Amerika Under Demonic ZIONIST Policy: Nagasaki Bombing-Amerika’s Evil, Racist Foreign Policy Under the Biggest Racists of All-ZIONISTS-Creators of the Ku Klux Klan & Antifa-Media Lied to You

Of Course Our ZIONIST Media Lies & Says Dropping These Bombs was the ONLY Way to End WW2. It’s a HUGE LIE but Expect LIES From the Synagogue of Satan. Jesus Warned You But You Didn’t Listen.

Our ZIONIST Media Lies & Says Dropping These Bombs was the ONLY Way to End WW2. It’s a HUGE LIE but Expect LIES From the Synagogue of Satan. Jesus Warned You But You Didn’t Listen.

Scalded boy who will have to endure multiple, painful burn treatments.
Burnt to death corpse as ZIONISTS rammed their scorched earth policy on Japan who never wanted this war to begin with and tried multitudes of times to avoid war. FDR was a ZIONIST who agreed to get America into WW2.
Likely orphaned child crying for his dead parents. Many orphans starved to death.
Burnt maimed survivor who will carry PTSD war wounds for the rest of her life.
Mark Scott Smith's Blog: Enemy in the Mirror - Firebombing ...
Firebombed woman burnt alive.
Children died in Hiroshima & Nagasaki the biggest war crime ever committed defended by American Christians who support the ZIONIST Synagogue of Satan.
The dead, dying and soon to die.
Nagasaki War Museum Tribute to WW2
Nagasaki A-bomb victim - A look back: The atomic bombings ...
Her clothing design burnt into her skin.

Comment: Dear Americans: You are next. The Zionists you have supported want you dead in WW3 with bombings happening all over the USA. Your total takedown is already planned. Expect to be firebombed while your elite ZIONIST criminals who planned this hide in bomb shelters. They have no bomb shelters for you. Think Bush, Clintons, all of Congress with the Exception of Thomas Massie & Rand Paul, your local and State governors all servants of the Satanic ZIONISTS.

Nagasaki bombing victim covered with burns.
Terrorized civilian populations murdered in bombing dying of radiation poisoning and cancer in the aftermath.

My Comment: America will be next. Before this happens there will be travel restrictions banning Americans. Passports will be impossible to obtain. U.S. Passport offices are no longer processing passports.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn relates that some sixty-six million “real Russians” have been murdered since the Bolshevik Revolution at the hands of the Yiddish revolutionaries, and now two hundred million citizens of the United States await their turn in the abattoirs of the bloodthirsty Zionist terrorists

Comment: Brutal Proof is in links. The Plan: A Christian Holocaust in the United States.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn relates that some sixty-six million “real Russians” have been murdered since the Bolshevik Revolution at the hands of the Yiddish revolutionaries, and now two hundred million citizens of the United States await their turn in the abattoirs of the bloodthirsty Zionist terrorists

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