]·         Michelle Suárez Bértora (b. 1983), Uruguayan lawyer and politician[5]·         Lou Sullivan (1951–1991), American author and activist[272]·         Schlitze Surtees (1901 – 1971), also known as “Schlitzie,” American sideshow performer and actorT[edit]·         Lea T (b. 1981), Brazilian fashion model[273]·         Cindy Thái Tài, Vietnamese singer, model[274]·         Jenna Talackova, Canadian model and beauty pageant contestant[275]·         Audrey Tang (b. 1981), Taiwanese free software programmer[276] and Digital Minister[277]·         Maddie Taylor (b. 1966), American voice actress[278]·         Brandon Teena (1972–1993), American murder victim; subject of the film Boys Don’t Cry[279]·         Terre Thaemlitz (b. 1968), American musician, DJ and transgender educator[280]·         Nong Thoom (b. 1981), Thai athlete, model, and actress[281]·         Billy Tipton (1914–1989), American musician[282]·         Tista Das (b. 1976), Indian actress·         Manuela Trasobares (b. 1962), Spanish artist and politician[283]·         Zoey Tur (b. 1960), American TV reporter, scientist, and helicopter pilot[284]U[edit]·         Karen Ulane (1941–1989), American pilot fired by Eastern Airlines; discrimination case set Title VII precedent for transgender people[285]V[edit]·         Kelly van der Veer (b. 1980), Dutch reality television participant[286]·         Vaniity (b. 1973), Mexican-American adult actress[287]·         Rose Venkatesan (b. 1980), Indian Tamil TV anchor[288]·         Jennifer Ventimilia, American TV writer[289]·         Venus Flytrap, Thai “kathoey” pop group[290]W[edit]·         Lana Wachowski (b. 1965), American filmmaker, producer, comic book writer, screenwriter, co-director of the Matrix films[291]·         Lily Wachowski (b. 1967), American film and TV director, screenwriter, producer, comic book writer, video game director, video game writer[292]·         Ramon Te Wake, New Zealand television presenter[293]·         Weiwha (1849–1896), Zuni two-spirit[294]·         Stephen Whittle, OBE, PhD (b. 1955), British lawyer, writer, educator and transgender activist[295]·         Raquel Willis, American writer, activist, and Transgender Law Center national organizer[296]·         Sophie Wilson, British computer scientist[297]·         Jia Qing Wilson-Yang, Canadian writer[298]·         Joanne Wingate (b. 1960), English soldier[299]·         Holly Woodlawn (1946–2015), Puerto Rican actor and performer[300]Y[edit]·         Philippa York (b. 1958), Scottish journalist and cyclist[301]·         Marie-Pier Ysser (b. 1935), French entertainer and academic[302]Feel Like a Woman when you ARE a Woman, don’t make yourself a woman because you’ll never be one! 
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End Times Prophecy with Jim – YouTube
Mark Dice – YouTube
Louder With Crowder-Steven Crowder – YouTube 

I will add more to this list asap …….

Dashing David – YouTube 

Ben Shapiro
Hudna1 – Open Your Eyes, folks! 

Apple Watch 

Swinging with eyes closed….so you can’t see the Adam’s Apple!  Maybe this blog post should be Apple Watch! 


2 hours agoIf this isn’t a textbook case of paranoid schizophrenia than I am a tranny. (
Craig Laycox
42 minutes agomailloux2211 It isn’t delusional to assume a person with predominant male skeletal attributes to be male-regardless of gender represented-It’s rational.Your sarcasm ,thinly veiled ad hom attacks and reflexive denial of an obvious widespread trend could be classified as delusional,however,;- if you wish to be transvestigated,put your whole photo as your icon.,troll.No need to be a total idiot and reflexively deny something you don’t understand ,agree with,or have declined to objectively research.
Craig Laycox29 minutes agomailloux2211 A casual examination of the artists you favour in your video downloads does point,strongly,to you either being oblivious to their gender-(the predomant majority are clearly covert trannies)-or just flat out not caring.Better psychoanalyze yourself,troll-though in my opinion psychology has demonic roots anyway .

wayne easton29 minutes ago
What do you think Victoria’s secret is lol

Roses are Red Violets are BlueHe said – she saidAin’t even true! The Trans Teen Industrial Complex 

ABC drops Roseanne show after Zionist Jew ‘racist’ tweet … › News › Newslinks & ArticlesMay 30, 2018 · The biggest bi*:’ on TV supports Trump. Yay … White people?? And not to mention the child tranny on the … Milton Berle, Jackie Mason, Billy Crystal, and countless …  
        full movie – so relax and enjoy the show

Movie stars mutilate children, changing their sexes before they are in their teens.  omg

              50-min video; after first ten minutes, she describes the significant differences between man and woman and how trannies do stand out. Bang Cast            Kaily Cuoco
Search Big Bang Cast  and Elite Gender – see for yourself
Reminder:  many of the transgenders are MK Ultra victims.  Particularly the celebrities.  

Melania Trump – is she it isn’t she? I bet a tranny! 
Her hands and head are same size as Donald Trump’s
Donald Trump tries to conceal size of hands by using thumbs up . According to this particularl film, the following are transgenders
Bear in mind, some of these names are fitting themselves there because some transgendered are their peeps.

     I am not sharing this to gang up on these people, but the Satanic Underground needs to be taken down – all Secret Societies and Cults need to be taken down – and transgender operations need to be criminalized – especially on children!  It is mutilation!  Consider the Obama agenda accusing the Muslims of Female Mutilation – something that happens very little and only in certain Muslim societies.  Obama was mutiliated!  My notes are a bit sloppy here. I do the best I can with the time I have.  These notes are reflecting the above link. 

Terry CruiseBruno Mars2 ChainzAidonaChris BrownAndre 3000Arsenio HallEddy MurphyAdam SandlerJustin TimberlakePaul RuddAndy SambergBob SagetDave Couier

Brad Pitt
GossipVin DieselAsap RickyAustin MahoneSorrority Boys Barry WatsonBill MurrayChad OchocincoCharlie ChaplinCharles BarkleyLeo lo CocoCharles BarkleyChris FarleyGaget and… (not finished)Win DieselAsap RockyAustin MahoneCee Lo GreenTerry CrewsMelania Trump @ 2:40 minArnold SchwarzeneggerChris Hemsworth
Chris PhieChris RockDi Jazzy JeffWill SmithAlfonso RibeiroJaden SmithChris TuckerCillian MurphyCoolioDamon WayansShawn & Marlon WayansDavid Alan GrierDan AkroydDaniel CraigDave ChappelleDavid DuehovnyDavid SpadeDeandre JordanEi Man…(not finished)Kurt RussellDustin HoffmanShaquille O’NealFlip WilsonDennis RodmanFred ArmisenGael Garcici BernalGuy – (no finished)Hugo Chavez (not sure)Hugh L. (not finished)Ian McKellen @ 4:11 minJohn Cameron MithchellIyanyaJack LemmonJake GyllenhaelJames FrancoJamie FarrJamie FoxJaren LetoJim CareyJimmy FallonZac EffronSeth Myers (?) @ 4:28John CandyPatrick SwazyWesley SnipesJohn LegiuzamoJimmy KimmelGuillermoJohn Travolta(missed) 4:48 minTom CruzJude LawJustin BieberKanye WestKenan ThompsonMissed @ 4:50 minKevin HartKey & PeeleKid CudiLive SchreiberLil WayneLil BMarc JacobsMark WahlbergMartin LawrenceMatt LeblancMichael J. FoxMiguel BoseMiguel Nunez, Jr. 

Mike MyersMilton
BerleMos DefNathan LanePatrick – – @5:27Orlando JonesTyler –  – @5:31Ricky SmithR. KellyPush TTom HanksPeter ScolariRob SnyderRobert DeniroP. DiddyRobert Downey, Jr.Robin WilliamsShia LabeoufSnoopStephen DorffStephen FrySteve MartinSteven TylerTheophilus LondonTim CurryTim MeadowsTony CurtisTracy MorganUsain BoltVing RhamesWiz KhalifaWill FerrellJimmy FallonWill I AmWoody —  @6:07 minWillehem – @6:08 minWiz KidYoung ThugGeorge ClooneyThis TV programming is so sinister, you’ll have a hard time wrapping your head around itCherMarilyn MonroeMissed @ 7:33 minCiaraGwen StefaniAnn CoulterSandra BullockSteffi GrafMegan KellyAllison WilliamsKeira KnightleyCourtney CoxMichelle ObamaGrace JonesMariah CareyGabriela Santiago (1980’s tennis player)
Transinvestigation Notes (identifying men)                Adam’s Apple                Wide Jaw from the front                Completely square jaw from the side                Square shoulders                Brow Bossing (thickening of the brow ridge above the eyes)                Sloping back forehead                High, wide cheekbones                Tree Trunk Neck                Narrow Hips                                Straight up and down body contour                               Post-Pubescant, Transgendered Model                Adams Apple – ie, Miley Cyrus                Wide Jaw – Angelina Jolie                Completely Square Jaw From the Side                Square Shoulders                Brow Bossing                Sloping back forehead                @37:04 min – Melania Trump                Rib Cage Removal                                                Miss Columbia                                                Grace Jones                @37:33                 Madonna                @37:38                 Miley CyrusWhen ribs are removed, the shoulders become far too wide for proportion                Cher had ribs removed                                Her gender was publically questioned when she began her career                Marilyn Monroe had ribs removed @38:42                Chin implants @38:05                Hip Implants @38:18                                Looks like women to being with in some pictures                                But at 39:31 the person is a man obviously                                39:40 front view – this man is fatVoice Feminization                Prepubescent male voice@40 min  Pre-op voice                They also show the post-op voice 7 months laterYou’ve been sold a false paradymeHow – When – Where – Who44:30     Extensive Research has been done of the families of the Elites who are in control of the Modern World.  Every Single President shares familial ties.  Dozens of Hollywood stars have been linked.  Some by only a single generation. Obama is even linked to Tiger Woods.  So many celebrities look alike because of this “inter-breeding”The Nature of Your Own Slavery = TVQuill, whose ink is imposed by a fear of social rejection on a paper whose mind is too weak from delivery. The “Brit male nutrition” (not sure what was said @46:21 min) and pointless menial tasks that a career whose agency is under the guise of science bought and paid for by the same elite whose families have had their hand in the guidance of humanity for hundreds of years.1960’s…people were transgenderedThis quill, this predetermined destiny, has been writing a plot time for humanity that has bloomed into fruition all that it was scripted and more. Are you humanity? Are you ready to swallow the pill of reality?                                Raquel Welch                                Rihanna                                Sarah Palin                                Selma Blair                                Steffi Graff                                Taylor Swift                                Victoria Beckham                                Zendaya Coleman                                Sarah Jessica Parker
“The Mark of the Baphomet – Hollywood”
Tranny Watch – Hudna1
Amy Winehouse is  main topic, but you mention Adele, Tony Braxton, and Kelly Rippa. The names just keep piling up. I’m so glad to have seen your channel.
Michelle XX channel, YouTubeBill Cosby the rapist hoax – way for tranjies to get public attention!
Bill Cosby is a transgenderHarvey Weinstein is a transgender
Satanic belief: Perfection is when men and women are together in same body
Lisa Bonet is transgenderJanice Dickenson is transgenderBeverly Johnson is transgender         Victoria Secrets promotes transgendered people        WMBA supports trannies
Bill Cosby is a tranny
Tranny Couples Red Carpet. Reporting: Michelle XX
Ricky Martin and husband 
     Rich Berkem and Posh Spice

     Beyonce and Jay Z

     Goldie Hawn and partner 
            Daughter, Kate Hudson, is a tranny 
     Ben Aflack and Jennifer Garner 

     Faith Hill and Tim McGraw 

     Melanie Griffith and Antonio Bandarez 

     David Bowie

     Tom Hanks and wife 

     Tom Brady and Jazelle Brachin 

     Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruise 

     Gwen Stefanie and former husband Wasdale (his band was called Bush) 

         Is GW Bush a tranny?  Answer:  Yes! 

“That’s all folks. They mock us every day in every way” 😎 
Barbara Bush was a man. Crowley Family. Reporting Michelle XX
Barbara Bush died 4-17-2018 — add the numbers = 23My sister died on 4-23 and she was 66 — she was targeted by the Satanists! Which probably includes CIA. More like,  CIA cult! The first person CIA murdered was probably King George VI, Queen Elizabeth’s father. My suspicion. And tranny Jackie Kennedy (who was the one who shot JFK in the head, GW Bush ised 8 snipers as decoys to deceive the public) may have been the one who poisoned him, as a journalist and fiance to JFK – who was predicted as next US President when King George had an untimely heart attack in his 50’s. My opinion.
Barbara Bush is a tranny – was a man, offspring of Aleister Crowley 
GHW Bush was a woman, transgendered   Notice skull differences
It’s a Secret Cult! Involving the transgendered goat god! The ring finger of a man is larger than the index fingerBarbara Bushes “parents” is a sex cult 
Frank HarrisElliot HarrisPauline Pierce Aleister Crowley 
Tippification of Perfection is Transgenderism

They are the real Camelions! 
More Deceiving Transgenders hidden in your plain sight!  Reporting Starspirit Channel
Jada Pinkett Smith
Jasmine Guy

Tina Turner

Beyonce Knowles

Solange Knowles 


Taraji P. Henderson

Regina King

Joan Armatrading

Patti Smith

Diana Ross (Michael Jackson’s good mother)

Patti LaBelle

Vanessa Williams

Pam Grier

Queen Latifa

Vivica A. Fox

Whitney Houston 

Tracy Chapman 

 (notice the sound name is so obvious with some, “I’m a man”)
Michael may Not Be The First Tranny in the W House, Part 1
Michael may Not Be The First Tranny In the W House, Part 2
Jackie Kennedy   –  Melania Trump – Bushes – maybe others……Michael may Not Be The First Tranny In the W House, Part 2
Britney Spears Hidden in Plain Sight

Chronicles of Apple Of My Eye-Hudna1. Explains tranny surgeries.            Celene  DeLeon turned her boys (maybe sons, but probably did not give birth) into girls            Why are there so many twins?            Micki Menage is probably a tranny            Carry Fisher is a tranny            Meryl Streep may be a tranny            Sandra Bullock is a tranny            Julia Roberts is a tranny
Celine DeLeon claims to be Selene, the goddess of Moon.  Probably a tranny – DeLeon sounds like “Di on” and Dianna maybe used that name for the same inferance.            Celine is conjuring the Luciferian spirit. See photos – on Hudna1’s channel. I will share a few here.                Celine family members died a lot these past few years which gave “her” a sense of public sympathy – probably Satanic sacrifices.
Witchcraft – pray for deliverance.“To win souls, they break their influence from the general public” –what a Satanic strategy and Christians do that also -which I have perceived as “isolating” – it is Satanic! Hudna references Trump, that he may be transgender/Satanist.  Remember when Barack Obama claimed gay marriage was illegal?  And then he flip flopped when he figured he could get away with it?            No doubt Trump is going to do the same thing – OR is saving all transgenders for a secret army, since they have the capacity of being violent, they could do viscious things and not even flinch – just as when Jackie Kennedy murdered JFK. 

Published on Apr 11, 2017SUBSCRIBED 6.9KThe biggest deception laid upon men and women is that we are given social engineering to believe women are meant to look muscular and dance like a horse on stage. Women’s bodies have more flexibility and far less muscular stability than most men. We don’t age with bigger jaws and we don’t all of a sudden grow gigantic upper thoracic muscles and calves because we are older. Women also do not grow excessive facial forehead and thicker eyebrows as we get older. There is pathological and natural aging process in men and women. Men grows their muscles further than in there 20’s and 35 year old men have the strongest and most developed muscle based on scientific research. Pre-pubescent trans-gender is new to the public but this is not new in the entertainment industry. Many celebrities usually gets phased out in their 30’s for a really good reason. Either celebrities get replaced by “Trannies” or the “pretty girls men lusted over really pre-pubescent trannies.” Bare in mind that many of the Disney celebrities are controlled subjects who are sold out by their parents. We need to accept the truth and possibility that many of them are tired of acting like “girls” all their lives and perhaps many are actually exposing that they are “boys!” Pray for discernment and pray to stop the trans-gendering of young children into Franken-Trannies. There are medical issues that they don’t want the public to know. Suicide rate for trans-sexuals are at least 40%. Surgeries are irreversible and hormone replacement have side-effects that the medical community does not want to admit. Most of the celebrities undergoing hormone replacement are not just forced into sterility and Frozen or Arrrested Development. They will eventually stop the hormone for possible health reasons. The point of secret trannies is to trick people into FALSE beauty and to promote homosexuality and brain washing of the mass.
Next – Hudna1 reviews Barbara Streisand
David Icke – is there an agenda behind transgender ideology?  26 min trailer            Sperm counts are plummeting            Sex Change Drugs forced on children that are only 10 years old – report claims 800 on one circumstance            Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Elon Musk (co-founder of PayPal) are leaders in the Transhumanist Movement!
David Icke again, on Transgenderism
Miss America?  Guess Again!      How about Missed America?  Mr. E finds most or all prior winners were trannies in the past 10 years
Transpocalypse 1 – The Hollywood Transgender Hollywood            Hollywood Huh?Tanspocalypse 2 – Transgender deception And Takeover
Uposted 8/5/2018++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Other YouTube  video titles which may interest you. I will try to make time to provide the links in the near future.  Can’t promise it, but will try. Britney Spears Hidden In Plain Sight – Hollywoods Secret MTF Transgenders
Men can not get pregnant Wake Up – The Starspirit123
Top 10 – Secret Transgenders in a female Movie Role – Hollywood Huh?
Another Deception you should know – The Star Spirit 123
Transgender Pop Music Over Decades – junglesurfertv
20 Secret Transgender Celebrities You Should Know in 2018!  Batman-Peter Parker Backup Account
Female To Male Hidden Deceptive Liars of Hollywood – The Star Spirit 123
Top 10 – Secret Transgenders in Rock Music – Hollywood Huh?
It’s real – the Transgender Agenda – The Star Spirit 123
Song For Em A What Son and the Beast 1 10 18 at 8:40 pm – Hudna1
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News – Dana Wignington  (don’t follow, per suggestion of The Fullerton Report or APlaneTruth; I can’t remember now)
Michael Jack-son/Sun Transvestigation! – Truthful Spirit Blue Heron
The Real Tranny – wives – The Star Spirit 123
Transgender and Frozen Gonads Piece of Me (at) 5 7 17 at 1:44 p.m. – Hudna1
The Extraterrestrial That Walked Among Us (True Story) Strange But True Stories
Blake Liverly is a man Transgender – Michelle XX
The Imposter (BAFTA Award Winning Documentary) – Real Stories
Brazil’s Elite Are Fleeing Bloodshed and Chaos – Dahboo77Jessica Alba – Hidden In Plain Sight Hollywood’s Secret MTF – Hollywood Huh?
The Origin of Trans Prostitutes by Mr E – the Tanster
Secret Transgenders – or Allien Invasion? Hollywood Huh?
Brooke Shields Transvestigation – Harvey Davidson
The Deception of Hollywood Transgender – Petre Nimictal
FKA Twigs – Dude, Looks like a lady?  Hollywood Huh?
Mr. E on Lana Del Ray – The Tanster
Super Soldier Supersold Marylin & Jane Russell – Hudna1
The Origin of Trans Prostitutes by Mr. E
Mass Geoengineering Occurring New Worldwide
Jesuite World Order Games Rope A dope Pope….
Sage Wanderer on unmasking evil Part 8 Red White & Blue  27 min – The Tanster
Prince Harry 10 Trans-girlfriends – Trans Investigator
Why Michael Jackson Won – SJ13
Faith Hill & Tim McGraw – Tranny Reversed
Mr E on Bennifer – The Tanster
Mr. E – Brad Pitt’s Partners enjoy Mr. E Fams – The Truth Seekers69
Sage Wanderer on unmasking evil Part 1 The serpent & Eve – The Tanster
Transpocalypse 1 The Hollywood Transgender – Hollywood Huh?
Superman Transvestigation  Christ – top – her Reeve – Truthful Spirit Blue Heron
Transpocalypse – The Hollywood Transgender Deception Gangstalking exists Flat Earth Exists
Illuminati Genderless Opt In Procreation Babylon Empire – Hollywood Huh?
Secret Transgender celebrities 2018
New MJ Documentary March 2017 Man In The Mirror – Earnnest Valentino Official YouTube
If You have any doubt we live in Mystery Babylon – Hollywood Huh?
How To Tell if someone is Trans/The Sky Is Falling – The Sky Is Falling

NotesTransgendered actors & actresses have Alisha Keys is a tranny
They get transgendered after birth, possibly occurs in the womb now. Puberty kicks in and helps them grow out male genetalia
Gwenyth Paltro is a trannyNatalie Cole is a tranny
Adonas  Belt – that is the scar that shows in the abdomen area – as proof they were transgendered  (wow, Adonas is close to spelling of Madona) 
I hope this info isn’t repeated but doesn’t appear to have been posted here yet, from my Pitstop
Amy Winehouse is  main topic, but you mention Adele, Tony Braxton, and Kelly Rippa. The names just keep piling up. I’m so glad to have seen your channel.
Michelle XX channel, YouTube
Bill Cosby the rapist hoax – way for tranjies to get public attention!
Bill Cosby is a transgender
Harvey Weinstein is a transgender
Satanic belief: Perfection is when men and women are together in same body
Lisa Bonet is transgender
Janice Dickenson is transgender
Beverly Johnson is transgender 
        Victoria Secrets promotes transgendered people
        WMBA supports trannies
Bill Cosby is a tranny

Tranny Couples Red Carpet. Reporting: Michelle XX 
     Ricky Martin and husband 
     Rich Berkem and Posh Spice
     Beyonce and Jay Z
     Goldie Hawn and partner 
        Daughter, Kate Hudson, is a tranny 
     Ben Aflack and Jennifer Garner 
     Faith Hill and Tim McGraw 
     Melanie Griffith and Antonio Bandarez 
     David Bowie
     Tom Hanks and wife 
     Tom Brady and Jazelle Brachin 
     Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruise 
     Gwen Stefanie and former husband Wasdale (his band was called Bush) 
         Is GW Bush a tranny? 
“That’s all folks. They mock us every day in every way” 😎 

Barbara Bush was a man. Crowley Family. Reporting Michelle XX
Barbara Bush died 4-17-2018 — add the numbers = 23
My sister died on 4-23 and she was 66 — she was targeted by the Satanists! Which probably includes CIA. May even be run by CIA cult! The first person CIA murdered was probably King George VI, Queen Elizabeth’s father. My suspicion. And tranny Jackie Kennedy (who was the one who shot JFK in the head, GW Bush ised 8 snipers as decoys to deceive the public) may have been the one who poisoned him, as a journalist and fiance to JFK – who was predicted as next US President when King George had an untimely heart attack in his 50’s. 
Barbara Bush is a tranny – was a man, offspring of Aleister Crowley 
GHW Bush was a woman, transgendered
   Notice skull differences
It’s a Secret Cult! Involving the transgendered goat god! 
The ring finger of a man is larger than the index finger
Barbara Bushes “parents” is a sex cult 
Frank Harris
Elliot Harris
Pauline Pierce 
Aleister Crowley 

Tippification of Perfection is Transgenderism
They are the real Camelions! 

More Deceiving Transgenders hidden in your plain sight!  Reporting Starspirit Channel
Jada Pinkett Smith
Jasmine Guy
Tina Turner
Beyonce Knowles
Solange Knowles 
Taraji P. Henderson
Regina King
Joan Armatrading
Patti Smith
Diana Ross (Michael Jackson’s good mother)
Patti LaBelle
Vanessa Williams
Pam Grier
Queen Latifa
Vivica A. Fox
Whitney Houston 
Tracy Chapman 

Iman   (notice the sound name is so obvious with some, “I’m a man”)

Posted 8/10/2018**************** – Hudna1 talks about what (Anthony) Bordain means, the need to bind the evil and ask Yeshua for protection. 

   Posted 8/10/2018 

Notes from the same video
According to this particularl film, the following are transgenders
Terry CruiseBruno Mars2 ChainzAidonaChris BrownAndre 3000Arsenio HallEddy MurphyAdam SandlerJustin TimberlakePaul RuddAndy SambergBob SagetDave CouierBrad PittGossipVin DieselAsap RickyAustin MahoneSorrority Boys Barry WatsonBill MurrayChad OchocincoCharlie ChaplinCharles BarkleyLeo lo CocoCharles BarkleyChris FarleyGaget and… (not finished)Win DieselAsap RockyAustin MahoneCee Lo GreenTerry CrewsMelania Trump @ 2:40 minArnold SchwarzeneggerChris HemsworthChris PhieChris RockDi Jazzy JeffWill SmithAlfonso RibeiroJaden SmithChris TuckerCillian MurphyCoolioDamon WayansShawn & Marlon WayansDavid Alan GrierDan AkroydDaniel CraigDave ChappelleDavid DuehovnyDavid SpadeDeandre JordanEi Man…(not finished)Kurt RussellDustin HoffmanShaquille O’NealFlip WilsonDennis RodmanFred ArmisenGael Garcici BernalGuy – (no finished)Hugo Chavez (not sure)Hugh L. (not finished)Ian McKellen @ 4:11 minJohn Cameron MithchellIyanyaJack LemmonJake GyllenhaelJames FrancoJamie FarrJamie FoxJaren LetoJim CareyJimmy FallonZac EffronSeth Myers (?) @ 4:28John CandyPatrick SwazyWesley SnipesJohn LegiuzamoJimmy KimmelGuillermoJohn Travolta(missed) 4:48 minTom CruzJude LawJustin BieberKanye WestKenan ThompsonMissed @ 4:50 minKevin HartKey & PeeleKid CudiLive SchreiberLil WayneLil BMarc JacobsMark WahlbergMartin LawrenceMatt LeblancMichael J. FoxMiguel BoseMiguel Nunez, Jr.Mike MyersMilton
BerleMos DefNathan LanePatrick – – @5:27Orlando JonesTyler –  – @5:31Ricky SmithR. KellyPush TTom HanksPeter ScolariRob SnyderRobert DeniroP. DiddyRobert Downey, Jr.Robin WilliamsShia LabeoufSnoopStephen DorffStephen FrySteve MartinSteven TylerTheophilus LondonTim CurryTim MeadowsTony CurtisTracy MorganUsain BoltVing RhamesWiz KhalifaWill FerrellJimmy FallonWill I AmWoody —  @6:07 minWillehem – @6:08 minWiz KidYoung ThugGeorge ClooneyThis TV programming is so sinister, you’ll have a hard time wrapping your head around itCherMarilyn MonroeMissed @ 7:33 minCiaraGwen StefaniAnn CoulterSandra BullockSteffi GrafMegan KellyAllison WilliamsKeira KnightleyCourtney CoxMichelle ObamaGrace JonesMariah CareyGabriela Santiago (1980’s tennis player)
Transinvestigation Notes (identifying men)                Adam’s Apple                Wide Jaw from the front                Completely square jaw from the side                Square shoulders                Brow Bossing (thickening of the brow ridge above the eyes)                Sloping back forehead                High, wide cheekbones                Tree Trunk Neck                Narrow Hips                                Straight up and down body contour                               Post-Pubescant, Transgendered Model                Adams Apple – ie, Miley Cyrus                Wide Jaw – Angelina Jolie                Completely Square Jaw From the Side                Square Shoulders                Brow Bossing                Sloping back forehead                @37:04 min – Melania Trump                Rib Cage Removal                                                Miss Columbia                                                Grace Jones                @37:33                 Madonna                @37:38                 Miley CyrusWhen ribs are removed, the shoulders become far too wide for proportion                Cher had ribs removed                                Her gender was publically questioned when she began her career                Marilyn Monroe had ribs removed @38:42                Chin implants @38:05                Hip Implants @38:18                                Looks like women to being with in some pictures                                But at 39:31 the person is a man obviously                                39:40 front view – this man is fatVoice Feminization                Prepubescent male voice@40 min  Pre-op voice                They also show the post-op voice 7 months laterYou’ve been sold a false paradymeHow – When – Where – Who44:30     Extensive Research has been done of the families of the Elites who are in control of the Modern World.  Every Single President shares familial ties.  Dozens of Hollywood stars have been linked.  Some by only a single generation. Obama is even linked to Tiger Woods.  So many celebrities look alike because of this “inter-breeding”The Nature of Your Own Slavery = TVQuill, whose ink is imposed by a fear of social rejection on a paper whose mind is too weak from delivery. The “Brit male nutrition” (not sure what was said @46:21 min) and pointless menial tasks that a career whose agency is under the guise of science bought and paid for by the same elite whose families have had their hand in the guidance of humanity for hundreds of years.1960’s…people were transgenderedThis quill, this predetermined destiny, has been writing a plot time for humanity that has bloomed into fruition all that it was scripted and more. Are you humanity? Are you ready to swallow the pill of reality?                                Raquel Welch                                Rihanna                                Sarah Palin                                Selma Blair                                Steffi Graff                                Taylor Swift                                Victoria Beckham                                Zendaya Coleman                                Sarah Jessica Parker
“The Mark of the Baphomet – Hollywood”
MAKE UPNAMES OF SOME OF THE BIG COMPANIESCover Girl            Cover-meaning to put on top or in front of something in order to protect or conceal it – by putting hidden male to female transgenders in their ads, they are covering with a false girl. Hence, Cover Girl
Maybelline            Contains the words man/male/men/manly – clues to what they are hiding!
Rimmel            If you rearrange the letters, you get the word Limmer            Limmer means a woman of loose morals, hussy, prostitute or strumpet
            How thoughtful of them to tell the women who buy their products what they really think of them. This is no coincidence
Chanel            Chanel – to channel or channeling a concept in spiritualism where a person allows their body to be used by the ghost of a dead person

ClarinsA Clarin is described as a witch and an unpleasant or disliked old woman.  So is this what they think of their female consumers?
Hermes            Hermes was a Greek god. Worshipping idols and false gods is a sin.
Urban Decay Cosmetics            Urban: a town or city/poplulated            Decay:  decompose, rot, putrefy, go bad off, spoil, fester. Perish, deteriorate
Calvin Klein            Hides the word VILLAIN – a wicked or evil person. Someone who choses evil deliberately
Fendi            Rearranged, we get the word FIEND – an evil spirit or demon 

Posted 10/21/2018
I suffered an injury and have been home healing since October 16. I have spent little time on Facebook, primarlily messaging people.  


Posted 10/21/2018




POST~  yet even if I had shared my 

blogpost titled Tranny Watch – I was 

exercising Freedom of Speech!  The blogpost claims that it is inhuman and evil to mutilate children – transgender operations are an evil way to manipulate society because they take away the will of a person, they do not think for themselves!  They are  manufactured sheeple! 10/25/2018 –  though facebook claimed I was banned for three days, a week goes by since they posed it and they still block me – because this is the CIA game of Socialism/communism!  They resent my stating I believe Mark Zuckerberg is really Robert T. Morris. They only prove I am right by lying about me posting something I had not! Nevertheless, my blogpost is not against any standards – except the Washington standards of communism and socialism and basic deprivation of citizen’s rights! 

I have not been on Facebook more 

than 10 minutes total for the past 

FIVE days because I have been 

healing from an injury!  

I did NOT post the Tranny Watch
 blog post recently – they are 

 They just want to manipulate me, 

keep me from saying something 

more about Pompeo using the 


Saudi journalist who also has 

American citizenship – to go to 

Saudi Arabia to obviously plan 

nefarious activity! 

    Mike Pompeo was obvioulsy one 

of the September 11 planners, 

MAKING the explosive filled drones

 that mass-murdered 3,000+ 




The 16th Psychological Operations Battalion – Facebook 16th Psychological Operations Battalion. 597 likes · 2 talking about this. This page is designed to socialize media to and from the 16th PSYOP Battalion.

2nd Psychological Operations Group – Posts | Facebook 2nd Psychological Operations Group is a psychological operations unit of the United… Jump to. Sections of this page. … Home. About. Photos. Reviews. Videos. Posts. Community. Info and Ads. See more of 2nd Psychological Operations Group on Facebook. Log In. or. Create New Account. See more of 2nd Psychological Operations Group on Facebook.

  • 3.8/5
  • Location: 8770 Chamberlin Rd, Summit, Ohio, 44087

Psyop Regimental Association – Photos | Facebook Regimental Association, Fort Bragg, NC. 4,420 likes · 40 talking about this · 7 were here. PSYOP Regimental Association, P.O. Box 73126, Fort…

HHC, 7th PSYOP Group – Posts | Facebook to Plowshares is partnering with Facebook to engage veterans at a veteran recruitment event. Facebook is looking to connect with bay area professionals who can move quickly and work collaboratively to build smarter, more meaningful solutions at a global scale.

US Army Psychological Operations (MISO) Recruiting – Facebook All Fort Bragg Soldiers, Come and Join us this Thursday the 17th of December for a PSYOP open house at Sport USA, Fort Bragg, NC. The event will be held between the hours of 1100-1900.

  • 4/4
  • Location: Bldg C-5437 Bastogne Dr, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 28310

399th Tactical PSYOP Company – Photos | Facebook Tactical PSYOP Company, San Marcos, Texas. 65 likes. Welcome to the Official 399th Psychological Operations Company facebook page! THE TITANS OF PSYOP!

7th Psychological Operations Group – Home | Facebook Psychological Operations Group. 490 likes. USACAPOC(A)’s mission: Organize, train, equip and prepare Army Reserve Civil Affairs and Psychological…

Facebook’s Gay Pride Rainbow Picture a Psyop – Infowars than a million people elected to allow Facebook to modify their profile pictures in honor of a Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage.        YET INFOWARS IS A CIA PSY OP, THIS MAY BE DISINFORMATION – BEWARE!  Oct 21, 2018


AnneMarie said…I went through part of the WikiLeaks list. I noticed they started a,Transgender Day of Remembrance after someone murdered a Transgender which could have been another transgender because LGBTs normally have vicious, physical fights. Additionally, take note: Jesse Herbst. Conveniently became mayor out of default. The mayor who won the election died of a heart attack. There are so many obviously murdered from heart attacks. So why not have a Memorial Day of victims of untimely heart attacks when there is obviously nefarious activity. And we could add King George V to that list, since CIA had just formed. Russia created a KGB only after King George died. How difficult it must have been for Queen Elizabeth to lead her nation, not knowing who it was that killed her father. Maybe it was Jackie Kennedy. See my blog on John F Kennedy.July 18, 2018 at 3:44 AMPost a Comment

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