President Trump Poisoned


Late Edition for November 18, 2019: Danger from Within [videos]

Isn’t it ironic that Jim Stone said he was concerned about President Trump being poisoned? And the other day when I read about the President’s diet being pizza and other fast food and a lot of Diet Coke, I thought how easy it would be to poison him.

Shouldn’t he be eating organic food prepared by the White House chef, fresh every day that he is on site? Now that he is in Florida, what is the arrangement?

We gave readers a heads up yesterday when we learned POTUS went to Walter Reed as it was NOT for his annual checkup.

We hope the Trump family is well protected, and that the food taster makes a rapid and full recovery.

EXCLUSIVE – President Trump makes unscheduled stop at military hospital to undergo battery of tests for possible deliberate poisoning of food with “time delayed” chemical agent; food tester gravely ill – White House connected source

BREAKING: Trump Made Unannounced Stop at Walter Reed Hospital — “Worrisome and Unusual” – Rumblings of Stomach Problems, Potential Food Poisoning

I sent this out via separate post but I’m putting it here, as well, as it is a must-listen. The alarm has been sounded. Ignore at your peril. All Western civilizations need to heed the warning—not only Canada.

First They Came for Don Cherry

FBI ARRESTS Democrat Mayor, Failing Democrats Lose Big Races in Indiana

After the Saugus High School shooting, we have more senseless killings from “random” shooters in California on Sunday.

Police: Home in California backyard shooting was targeted

4 killed, 6 injured in shooting at California football party

This is precisely what we see happening. These absurd attacks on the President and his administration will only strengthen their position in the eyes of the electorate. The People are awake and will choose the President and his men again in 2020 in a red tsunami.

Huckabee: Impeachment leading to ‘landslide’ re-election of Trump

Dave’s X22 Report sums up current events for tonight.

Trump Brings The Storm, A Name To Remember, The Takedown – Episode 2024b

Stay safe everyone.  ~ BP

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