Comment From LPac Activist

Ron WieczorekYou’re friends on FacebookLives in Mitchell, South DakotaWent to Mount Vernon High School
8/24/18, 11:52 AM
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Feb 25, 2020, 12:43 PM

Ron forwarded a message
Ron sent February 25
Hi, hope all is well with you.. have a favor to ask for Breast Cancer Awareness month! Would you put a on your Facebook page, and then send this message to your women contacts? This is for women to remember it’s breast cancer prevention week!
Hold your finger down on the message and hit forward.
May 2, 2020, 6:58 PM
You sent May 2
she nailed it.Attachment Unavailable
May 6, 2020, 12:02 PM

Ron sent May 6
TIME FOR A NEW PARADIGM IS NOW The overwhelming reality is the fact that we are heading toward an unbelievable crisis, Schiller Institute Helga Zepp-LaRouche stressed in a briefing today, speaking of the pandemic and economic “catastrophe unfolding in unimaginable dimensions.” She referred to the warnings of medical experts like Dr. Christian Drosten of the Charite Hospital in Berlin, about the impact of the pandemic now coming into being in poor areas worldwide, as seen in mass death in Manaus, Brazil, food riots in Nigeria and other horrors. Rough statistics from the International Labor Organization drive home the point: Of the total world population of 7.8 billion, 3.3 billion are the workforce cohort, of whom 2 billion are in the “informal” economy—meaning they and their loved ones live day-to-day, hand-to-mouth. If there is any disruption, it spells disaster. Even if the virus doesn’t strike, the lack of food and water will sicken and kill Add this warmongering to the mix of desperation and fear already felt by millions of people, otherwise subjected to anti-science propaganda, and the desired result is achieved by the manipulators: impotent and dangerous hedonism. But horrifying as this is, the situation is not foredoomed. It is a call to action. Humanity can rally, and confer on the challenges, which means to devise and implement the physical economy measures required, and to expose and put down the geopolitical anti-China, anti-Russia madness deployed to prevent saving lives and putting in a new system. The current geopolitical target is to bum-rush President Donald Trump into submission to the war-hawks against China in his administration, to preclude what the world needs: collaboration among the great powers—President Trump, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and any others willing. The confrontationist gameplan comes right out of London, the center of the dying monetarist system. It is urgent to press ahead with the optimism and solutions discussed by networks from around the world among participants at the April 25-26 Schiller Institute conference on “Mankind’s Existence Now Depends on the Establishment of a New Paradigm.” I would urge everybody to really get the maximum outreach for these Saturday events. We should in Europe really feel that at least some people have understood that fascism is the danger now, and the question is of defeating it before it is too late. Anniversary of V-E Day: Commemorate the Victory Against Fascism with a New Bretton Woods
Jun 20, 2020, 12:58 PM
You forwarded a video
You sent June 20

Ron sent June 20 to Return the US Workforce to the Culture of Production and Scientific
Nov 16, 2020, 12:45 PM
You sent November 16
Listen before it gets removed!!!!!0:00 / 4:09You need to watch this. It doesn’t take long, but it is extremely alarming. By the way, ignore Facebook’s attempt to block it. No surprise that they are trying to hide the truth.Jeremy
Nov 18, 2020, 1:17 AM

Ron sent November 18
British Demand an ‘Orderly Transition’… to Fascism Nov. 17 (EIRNS) — The United States continues to be subjected to a crafted campaign of disinformation and psychological warfare around the fraudulent Presidential election and its aftermath, which is designed to sow maximum confusion, disorientation and anxiety nationally and internationally — and use it to drive Donald Trump out of the Presidency. Helga Zepp-LaRouche emphasized today that sense-certainty is never a good adviser, but under the current circumstances of a strategy-of-tension, it is fatal. Clarity comes from what we in the LaRouche movement are doing. The following is clear: The British and their allies in the Democratic Party and much of the intelligence agencies are projecting a hologram that Trump’s charges of vote fraud have been disproven and defeated, and there’s nothing left to fight about. This is patently false, as you will read below. The same forces are demanding that an “orderly transition” to a Biden Presidency be implemented immediately. They are trying to build a chorus of voices, such as that of National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, to convince Americans that it’s a done deal and that it’s a time to get back to “normalcy.” What such a Biden-Harris presidency would mean is abundantly clear even from Biden’s early nominations and policy statements over the last few days. He would have Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who promotes the Nazi medical and euthanasia policies for which criminals were hung at Nuremberg, serve on his COVID task force and oversee U.S. policy on the pandemic. He would organize other countries to join the U.S. to “set the rules of the road” in order to stop China economically. He would have an anti-free speech activist oversee the U.S. Agency for Global Media, to further facilitate the Facebook/Twitter efforts to censor anyone they don’t like. In short, the “orderly transition” to a Biden-Harris administration really means an “orderly transition” to fascism — economically, politically and socially. It is the outcome demanded by their crumbling international financial system, with its $2 quadrillion in bankrupt speculative assets. The face of that intended fascism can be seen in recent developments in Peru, where a population driven mad by the pandemic (Peru has the highest per-capita COVID death rate in the world), with a plummeting economy (largely dependent on the “informal sector,” thanks to decades of Wall Street looting), and subjected to orchestrated strategy-of-tension violence over recent days, has just toppled two Presidents in succession and now has ended up with Francisco Sagasti in the Presidency. Sagasti is a former World Bank chief of strategic planning who has written extensively on “turbulence” and chaos theory, crediting his studies with three top operatives of London’s Tavistock Institute (the center of British psychological warfare operations) with shaping his thinking — including the notorious Dr. Eric Trist. Sagasti has written that Ibero-American countries “have to abandon their current scientific and technological work,” and need instead “a kind of social dismantling process.” Stopping the British intended coup d’état in the United States is in the vital self-interest not only of Americans, but of all nations around the world — just as it is in the vital self-interest of Americans to stop such crimes as are being perpetrated in Peru, and in the starvation sweeping Africa, by the same dying British financial empire. This is a central included intention of the Dec. 12-13 Schiller Institute conference, “The World after the U.S. Election: Creating a World Based on Reason,” which will consist of the following four panels: Panel I. “Hang Together, or Hang Separately”: Free and Sovereign Republics, or Digital Dictatorship? Panel II. Escaping the Danger of World War III: A Strategic Order Based on the Common Aims of Mankind. Panel III. Overcoming the World Health Crisis and the Hunger Pandemic: Thinking on the Level of the Coincidentia Oppositorum. Panel IV. A Human Future for Youth: A Beethoven-Driven Renaissance of Classical Culture
My Comment: The British at the top are ZIONISTS and they are a criminal tribe. The rest of us are “goyim” a racial slur to these racist Satanic Zionists with an overblown sense of superiority and suffering from a severe infliction of the Nasties. They have aligned with the ZIONIST Rothschilds and other Zionists to keep the world poor and undeveloped. These same have developed Vaccines as bioweapons for depopulation. The Zionist created State of Israel, The British Monarchy and Empire and the Zionist run United States have implemented the Zionist’s evil agenda of a New World Order and it is a Satanic Empire.