The World as You Knew it Is Disintegrating

The World As You Thought You Knew It is DisintegratingPosted on October 10, 2019Over the past years we have witnessed the corporate media relinquish any pretense of having any relationship to reality. The emergence of eco-fascist gangs demanding the destruction of industrial society and depopulation are trying to destroy the very notion of human progress — note that many people smiled and nodded when the abused child Greta Thunberg told the world to give up “fairy tales of eternal economic growth.” The Vatican, certainly deemed a permanent institution by its friends and its foes alike, is shaken to its roots under the weight of the sex scandals, a mass shortage of priests, and now, a Pope openly sponsoring Satanic policies, including a Synod, ongoing now, in which priests and bishops are celebrating pagan rights and supporting eco-fascism and depopulation.READ MORE

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