CO2 is Plant Food; We Need MORE Not Less of CO2 to Feed the World


In this tactical tug-of-war over whose script will be chosen for the final act of Coronavirus: The Movie — we have, on one side, Trump and the patriots proposing the “happy ending” version of re-opening businesses and resuming the counter-attack on the Deep State by Easter Weekend (April 10 -12)  — and, in the other camp, there are the undefeated and still-mighty Globalists whose version of the closing scene climaxes with the “Herbert Hooverization” of Trump and allies worldwide by imposing an indefinite, economy-killing “shelter-in-place” regime upon Planet Earth. As the above-listed pro-depression / anti-“get back to work” headlines clearly indicate, we know which ending that “the paper of record” prefers.

1 . Trump: “America was not built to be shut down.” He has stated repeatedly that he wants the country back to work by Easter (4-10-20 is “Good Friday” this year, and corresponds to his initials, DJT) // 2. Fake News and Demonrat Governors want to keep the country shut down. // 3. The goal of the Ghoulish Governors is to do to Trump what they did to President Hoover.

For the benefit of the historically rusty, a bit of Real History precedent review is in order here. 

In 1928, Republican Herbert Hoover was elected President by winning 40 of the then-48 states. It was the third consecutive Republican landslide (Harding, 1920 & Coolidge, 1924). Hoover had inherited from his predecessors the booming economy of “The Roaring Twenties,” — and optimistically spoke of continued peace and prosperity for the nation.

About six months into his term, the Federal Reserve and its subordinate banks deliberately choked off the money supply – crashing the highly leveraged stock market in October, 1929 and ushering in the Great Depression. As businesses across the country fell like dominoes, the Fed continued to contract the money supply so that both businesses and individuals couldn’t get their hands on enough currency to repay the old debts from the bubble years.

Hoover, for the most part, resisted the commie call for “action” — wisely stating:

“Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body – the producers and consumers themselves.”

That sure didn’t go over too well with the Globo gangsters (cough cough) who engineered the crash. Like a trio of con-artists working the same “mark,” the Fed continued to throttle the economy, whilst the Fake News falsely blamed Hoover for not “doing enough,” whilst the Communists organized “spontaneous” street actions like the 1932 “Bonus March.” The End Result: The election of 1932 brought an end to 12 years of conservative Republican governance by installing Franklin Demono Rosenfeld in the White House in a 42-state landslide — along with a Democrat super-majority in the Congress (most, but not all of them leftists). America would never be the same again.

1. “It (the Stock Market crash) was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all.”

~ Louis McFadden // Congressman (R-PA), Chairman of House Banking Committee. Testified in Congress (1933).  In 1936, McFadden suddenly dropped dead after attending a banquet. // 2.  Months before the election of 1932, the Communist-led “Bonus Army” incited thousands of World War I veterans to camp out in Washington and demand their World War I bonus money before retirement. When General MacArthur was brought in to bust-up the Red Rebellion, Fake News made Hoover into a tyrant. // 3. The coup was successful — FDR wins in a landslide.

Early on in his presidency, Trump took control of the Fed by dumping Globalist Janet Yenta Yellen (cough cough) and appointing Jerome Powell (the first non-Jew to chair the Fed in over 30 years). With the Fed having been tamed, the removal of Trump by the tried & true tactic of spiking interest rates / contracting money supply — which was the original plan (here) — was no longer an option. CoronaMania was therefore designed to do what the Central Bank could no longer do, namely, crash — Herbert Hooverize — the Trump’s stock market and economy – albeit by different means than those utilized in 1929-1932.

Right on cue, from, March 25, 2020:

Headline: Will Trump Become the New Hoover? (here)

And this from the Washington Compost, March 23,2020 (accomapnied by immages of Trump and Hoover)

Headline: Covid-19 may destroy Donald Trump’s presidency

Sub-headline: Has Trump plunged America into another Great Depression? (here)

Bastards! But should we really be surprised? (((They))) don’t care about how many people they murder in foreign wars; so why would (((they))) give a rat’s butthole how many American get thrown out of work? Our lives mean NOTHING to these monsters which so many millions of normies hold in such high regard as “public servants.”

Like the “Russian Collusion” hoax of 2017-2019; and like the “Ukraine Phone Call” hoax of 2019-2020 – CoronaMania seems destined to backfire – maybe. The unpredictable “X-Factor” here is that 24 of America’s 50 states (including the two most populous states of California and New York) have Demonrat Governors. If enough of these repugnant villains (Newsome (CA), Cuomo (NY), Pritzker (IL), Murphy (NJ) et al) were to collectively scheme to keep their respective states on shut-down — in spite of Trump’s Easter target date for a return to normalcy — the Governors (and some big city Mayors) could inflict enormous damage not just upon the people of their own states, but on the nation as a whole.

It will be interesting to see how the coming civil war between the conveniently all-of-a-sudden “states’ rights” Demonrat Governors and the President plays out. Our money is on Trump coming out of this latest take-down scheme smelling like roses again. However — if mass arrests of the criminal perps who just caused us to dump 2 Trillion on the National Credit Card don’t come out of this golden “National Emergency” opportunity; then one has got to start wondering how and when “The Storm” will ever happen. Not getting discouraged here – just a little antsy. We just need to see some bad guys disappear and die soon. That’s all.

– That being said, where the hell is Tom Hanks?”

1. Trump saved his presidency early on by taking the unprecedented action of essentially firing (refusing to reappoint) Fed Chairman Yellen. // 2. With the Fed ‘Hooverization’ option no longer viable, the Globalists are counting on scum such as Governor Newsome of California to keep the economy is a slow motion election-year implosion over this Coronavirus nonsense. // 3. Hanks and his wife were supposedly “diagnosed ” and then “released from the hospital” with minor symptoms  11 days ago. Where is he? And what is his right hand in the last seen Instagram image attached to?

In accordance with the dictates of New Jersey’s insane and evil Governor Phil Murphy of Goldman Sachs, the Boobus Brothers are at home, “sheltering in place” ™ as they “social distance” ™ from their equally stupid and frigid wives.


St. Sugar: When the Boobusses sstart to feel the pain of not having a paycheck, they will sside with Trump againsst the Governorss!!

Editor: That’s quite possible — but the script for the final act of this secret war can still go either way, in my judgement.


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Paintings by Hitler — An Album

March 26, 2020

NY Times: Under Brazil’s Far Right Leader, Amazon Protections Slashed and Forests Fall


Among cunning Globalists and their true-believing libtarded dupes, the felonious fairy tale of Amazonian “deforestation”  is an article of commie climate catechism second only in piety and importance to the commandment to never doubt in the “science” of man-made “Global Warming”  / Climate Change .” The great basin and its rain forest, we are told, simultaneously act as a vital absorbent of CO2 (plant food) as well as the oxygen-producing “lungs of the Earth .” But Jair Bolsonaro — Brazil’s “far right”  president — ain’t buyin’ the Fake Science. And his defiance has really got the pink panties of the ghoulish greenies at Sulzberger’s Slimes up in a bunch because 60% of the Amazon is located within the borders of Brazil.

From the article:

“The destruction of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil has increased rapidly since the nation’s new far-right president took over and his government scaled back efforts to fight illegal logging, ranching and mining. Protecting the Amazon was at the heart of Brazil’s environmental policy for much of the past two decades. At one point, Brazil’s success in slowing the deforestation rate made it an international example of conservation and the effort to fight climate change.

But with the election of President Jair Bolsonaro, a populist who has been fined personally for violating environmental regulations, Brazil has changed course substantially, retreating from the efforts it once made to slow global warming by preserving the world’s largest rain forest.”

1 & 2. The Amazon is often referred to as “The Lungs of the Earth.” // 3. Bolsonaro is an ally of Trump who understands what the true objectives of the “environmentalist movement” are all about.


Ponder this irony: Plants and trees LOVE CO2 and warm temperatures. So, if we reduce CO2 (plant food) and reduce temperatures — wouldn’t we be causing more “deforestation?”

Be not alarmed, boys and girls. First of all, the Amazon is NOT “the lungs of the Earth .” Though the vast forest / jungle does indeed generate an enormous quantity of oxygen through photosynthesis, it actually consumes most of that oxygen itself during the constant decomposition of organic matter. The Amazon is therefore not “lungs of the Earth,”  but rather, the lungs of itself only. Factor in naturally-caused forest fires, and its actually arguable (and backed-up by real scientists) that the forest consumes more oxygen than it produces!

Apart altogether from the moronic myth of “the lungs of the Earth  is the inconvenient truth that the sheer size of the Amazon renders itself impossible for man to “destroy.” The massive state of Texas, or the entire nation of France, would fit into the Amazon basin about about eight times. There are an estimated 390 BILLION trees in the Amazon (here) — that’s 52 trees for every man, woman and child on the planet — and about 1,800 tress per every Brazilian! Humanity has no need for even a single-digit fraction of all those trees — neither for lumber nor for cleared farmland.

    x  8

France fits 8 times into the Amazon. Nobody is going to “destroy” such a massive area packed with  an estimated 390 Billion trees!

And finally, there is the myth that the Amazon had been untouched since the dawn of humanity, until the big bad greedy White Man crossed the ocean blue about 500 year ago. Therefore, the Amazon is somehow sacred ground which must never be cultivated, no matter how limited. But the liberal-leaning Smithsonian Magazine, of all sources, debunks this historical myth too. Have a look:

“The first Europeans to penetrate the Amazon rainforests reported cities, roads and fertile fields along the banks of its major rivers. “There was one town that stretched for 15 miles without any space from house to house, which was a marvelous thing to behold,” wrote Gaspar de Carvajal, chronicler of explorer and conquistador Francisco de Orellana in 1542. “The land is as fertile and as normal in appearance as our Spain.”

Such tales were long dismissed as fantasies, not least because teeming cities were never seen or talked about again. But it now seems the chroniclers were right all along. It is our modern vision of a pristine rainforest wilderness that turns out to be the dream.

What is today one of the largest tracts of rainforest in the world was, until little more than 500 years ago, a landscape dominated by human activity, according to a review of the evidence by Charles Clement of Brazil’s National Institute of Amazonian Research in Manaus, and his colleagues.”

1. The evidence is suppressed, but cannot be denied. — Long before the Spaniards & Portuguese arrived in South America, there were cleared and highly-populated cities, roads and rich farmland throughout the “pristine” Amazon rainforest and the Andes mountains (and ancient white people with blonde and red hair too!)

Upon taking office, Bolsonaro slashed the environmental agency’s budget by 24 percent, and denounced environmental fines as an “industry” that needs to be shut down. He has done this while scoffing at “international criticism” — arguing that calls to preserve large parts of Brazil are part of a global conspiracy to hinder Brazil’s development. According to the Slimes article, Bolsonaro has accused European leaders (Merkel, Macron et al) of pushing for stronger “conservation” of the Amazon because they hope to develop it themselves in the future. Said the colorful Brazilian leader in his quintessential bold manner: “Brazil is like a virgin that every pervert from the outside lusts for.”

Tell it, Senhor Presidente. Tell it!

On a related note (because CoronaMania & ClimateMania are products of the same Globalist masterminds) Bolsonaro is also resisting the drive to grind down the global economy over a common cold. Headline / sub-headline: BBC:

Coronavirus: Bolsonaro Downplays Threat of Pandemic to Brazil

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has accused the media of “fear-mongering” in a speech that downplayed the threat of coronavirus to the country.

Tell it again, Senhor Presidente. Tell it!

1. Prior to meeting Bolsonaro for the first time, the Frumpy Frau, when asked about the “destruction of the rainforest,” told the press that she would “make every effort to ensure that what is happening in Brazil no longer continue.” But Bolsonaro clearly does not care what the Marxist hag has to say. // 2. Macron pleaded and even threatened Bolsonaro to remain in the Paris Climate Accord. Brazil still remains in, but Bolsonaro is not enforcing the terms. // 3. The deforestation “crisis” is just another Globalist scam to prevent sovereign nations from developing.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the far right president of Brazil is cutting down the rain forest at an alarming rate.

Boobus Americanus 2: That fool! Doesn’t he realize that the Amazon is the lungs of the planet?!


St. Sugar: We need the extra treess now becausse you friggin’ libtardss are banning plastic bagss!

Editor: And those reusable canvas bags can spread the big bad Coronavirus!

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