Dirty Cop Wray of FBI Lies About Iran & Russia Interfering in Election (Where is the FBI With Busting Elite Child Sex Perverts? They All Knew Herbert the Pervert Bush Was a Child Rapist)
FBI Says Iran and Russia are Interfering in the Election
By infostormer -October 22, 20200

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and FBI Director Christopher Wray held a bizarre press conference last night claiming that Iran and Russia were interfering in the election.
This apparently centered around both countries obtaining American voter rolls and some Iranians who were pretending to be members of the Proud Boys.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/index.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-1&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1319105646231343104&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Finfostormer.com%2Ffbi-says-iran-and-russia-are-interfering-in-the-election%2F&theme=light&widgetsVersion=ed20a2b%3A1601588405575&width=550pxhttps://platform.twitter.com/embed/index.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-2&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1319062974968090625&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Finfostormer.com%2Ffbi-says-iran-and-russia-are-interfering-in-the-election%2F&theme=light&widgetsVersion=ed20a2b%3A1601588405575&width=550px
It was never explained how obtaining voter registration information equated to election interference. This is public information. Anybody can obtain it.
The whole press conference was just strange.
What may have happened here is that Wray decided to push the Russia bullshit so there is an excuse to explain how Trump won reelection. Wray has undermined the Trump agenda ever since he was appointed to replace James Comey who was neck deep in the Russia hoax coup. He was a terrible selection by Trump for this role and he needs to be fired.
Ratcliffe focusing on equally questionable information about Iranians posing as Proud Boys to help Joe Biden was just as strange. But he may have put this out there to put a pro-Trump spin on the FBI announcement.
It was just a weird announcement and makes no sense in the grand scheme of election interference.
The real interference is coming from the big tech companies that are censoring and blacklisting people for political purposes. And then there’s also the Israeli lobby which has been actively interfering in the American political system for years. Maybe the FBI should investigate that instead of obscure nonsense like Russia obtaining publicly available information on American voters. But we know they won’t because they are a politically tainted criminal enterprise that masquerades as a law enforcement operation.