EIR Daily Alert Service, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019


Volume 6, Number 197

EIR Daily Alert Service

P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390

  • Three Astronauts Return From ISS to Earth-Pursue the Vision of Space for an Economic Renaissance
  • Trump Responds to Media on Relations With Russia and Aid to Ukraine
  • Some New Interesting Facts About Ukraine and Trump You Won’t Find Elsewhere
  • Third Stage Underway of the Coup Against Trump
  • Coup Developments: Adam Schiff’s Staff Dealings With Whistleblower Against Trump
  • Putin Suggests Trump, North Korea Model for U.S.-Iran Talks
  • New York Times Presents the Imperial Plan for Destroying China Through Hong Kong
  • Last British Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten Tells ‘The People’ To Set Up a Counter-Government
  • Greek Quislings Kiss Up to Lame-Duck ECB President Draghi
  • NASA Budget, Funding for Artemis Program Are Precarious, Require Big Eight
  • ‘For an Economic Renaissance of Humanity and the Exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche’


Three Astronauts Return from ISS to Earth—Pursue the Vision of Space for an Economic Renaissance

Oct. 3 (EIRNS)—Today in Kazakhstan, three astronauts from the International Space Station (ISS) had a safe and happy return to Earth, while their six fellow crewmates remain aboard the ISS, continuing important work in orbit. The three returning crewmen are NASA’s Nick Hague, Russian Alexey Ovchinin, and Hazzaa Ali Almansoori from the United Arab Emirates. NASA’s press release today said that the mission of this crew (Expedition 60) “contributed to hundreds of experiments in biology, biotechnology, physical science and Earth science.”

No matter how “routine” this space station activity now seems, includingthat we have come to expect safe flights to and from the facility, and we enjoy live video of astronauts performing space walks and projects, there is still the excitement it represents of how there can be international cooperation to expand knowledge and push humankind into new realms of life.

This vision is exactly opposite the “eco-emergency” outlook now being promoted that, here on Earth, resources are running out, strife is inevitable, and financial-political circles centered in Wall Street and the City of London must be allowed to impose their “green finance” dictates on nations, or else the world will melt in heat death.

A new statement ripping apart this green dictatorship fraud was issued today by Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Titled, “For an Economic Renaissance of Humanity and the Exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche,” the statement is being issued for circulation during International Days of Action, which are planned to take place Oct. 10-15 by collaborators around the world.

Zepp-LaRouche writes, “If we are to get out of the currently escalating crisis, in which everything seems to be spinning out of control, we need to change our entire way of thinking. We need to find a point of reference from which we can reappraise all our assumptions about mankind and the universe we inhabit, and examine their validity. This point of reference is space research and space travel.”

After elaborating on this, Zepp-LaRouche stresses that, “The indispensable step to achieve this new paradigm of thinking is the full exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche, who was persecuted and imprisoned in the 1980s and 1990s by the evil and desperate Grand Inquisitors of the British Empire, in their attempt to block access to his ideas.

“We need the bold and optimistic visions of thinkers like Leibniz, Schiller, Einstein, Krafft Ehricke, and Lyndon LaRouche, because the cultural pessimism of Malthus, Nietzsche, and Spengler leads to fascism and war, while positive ideas of mankind lead to new Renaissances and flourishing periods in history. It is up to all of us which direction we take!”

The full Zepp-LaRouche statement is at the end of today’s EIR Daily Alert.


Trump Responds to Media on Relations with Russia and Aid to Ukraine

Oct. 3 (EIRNS)—Speaking Oct. 2 at a joint White House press conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö, President Donald Trump said the United States will get along with Russia despite the current domestic political turmoil, in response to a question about Rep. Adam Schiff and the whistleblower against Trump: “Let me just tell you: The whole thing is a scam.  The Mueller deal was a scam. The Russian collusion was a scam. You can ask Putin. Nobody has been rougher on Russia than Donald Trump, okay?

“Now, with that being said, it would be great to get along with Russia.  And we will get along with Russia, because it’s smart.  But nobody has been tougher on Russia than Donald Trump.”

Indicating he was prepared to take his false accuser to court, Trump replied to a Reuters question: “And just so you know, we’ve been investigating, on a personal basis—through Rudy [Giuliani] and others, lawyers—corruption in the 2016 election. We’ve been investigating corruption, because I probably will—I was going to definitely—but I probably will be bringing a lot of litigation against a lot of people having to do with the corrupt investigation, having to do with the 2016 election….

“And I have every right to do that.  Because the way they’ve treated me and other people—they’ve destroyed people.  They’ve destroyed their lives with a phony charge that never existed…. And that was collusion.  Never existed…. And in the end, they couldn’t find one damn thing. They couldn’t find one thing about Donald Trump having to do with collusion.  This is after two years and spending $42 million.”

Some New Interesting Facts about Ukraine and Trump You Won’t Find Elsewhere

Oct. 3 (EIRNS)—It appears that steps are being taken to resolve the war in eastern Ukraine.  If you look at the footage of President Donald Trump’s discussion with the new Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the President repeatedly suggests that Zelensky must work things out with President Vladimir Putin. Now, according to multiple press reports, Ukraine signed on to the Steinmeier formula on Oct. 1, a formula for peace negotiations in eastern Ukraine.  The formula is named after then-German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier in 2014-15, and anticipates elections in eastern Ukraine following a withdrawal of all military forces. Ukraine was joined in signing on to this formula by the eastern regions of Luhansk and Donetsk, the OCSE, and Russia. Zelensky says that this step paves the way for new meetings of the Normandy Four to negotiate peace, namely, Zelensky, Putin, Merkel, and Macron.

The signings have provoked hysteria in certain media in Ukraine, Britain, and the United States, claiming that Zelensky has sold out to Putin. Russia has commented saying that it is a very positive step. The U.S.-supported rightists and neo-Nazis, including former President Petro Poroshenko, are echoing the British line, showing up in Kiev’s Maidan Square to demonstrate against Zelensky’s action.

It may turn out that creating the circumstance for a Putin-Zelensky discussion of eastern Ukraine has been a major aspect of Trump’s stance toward the new President from the time Zelensky was elected, not only withholding lethal aid, but also taking other steps to indicate strategic ambiguity. A deeper dive into the Biden/Burisma story reveals that Burisma, while nominally owned by the oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, is actually substantially owned by a different oligarch, Igor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky had been a significant supporter of Zelensky’s candidacy, despite a well-earned reputation as a fraudster, murderer, and overall international thug.  It is Kolomoisky who has provided the most substantial funding for the war in eastern Ukraine and the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.  Hence, the President might be referring to this when he questions Zelensky in the infamous transcript as to whether the “same people” were around him as were involved in the corrupt dealings with Hunter Biden.

Today, former Ukrainian envoy Kurt Volker is providing testimony to the renegade impeachment inquiry. As of 5:00 p.m., his testimony had not concluded.

Third Stage Underway of the Coup against Trump

Oct. 3 (EIRNS)—In thinking about the ongoing coup d’état, it is clear that there are three phases of the coup against President Trump.  The first phase runs from 2015 through the firing of James Comey as FBI Director in May 2017. Its nodal events included the “Five Eyes” (U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Canada, U.S.) operation to surveil and entrap individuals in the Trump Campaign for purposes of influencing 2016 election in favor of Hillary Clinton. The entire gang of eight, includingRep. Nancy Pelosi, were up to their ears in this phase.  It involved the dirty dossier by “ex”-MI6 agent Christopher Steele and its “Trump as Manchurian Candidate” theme used by Hillary Clinton to swing votes.

The same dossier was then used to attempt to cause a revolt in the Electoral College.  It was even argued that the Steele dossier claim, that Putin had compromising material on Trump, should be made a part of the joint Intelligence Community Assessment about Russian interference! Had this happened, it could only have resulted in massive chaos and lethal violence preceding the President’s inauguration.  Then, Comey and his crew set out to make multiple attempts at entrapping the President, securing the scalp of National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn first, in what can only be characterized as a legal atrocity.

In the second phase, we have the Robert Mueller investigation. Now there is new information. Just this week, Judicial Watch has procured new documents under the FOIA, showing that then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was collaborating with Mueller well before Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel. Rosenstein said to Mueller, that “the boss” (Jeff Sessions, then Attorney General) knew nothing about the Rosenstein/Mueller dealings, and stated, cryptically that “duty calls.” These emails lend credence to the claim that Rosenstein was prepared to wear a wire to entrap the President of the United States at the White House. Rosenstein could get by security, when other White House staffers would have been searched.

Following Mueller’s destruction of several individuals, but inability to produce anything about Trump, we have now entered the Coup, Stage 3.

Coup Developments: Adam Schiff’s Staff Dealings with Whistleblower against Trump

Oct. 3 (EIRNS)—Adam Schiff’s staff was in touch with the so-called whistleblower against President Donald Trump, well before the whistleblower filed his complaint on Aug. 12th, according to a story in the New York Times on Oct. 2. The CIA man—the whistleblower—originally went to CIA counsel, rather than to the Intelligence Community Inspector General in the story told by the Times, preemptively, we believe, because Schiffless knew it would all ultimately come out. Worried that his talk with CIA Counsel triggered a White House investigation, he went to the House Intelligence Committee to report his complaint, according to the Times.  Since almost all federal offices have posters in them about how to report whistleblower complaints, one might conclude that the whistleblower is blind.

Schiff had previously denied any foreknowledge of the complaint. Schiff’s staff referred him to a whistleblower lawyer. John Kiriakou takes up this aspect of it over at Consortium News. An actual whistleblower, like Tom Drake or Kiriakou, rather than someone in the CIA assigned to take down the President, would never employ Mark Zaid, who, Kiriakou argues, based on his personal knowledge, sells actual whistleblowers down the river.

Republican Senators Chuck Grassley (IA) and Ron Johnson (WI) have put Schiff’s media campaign concerning the whistleblower complaint under the microscope, sending a letter Oct. 2 to Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson about the concerted drip campaign using classified information, which began with the Washington Post’s Sept. 18th story, and asking the IG to say what he knows about it.


Putin Suggests Trump North Korea Model for U.S.-Iran Talks

Oct. 3 (EIRNS)—Russian President Vladimir Putin praised President Donald Trump’s initiative to open direct relations with North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un, as also the right approach for dealing with the nuclear issue with Iran.

Moderator Keir Simmons at yesterday’s plenary session of the Russian Energy Week 2019 International Forum asked whether Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani would be prepared to meet with President Donald Trump, since Putin and Rouhani met on Oct. 1. Putin replied: “You had better ask President Rouhani and President Trump. Our position is that dialogue is always better than confrontation. This was graphically illustrated by a firm, well-considered, entirely pragmatic and correct decision taken by President Trump in a meeting with the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. A more or less marked end to the tensions followed immediately. They have a long way to go before resolving these issues, which we are well aware of, but still this is a move in the right direction. The same can be said of direct contacts between Iran and the United States and between the Iranian President and the U.S. President.

“As far as I know, a similar attempt was made by France at the UN General Assembly in New York. Unfortunately, there was no meeting, because Iran believes it cannot engage in this dialogue as it is not on an equal footing, given the sanctions imposed on it. It seems to me that Iran definitely wants to bring the situation back to normal, including normalizing its relations with the United States,” the Russian President concluded.

New York Times Presents the Imperial Plan for Destroying China through Hong Kong

Oct. 3 (EIRNS)—The New York Times opinion columnist Bret Stephens today laid out the British plan for bringing down the Chinese government through the instigated Jacobin mobs in Hong Kong. Under the title: “Is China Heading for Crisis? The Protests in Hong Kong Accelerate the Contradictions in Beijing,” Stephens fantasizes that China is already in a state of chaos and collapse, and Hong Kong will push it over the edge. He even resuscitates the lunatic Gordon Chang, whose 2001 book The Coming Collapse of China, has proven to be insane drivel.

Stephens, a “Never-Trumper” neocon, who as editor-in-chief at the Jerusalem Post in 2003 made Paul Wolfowitz the “Man of the Year” for starting the war in Iraq, writes that President Xi Jinping’s government (which he dubs a “regime”) is in trouble: “capital is fleeing China—an estimated $1.2 trillion in the past decade—while foreign investors sour on Chinese markets. Beijing’s loudly-touted Belt and Road Initiative looks increasingly like a swamp of corruption, malinvestment and bad debt. Its retaliatory options in the face of Donald Trump’s trade war are bad and few. And General Secretary Xi Jinping has created a cult-of-personality dictatorship in a style unseen since Mao Zedong, China’s last disastrous emperor. Remember the Chinese Dream—Xi’s vision of China as a modern, powerful, and moderately well-off state? Forget it. The current task for Chinese leadership is to avoid a full-blown nightmare of international isolation, economic decline, and domestic revolt. The question is whether that’s still possible.”

Totally ignoring the incredible transformation of China into a leading world economy, while well on the way to eliminating poverty, Stephens claims China is caught in a “middle-income trap,” one of the buzzwords in the lexicon of geopolitical idiots. Xi’s anti-corruption offensive is merely a “power play between political factions competing for booty.”

But the key to bringing down the government, he brags, is Hong Kong: “Especially when the regime experiences some kind of blunt trauma, either in the form of a foreign-policy fiasco, an economic shock, or a moral outrage….”

Last British Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten Tells ‘The People’ To Set Up a Counter-Government

Oct. 3 (EIRNS)—Chris Patten, the British Empire’s last governor of the Crown Colony of Hong Kong, issued a diabolical call for the opposition forces in Hong Kong to set up an alternative government, to bring charges against the Hong Kong police and government, and against Beijing. Perhaps dreaming of a “Chinese Juan Guaidó” as in Venezuela, Patten published an article in Project Syndicate (perhaps better called “Project Synarchist”) on Sept. 30 on “China’s Hong Kong Problem.”

Patten first blames the police for “heavy-handed” tactics which he alleges “provoked often-violent response.” Beijing’s claim, he says, that foreign forces and the CIA were “whipping up anti-communist sentiment,” was “pathetic and counterproductive.” Beijing is responsible, Patten claims, for preventing Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s government from capitulating to the Jacobin mob by setting up a “commission of enquiry to examine the reasons behind the demonstrations.”

Patten’s solution? Set up an alternate government, claiming to represent “the people”—i.e., composed of precisely the foreign-funded and -controlled networks which Patten claims do not exist, to pass judgment on the Hong Kong government and Beijing: “If Lam will not do this herself,” he threatens, “there is a strong case for some of Hong Kong’s most respected citizens—from churches, professional bodies, businesses, and civil society—to take the initiative and establish an independent informal commission themselves. This would be difficult, and it might not work. But taking such a step would surely be better than letting things continue from one violent weekend to the next.”


Greek Quislings Kiss Up to Lame-Duck ECB President Draghi

Oct. 3 (EIRNS)—Outgoing European Central Bank President Mario Draghi, one of the leaders responsible for the destruction of Greece, was given red carpet treatment by the Quislings of Greece this week. He was even made an honorary member of the Athens Academy, which fortunately is not the same institution as that founded by Plato. Draghi was also received by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who no doubt felt the need to brown-nose the ECB president, in order to demonstrate his loyalty to the gods of Brussels and the ECB.

On Oct. 1 the Athens Academy dishonored itself by honoring Draghi, on the urging of Lucas Papademos, a former ECB vice president. Papademos was caretaker prime minister in 2011, after former Prime Minister George Papandreou threw in the towel and let Papademos begin the process of destroying Greece. Introducing Draghi at the Athens Academy ceremony, Papademos extolled Draghi’s “constructive and decisive contribution,” bragging, “I know firsthand” and praised Draghi’s expansionary monetary policy as “radical.”

In his meeting with Draghi on the next day, Prime Minister Mitsotakis committed himself to carry out the deadly reforms demanded by the Greece’s creditors.

Also on Oct. 2 Mitsotakis announced his Green energy plan, declaring that it is even more ambitious—or rather, more insane—than Germany’s. Speaking at the groundbreaking event for a new gas turbine power plant, Mitsotakis announced that Greece will exit from coal, despite the fact that it still has substantial lignite coal reserves. Pointing to Germany’s planned exit from coal in 2038, he boasted “we are much more ambitious,” and will exit coal by 2028.


NASA Budget, Funding for Artemis Program Are Precarious, Require Big Fight

Oct. 3 (EIRNS)—To clarify the complex situation with NASA’s FY20 budget, which fiscal year began Oct. 1:

On May 13, the White House submitted to Congress an amendment to the FY20 NASA budget request it had submitted in March. The amendment sought an additional $1.6 billion to NASA’s exploration account, with $1 billion to develop the lunar lander in the Artemis program.

On May 16, the House Appropriations Committee passed a bill for NASA’s FY20 budget that increased funding for the SLS and Orion, but did not include any money for the Artemis program. Meanwhile, unable to finish the FY20 budget bills, the Congress passed a Continuing Resolution (CR), which goes until Nov. 21 and funds the government at the FY19 level. In the past, NASA has been able to get an exemption from the CR and get a funding increase, which Administrator Jim Bridenstine hoped would get NASA the increase it had asked for: That did not happen.

On Sept. 26, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved a NASA FY20 funding bill that gives NASA increases for SLS and Orion, and includes $744.1 million for a lunar lander. Bridenstine has said that NASA could keep the program on schedule with this Senate mark-up for half the requested amount, but that the agency has to get the full $1.6 billion by Jan. 1, 2020, when one would hope budget bills would pass both the House and Senate.

With the House mark-up of zero for Artemis and the Senate at $744 million, there will be a conference committee of both sides to work out a compromise. Even if they agree to go with the Senate amount, that is still half of what NASA needs.

On Sept. 30, NASA went ahead and issued a call for proposals for the human lunar lander. They are betting that they will have the funds from Congress to move ahead.

The Congress is in recess until Oct. 14. The Senate Appropriations Committee staff thinks the bills could be voted on by the full Senate at the end of October. Amendments could be added at that time.


‘For an Economic Renaissance of Humanity and the Exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche’

Oct. 3 (EIRNS)—Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche made the following statement for International Days of Action, Oct. 10-15:

Imagine: The end of the world happens, and nobody comes! Here you have teenage climate idol Greta Thunberg personally, and all the central bankers and investment bankers, hedge funds and speculators, who are euphoric about the alleged certainty that the planet will boil over in 18 months (according to Prince Charles)—while the latter are ecstatic over the astronomical profits they think can be made from “green finances”—but then, nevertheless, the world—despite various climate fluctuations—simply continues to exist!

This variation on the peace movement’s old slogan: “Suppose there’s a war and nobody comes,” is useful to make the point that an ideology only influences reality if the majority of the population believe in it.

The fact of the matter is that there is no climate emergency. The climate data of the past 500 million years show that the Earth’s climate has varied continuously, with a constant alternation between warm and cold periods. (The last of those cold periods only ended in 1850 with the Little Ice Age.) The climate alarmists of today cannot base themselves on scientifically verifiable facts, but use climate models whose predictions have already proved to be exaggerated, and just underscore one thing: the climate is a highly complex subject, that must urgently be put back on a scientific basis, and while anthropogenic activities have a very limited effect on it, the impact of processes in the Sun and in our galaxy is several orders of magnitude greater.

The demonization of CO2 and the resulting goal of decarbonizing the world economy are just as rational as the burning of witches at the stake as a remedy for disease. CO2 is not a pollutant, but is an indispensable condition for life on earth, and in particular for the flourishing of plants and agriculture as the basis of human existence. The real emergency is the decarbonization of the global economy pushed by the financial sector, which would lead to a collapse of the industrialized countries unsuspected by most, and massive population reduction that is, genocide.

The climate hysteria orchestrated by the financial sector and the mainstream media is the biggest-ever propagandistic manipulation of the population, one which has worked so effectively that Josef Goebbels would voluntarily give up his job in hindsight due to his relative failure. The real issue at stake is quite different: The neo-liberal financial system is absolutely finished. The causes of the 2008 crash have not been resolved, but compounded through eleven years of quantitative easing and zero and now even negative interest rates. What is the financial oligarchy’s plan? Central banks, according to a paper recently proposed by BlackRock at the Jackson Hole annual bankers’ meeting, should effect a “regime change” under which the central banks that remain “independent,” print large amounts of money and give it directly to governments, which will only spend it according to the rules of the central banks. It’s the same thing in principle that Hitler’s Finance Minister Hjalmar Schacht did to fund the military buildup at the time, but all the money thus created should be used this time for the greening of the world economy.

For the majority of people who are trapped in the neoliberal ideology orchestrated by the mainstream media, it is very hard to imagine that the entire axiomatics of this system is wrong. But this ideology involves not only the planned “regime change” by central banks, but also “regime change” against Russia and China, as can be seen in the “color revolution” now being fomented in Hong Kong. And it also includes the idea that it is perfectly normal for a small layer of rich people to become ever richer, while the majority grows ever poorer; that Africa should remain underdeveloped forever; that in any case, every human being is a parasite who pollutes the environment; and that the limits of growth have been reached. And let’s not forget the liberal ideas that “anything goes,” and that every opinion is as good as every other.

However, from the standpoint of the laws of the universe and the evolution of humanity that they determine, these axioms are just as wrong as most of the assumptions of the Middle Ages, such as scholasticism, witchcraft, or flagellation.

If we are to get out of the currently escalating crisis, in which everything seems to be spinning out of control, we need to change our entire way of thinking. We need to find a point of reference from which we can reappraise all our assumptions about mankind and the universe we inhabit, and examine their validity. This point of reference is space research and space travel.

Manned space travel is the triumphant proof that Leibniz was correct to argue that we live in the best of all worlds. Of course not in the sense that the cynical Voltaire—in a sense the Sir David Attenborough of his time—attacked the optimistic image of man of Leibniz, but in that it demonstrates that mankind is the only creative species (known so far) that can, through the discovery of ever new principles of the physical universe, create the basis to overcome all bounds.

As Lyndon LaRouche demonstrated in his groundbreaking book There Are No Limits to Growth and in his entire life’s work, it is the original discoveries of ever more complex experimentally verifiable principles of the universe, that provide the basis for completely new economic platforms, which can generate the means to sustain better-fed, longer-living and better educated people. In that way, the concept of growth is not what simple minds such as Malthus imagine, who think in the causal world of a Euclidean arithmetic or geometrical multiplication, but it corresponds to a multiply-connected Riemannian manifold that unfolds to higher orders. Creative reason, as the most developed element of the universe, creates new singularities that can increase the degree of human effectiveness in the universe beyond all bounds.

The best examples of this are the foreseeable mastery of thermonuclear fusion, in which man imitates the fusion process in the Sun, and thereby produces unlimited amounts of energy and raw materials reserves; and the confirmation of Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, as was recently done with the verification of gravitational waves, and the imaging of black holes, which are at the center of each of the 2 trillion galaxies that the Hubble Telescope has been able to detect so far.

The new way of thinking must reject the pseudo-religions of bankers, mainstream media and climate apostles, and replace them with a scientific debate about experimentally verifiable facts. The Artemis program enacted by President Trump, that aims to bring people back to the Moon by 2024 and to establish a permanent station there by 2028, is promising in this regard, as are the space programs of China, India, Russia and the European Space Agency. Incidentally, China’s unprecedented economic success and the dynamics of its New Silk Road show that the focus on scientific innovation is more beneficial for the countries involved, than the neoliberal system’s focus on profit.

If it is possible to bring Europe and the United States into cooperation with the Belt and Road Initiative, and, in the case of the U.S., into working with China on space travel, mankind will not be on the verge of a climate apocalypse, but rather at the beginning of a new era, in which man’s inherent capacity for reason can freely develop, and we can enter, in a certain sense, the adulthood of our species. We will shape a more human age, and demonstrate that this world is actually the best of all possible worlds, because a genius is potentially located in every human being, and the degrees of freedom in the development of our species will increase without limit to the extent that more people can realize that potential in themselves.

The indispensable step to achieve this new paradigm of thinking is the full exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche, who was persecuted and imprisoned in the 1980s and 1990s by the evil and desperate Grand Inquisitors of the British Empire, in their attempt to block access to his ideas.

We need the bold and optimistic visions of thinkers like Leibniz, Schiller, Einstein, Krafft Ehricke, and Lyndon LaRouche, because the cultural pessimism of Malthus, Nietzsche, and Spengler leads to fascism and war, while positive ideas of mankind lead to new Renaissances and flourishing periods in history. It is up to all of us, which direction we take!

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