Zionist NY Times and Zionist Ike Pro Zionist Agenda: Communism &/or Totalitarianism Via Zionist Owned Media
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A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,
Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Front Page Headlines
“We read and rebut their vile crap so you won’t have to!”

Jerry Dhonau, left, was among journalists who helped shield a 15-year-old student, Elizabeth Eckford, from a hostile white crowd in 1957 near Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas.CreditCredit
NY Times (Op-Letter): Desegregation at Little Rock
A daughter recalls her journalist father’s reporting of the desegregation of the Little Rock, Ark., public schools in 1957.
REBUTTAL BYMore than 60 years after the fact and Sulzberger’s Slimes is still beating the big bad White Man over the head with the story of the forced desegregation of the public schools of Little Rock, Arkansas. This particular remembrance (the one millionth or so vomited out by The Slimes since 1957) is brought to us by Carla Fine, (cough cough). Ms. Fine isthe daughter of Benjamin Fine — a Slimes reporter (image above, in bow-tie) who had been sent down to “the land of cotton” to stir up the usual racial strife back in the day. A bit of prideful Bolshevik barf from the article: “I am so proud of my father’s legacy, along with all the other courageous reporters, both then and now, who witness and write the truth even in the face of danger. … In 1957, my father told Elizabeth not to let the mob see her cry, although her elegant words to me did not stop me from sobbing myself” Oh the bloody drama! Where would Black folk be without these oh-so-benevolent yids to fight for them, eh? (rolling eyes). So sick of this crap. But the subject of the Little Rock affair does offer us a “teachable moment” ™ — an opportunity to set the record straight about this misunderstood misrepresented event from history. Sugar, fire up the TomatoBubble Time Machine and set the dial for 1957, please. 1. Yankee-Jew “reporter” Benjamin Fine inserted himself into the controversy at Little Rock. The Communist NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) had recruited plaintiffs for a class action lawsuit — the famous Brown vs Board of Education case of 1954. The Warren Court unanimously ruled that, in regard to public education, the racial segregation doctrine of “separate but equal” was unconstitutional. States and communities throughout the South immediately began to set plans in place to obediently comply with the new edict.In Little Rock, the capital city of Arkansas, the Little Rock School Board also agreed to comply with the Supreme Court’s ruling. The Superintendent of Schools submitted a plan of gradual integration to the school board in May 24, which the board unanimously approved. The plan would be implemented during the fall of the 1957 school yearThis original proposal was scrapped and replaced with one that was more gradual and less shocking to the White communities – with the target levels of forced integration not to be fully achieved until 1960–1962. This drew criticism from the communist NAACP of Little Rock. They criticized the plan on the grounds that it was “vague, indefinite, slow-moving and indicative of an intent to stall further on public integration.” But what really triggered the wrath of the Marxists was an alteration to the plan that would have given White students the choice of attending a school that was not previously part of their assigned district.The NAACP filed another lawsuit in February of 1956. This lawsuit instigated the Little Rock School Crisis of 1957. Though the courts ruled against the NAACP’s appeal, the group did ultimately succeed in its legal attempts to force Little Rock to implement integration on its terms and its timetable. It was the confrontational NAACP, not the local “extremists,” who initiated the heavy-handed tactics by way of legal harassment and the recruitment of nine Black student-pawns to force immediate, rather than phased-in integration.White protesters threatened to hold protests at Central High and physically block the black students — who had been recruited and organized by the NAACP — from entering the school. Governor Orval Faubusthendeployed the Arkansas National Guard to thwart the NAACP’s staged event. The sight of a line of National Guardsmen blocking out the students made national headlines and polarized the nation. What people did not see was the unreasonable and relentless provocation of the Jewish-led NAACP.Woodrow Wilson Mann, the Democrat mayor of Little Rock, then asked President Eisenhower to send federal troops to enforce integration of the nine students. On September 24, the Tyrant-in-Chief ordered the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army to Little Rock and federalized the entire 10,000-member Arkansas National Guard, taking it out of the hands of Governor Faubus. That was the end of Little Rock’s reasonable plan for gradual integration. The NAACP and the media vilified Governor Faubus – who called out the Arkansas National Guard to thwart the NAACP’s stunt. Forced integration wasn’t enough. The Marxists wanted it to happen on their time table. * The biggest story of 1957 The act of military intervention on American soil was so extreme that Ike felt compelled to address the nation by misrepresenting the situation, omitting key details, vilifying the White “extremists” of Little Rock, and citing the Charter of the United Nations as the partial basis for his action!Some excerpts:“Good Evening, My Fellow Citizens: For a few minutes this evening I want to speak to you about the serious situation that has arisen in Little Rock. To make this talk I have come to the President’s office in the White House. I could have spoken from Rhode Island, where I have been staying recently, but I felt that, in speaking from the house of Lincoln, of Jackson and of Wilson, my words would better convey both the sadness I feel in the action I was compelled today to take and the firmness with which I intend to pursue this course until the orders of the Federal Court at Little Rock can be executed without unlawful interference.In that city, under the leadership of demagogic extremists, disorderly mobs have deliberately prevented the carrying out of proper orders from a Federal Court. Local authorities have not eliminated that violent opposition and, under the law, I yesterday issued a Proclamation calling upon the mob to disperse.This morning the mob again gathered in front of the Central High School of Little Rock, obviously for the purpose of again preventing the carrying out of the Court’s order relating to the admission of Negro children to that school.… In accordance with that responsibility, I have today issued an Executive Order directing the use of troops under Federal authority to aid in the execution of Federal law at Little Rock, Arkansas. This became necessary when my Proclamation of yesterday was not observed.The tyrant Eisenhower thus became the first president since the US Civil War to deploy the military against his own people; and he did so in support of the trouble-making NAACP — a front for domestic subversion. The deployment was as shocking as it was unnecessary. Why didn’t Eisenhower use his status, his popularity and his legendary charm to bring the parties around a White House table and work out a face-saving compromise solution for all?Eisenhower’s heavy-handed state intervention on behalf of Marxist-Black agitators established a dangerous precedent that would serve to make these groups even bolder in later years. 1 & 2. Eisenhower reassures the nation after ordering the 101st Airborne division to brandish their bayonets in support of the Communist NAACP’s unnecessary demands. // 3. Governor Faubus holds up headline: “Guns Force Integration”* Read: “I Don’t Like Ike!” (Here) |