CIA=Criminals in Action
“It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate and fear, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms.” (Excerpts from THE PRAETORIAN GUARD by John Stockwell)

“It’s about making the world safe for the warmongers to profit. “
Comment: CIA answers to the British Anglo-Dutch Empire which includes Monarchies of both countries, Rothschild Zionists, Wall Street, City of London, Vatican….all ZIONIST warmongering Satanists, Freemasons and Secret Society Members such as Knights of Malta &/or Skull’ n Bones, Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations and very Jewish Bilderbergers. In fact “jews’ run all these or Rather the ZIONIST Mafia.
More Crimes of the CIA Current Director Gina Haspel:
OpEdNews Op Eds 3/18/2018 at 13:30:49 H2’ed 3/18/18The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre of My LaiBy Ann Wright (Page 1 of 2 pages) (View How Many People Read This) 3 comments | Become a Fan (47 fans) |

Mourning Woman at My Lai Village, Viet Nam
(Image by (photo by Ann Wright)) DetailsDMCA
On March 16, 2018, the same day I was with a delegation from Veterans for Peace at the 50th annual ceremonies commemorating the deaths of 504 civilians who were murdered by U.S. Army soldiers in four hours on March 16, 1968 in the hamlet of My Lai, Vietnam and surrounding villages — President Trump nominated Gina Haspel to be the new CIA Director.
Therefore, that day became a day of remembering murder and torture committed by members of the U.S. government 50 years ago — and much more recently in 2002.
We know what the U.S. Army soldiers did 50 years ago. In what is now called the My Lai massacre, U.S. soldiers executed 182 women including 17 pregnant women and raped as many of them before they were killed. They murdered 173 children, 68 of whom were five years old or younger and they executed 89 middle aged persons and 60 persons over the age of 60, some of whom were burned alive, tortured, gang-raped, scalped and had their tongues cut out during the rampage of the U.S. Army soldiers.
And we now know that Gina Haspel, President Trump’s nominee for CIA director was the CIA senior officer in charge of a secret CIA prison in Thailand in 2002 in which prisoners were tortured — waterboarded (one person 82 times), kept in dog cages for weeks at a time, put into coffin boxes with things they were afraid of. To cover up her crimes, she ordered the destruction of the videotapes of the torture that happened in her prison. (Satanic CIA Director)
Fifty years ago, the U.S. Army chain of command covered up the My Lai massacre and attempted to malign those who made the massacre public. Army veteran Ron Ridenhour described what had happened in letters to the Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and others. Helicopter pilot Hugh Thompson testified before Congress that he saw U.S. Army personnel killing Vietnamese civilians and landed his helicopter near the killing fields to end the rampage. He was told by the platoon leader 1LT Calley to butt out, but instead Thompson picked up civilians running from the carnage and flew them to safety.
After several years of investigation, out of 26 men initially charged, 1 LT Calley was the only person court-martialed and found guilty — of killing 22 villagers, and given a life sentence, but served only three and a half years under house arrest at Fort Bragg, NC and never spent one day in jail. President Nixon ultimately pardoned Calley.
Forty years later, in 2007, CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou revealed to the world that the CIA was waterboarding prisoners in secret and not so secret prisons in many parts of the world.
Kiriakou was imprisoned for almost two years for revealing that the CIA was torturing persons but none of those, including CIA director nominee Gina Haspel, who made torture a policy of the CIA or actually committed the acts of torture, including waterboarding, were ever charged with a crime.
The protection of those who commit heinous crimes in the name of the US government by the government in whose name the crimes are committed provide a dangerous precedent and lead to the conclusion by many in the military and CIA that they can “get away with murder.”
The sad (or evil) history of our country is that murders and executions (remember the extrajudicial drone assassinations ordered by Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump) are acts that continue to be the policy of our country. These acts are known throughout the world, but seldom spoken about in the United States. That President Trump would nominate a known torturer to be the director of the CIA is horrific. Her confirmation by the U.S. Congress would be a tragedy.
For what little credibility the U.S. left in the world, the Congress must refuse to confirm a known torturer as director of the CIA.