EIR Daily Alert Service, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2019


Volume 6, Number 188

EIR Daily Alert Service

P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390

  • Fear Strikes Just as EIR Releases “‘CO2 Reduction’ Is Mass Murder”
  • Introducing the Schiller Institute’s New Dossier, “‘CO2 Reduction’ Is a Mass Murder Policy”
  • The Fed Doesn’t Know What Is Happening; in 2007, LaRouche Did
  • President Trump Restrains the Dogs of War
  • White House Officials Say Matt Pottinger To be Deputy National Security Adviser
  • Democrats’ Latest ‘Impeachment Rush’ Is a Weapon for Trump
  • China Positively Assesses Recent Trade Consultations With U.S.
  • Saudis Can’t Defend Themselves, But They Can Bomb Yemen
  • Lavrov’s ‘World at a Crossroads and a System of International Relations for the Future’
  • Stronger Relations With China Are ‘a Priority for Mexico,’ Deputy Foreign Minister State


Fear Strikes Just as EIR Releases “ ‘CO2 Reduction’ Is Mass Murder”

Like one, that on a lonesome road
Doth walk in fear and dread,
And having once turned round walks on,
And turns no more his head;
Because he knows, a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread.
—Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Sept. 22 (EIRNS)—Now, all of a sudden, the unexpected Federal Reserve injections of $75 billion of overnight money into the Wall Street banks every single day—injections which the Fed has pledged to continue for at least three weeks—have forced Americans to turn around and come face to face with the last thing they ever wanted to admit: that the great crash of 2007-09 is back. Not only “back”—but worse, in fact: Actually, that crisis never ended; it was with us all the while.  The $23 trillion taxpayer bailouts of speculators’ losses in 2008-09, which Wall Street and two successive puppet-Presidents forced through a corrupt and intimidated Congress, in factdid nothing to solve the problem. As Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche has warned, nothing was ever done about the causes of the crisis. Indeed, the bailouts only compounded the depression. Instead of cutting out the cancer to save the patient, as economist Lyndon LaRouche had demanded, the Bush-Obama bailouts further increased the mass of the worthless, speculative claims of Wall Street which have been starving out the real, physical economy.

But it’s time to face the fact that no attempt to repeat the folly of 2008-09 will be possible in our weakened, worsened condition of today. More: We should ask ourselves whether our economy or indeed our nation itself would survive it.

The real cure will begin with the emergency reintroduction of Glass-Steagall separation of true commercial banking from speculative banking, and a fast reorganization-in-bankruptcy of the banking system. These will be the equivalent, under today’s vastly different conditions, to the Bank Holiday which Franklin Roosevelt imposed immediately upon his 1933 inauguration. Speculative assets will be segregated out from the honest commercial banking system, and frozen until they can be sorted out to be written down or written off. True commercial banks, free from these claims, will be supported to undertake their essential role in our economy.

Recovery from depression will require Federal credit in the American tradition of Alexander Hamilton and Abraham Lincoln. Indeed, without such Federal credit, we would never have recovered from the Depression of the 1930s. Such credit must be steered towards creating productive jobs, rather than overhead or sheer waste, and towards increasing the productivity and scientific-technological level of all labor. (So directed, it is not inflationary, but counter-inflationary.) Admittedly, doctrinaire economists, whether Keynesian or Hayekian, insist that such Federal credit would violate some sort of natural law. But mere credulous faith in their assertions and in the so-called “free market,” should give way to the authority of Alexander Hamilton’s reports to the Congress on manufactures and on a national bank, and before the lessons from the Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt administrations, for example.

All of these are aspects of the late Lyndon LaRouche’s program for recovery. Its most important international component is the creation of an international credit system (not monetary system) which would revive and go beyond the best features of Franklin Roosevelt’s post-war Bretton Woods system, with its fixed exchange-rates and gold-reserve dollar. (In one sense, the crisis of 2007-09 began when Richard Nixon plunged the dagger into the fixed-exchange rate Bretton Woods system on Aug. 15, 1971.) A leading feature of the new system will be to facilitate long-term, low-interest development loans which would provide for large-scale capital exports from the U.S., Western Europe and Japan, into the developing sector. LaRouche specified China, India, Russia and the United States as the four powers capable of spearheading the new system against the resistance of the international financiers of today’s British Empire.

Since 2013, China has led a great global infrastructure plan called the “Belt and Road Initiative,” or the “New Silk Road,” centered, but by no means limited, to linking-up Europe and Asia by land all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific.  It is a plan which Lyndon LaRouche had pioneered, under various designations, from the time of the breakup of the Comecon in 1991.  In the mere six years since 2013, the BRI has been joined by 160 nations and international organizations, and has made or catalyzed major changes in the world. Much of Sub-Saharan Africa has now been inspired by a real hope for development unseen for almost a century, if ever.

The Belt and Road provides a giant stepping-stone towards LaRouche’s proposed Four Power agreement, and immediately provides a context for the United States to join with China in great projects in third countries.

The fourth of Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws calls for concentration on key science-driver crash-programs, including the development of controlled thermonuclear power and the human colonization of Mars.  Only the vast gains in productivity which flow from such scientific breakthroughs can make the difference in reviving our economy and our people from decades of obsolescence and decay. More fundamentally, this is the nature of man, embodying within himself the self-creative power of the universe, as expressed at the beginning of the Book of Genesis. This is the fundamental truth which is denied by the “Green” pestilence of so-called “climate change.”

As Helga Zepp-LaRouche has pointed out, there are powerful London-centered financier factions which imagine that they will be able to protect themselves from the onrushing debacle by channelling all investment flows into their own, so-called “green” channels. They are even near the point of taking over governments, which would result in the shutting down of Germany as an industrial nation—which in turn would wreak terrible damage on the whole world economy because of Germany’s irreplaceable role in industrial high-technology.

Their war is against human nature as that of the creative species. If they were able to win it, all of our million-year struggle up from the mud and “down from the trees,” as we say, will have been in vain.


Introducing the Schiller Institute’s New Dossier, “ ‘CO2 Reduction’ Is a Mass Murder Policy”

Sept. 22 (EIRNS)—We include here the introduction to the new Schiller Institute dossier, entitled “ ‘CO2 Reduction’ Is a Mass Murder Policy: Designed by Wall Street and the City of London.” The dossier, which includes Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s “International Call to Youth: The Age of Reason Is in the Stars!” is intended for mass publication and circulation to provide full exposure of the “green finance” mobilization of a virtual new Children’s Crusade in the service of drastic reduction of human population. (The text of Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche’s “International Call to Youth: The Age of Reason Is in the Stars!” appeared in EIR Daily Alert, #175, Wednesday, September 4, 2019.)

This report is being circulated by the Schiller Institute on the occasion of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, which will be preceded by a Climate Summit convened by the Secretary-General. This summit is supposedly being held to address the climate emergency and claims that this will require an unprecedented effort from all sectors of society.

This unprecedented effort, in order to reduce emissions of CO2, would be not only costly, but deadly as well. The denial of efficient, affordable energy to a world in need would necessarily lead to the loss of millions of lives and the impoverishment of many millions more.

This is intentional.

Read this report to learn the origin of the modern environmentalist movement, created half a century ago by devotees of empire and eugenics. Come to understand why the world’s greatest financial powers are eagerly supporting climate hysteria. Encounter data refuting the supposed certainty of a world cataclysm facing us in a dozen years, and gain a fuller appreciation of the complexity of the Earth’s climate, in the context of the mechanisms of the Solar System and beyond.

Most crucially, grasp the immense potential of the present moment.

We stand at the dawn of a new paradigm of relations among nations and peoples, in which win-win cooperation can replace—forever—the conflict that has characterized the succession of empires plaguing mankind, with the British Empire as its current incarnation.

By ending the imperial idea that growth and development should be prevented to maintain a static hierarchy of power (and a beastly image of mankind!), we can unleash the economic, scientific, and cultural growth that should characterize us as members of the most beautiful species on the planet—as human beings.

To understand this unique potential, start with the following press release, written by Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche for use during international days of action held by the Schiller Institute and its friends everywhere—in Latin America, in Europe, in Africa, in Asia, and in the United States.

The youth of the world must be rallied to see that climate-change madness is completely contrary to the true identity of man as a spacefaring species, which can, with space technology, solve any problem and overcome any limits.

The Fed Doesn’t Know What Is Happening; in 2007, LaRouche Did

Sept. 21 (EIRNS)—The phase of general warnings from the likes of former Federal Reserve chairman Janet Yellen—that aggressive bank speculation in the immense corporate debt bubble “could lead to waves of defaults in the next crisis” along about 2021-22—is over. The Federal Reserve is suddenly pulled into a “repo-calypse” and forced toward renewed “quantitative easing” (QE) within two months. The financial crisis has now begun, in 2019, in the U.S. and European and some major developing sector economies. Worsening the crisis is the fact, as St. Louis Fed President James Bullard noted Sept. 20, that “U.S. manufacturing already appears in recession”—much more obviously true across European nations.

The time for action on Glass-Steagall bank separation and related steps is now very short. The period is similar to that inaugurated by Lyndon LaRouche’s July 25, 2007 webcast warning of imminent global financial crisis, immediately followed up by his Aug. 22, 2007 emergency proposal for the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act against the oncoming crash (Glass-Steagall bank reorganization plus a national foreclosure moratorium).

The Fed took another step in its rapid, forced march back to QE on Friday, Sept. 20, showing it knows the liquidity crunch in the Wall Street banking system is continuing, but still appears not to know why. The New York Federal Reserve Bank announced that it will conduct $75 billion “repo” operations again every business day for the next three weeks—24-48 hour lending to banks against Treasuries, Fannie/Freddie securities and MBS (mortgage-backed securities) guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie—and in addition, will start extending these loans to two weeks. It said: The Open Market Trading Desk “will offer three 14-day term repo operations for an aggregate amount of at least $30 billion each [first on Tuesday Sept. 24]…. The Desk also will offer daily overnight repo operations for an aggregate amount of at least $75 billion each, until Thursday, October 10, 2019.”

The Wall Street banks led by JPMorgan Chase now confidently expect full QE (purchase by the Fed of the same securities) to be underway again by November.

This, while it may briefly tamp down the spiking of overnight lending interest rates, will not stop the gradual widening of the financial emergency, because the Fed does now know why or where the holes in the “everything bubble” have opened up. New York Fed President John Williams, in a Sept. 20 interview with the Financial Times, said he was sure the big banks have plenty of liquidity to fill the increased demand for overnight loans, and doesn’t understand why they are suddenly not able or willing to, forcing the Fed to do it.

The big banks, meanwhile, in the hyper-speculative regime of ZIRP and NIRP (zero interest-rate policy and negative interest-rate policy), are failing to perform even their most basic financial functions: corporate bond market liquidity and purchase of government securities. In Europe, they refuse European Central Bank term loans even with negative yield, not believing they can make money re-lending such funds compared to junk and speculative operations in the everything bubble. In the United States, they have been lying low in Treasury auctions to force the yield on those Treasuries at least slightly above the overnight rate; then they may buy. They put their big clients into bond indices, swaps and other derivatives rather than into bonds or bond funds; and they take the same positions themselves.

Wall Street sees a crisis hitting the everything bubble, and does not have the liquid reserves to deal with it. For this, it blames the Fed, for having reduced its asset book (and thereby, the banks’ excess reserves) by more than $1 trillion over the past 18 months. But these reserves are still $3.3 trillion, including some European megabanks serviced by the Fed. Why is that not enough? What threatening crisis or combination of crises is bigger than that?


President Trump Restrains the Dogs of War

Sept. 21 (EIRNS)—President Donald Trump made several statements, yesterday, indicating that he still prefers non-military means (sanctions, in other words) for dealing with Iran. “I think the sanctions work,” Trump said during a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. “The military would work. That’s a very severe form of winning.” He rejected the rush-to-war approach advocated by others in defending restraint. “I think the strong person’s approach and the thing that does show strength would be showing a little bit of restraint,” Trump said. “Much easier to do it the other way and Iran knows that if they misbehave they are on borrowed time.” At the same time, President Trump left the door open for future military action, saying people thought he’d attack Iran “within two seconds,” but, he said, he has “plenty of time.” Trump’s announcement of his administration’s imposition of new sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran are an indication of his preference for non-military measures against Iran.

After his meeting with Morrison, Trump went into a White House meeting with State and Defense officials on Iran, a meeting in which, according to earlier news reports, the Pentagon would be presenting military options for Trump to consider, including air strikes, but that he would also be warned that military action against the Islamic Republic could escalate into war.

After the White House meeting, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford appeared in the Pentagon press briefing room to announce that the decision had been made to send additional U.S. military assets to the region primarily focused on air and missile defense capabilities. Esper said that there were three purposes to sending additional “defensive” support to Saudi Arabia. “First, to send a clear message that the United States supports our partners in the region,” he said. “Second, to ensure the free flow of resources necessary to support the global economy.  And third, to demonstrate our commitment to upholding the international rules-based order that we have long called on Iran to obey.” The details of the deployment will not be released until sometime next week, but Dunford indicated that it would be “moderate” and not be in the thousands of troops.

White House Officials Say Matt Pottinger To Be Deputy National Security Adviser

Sept. 22 (EIRNS)—Several press outlets are reporting that White House officials have told them that Matt Pottinger will be appointed as Deputy National Security Adviser to the newly appointed National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien. Pottinger has been a senior adviser to President Donald Trump on Asia policy, involved in arranging the meetings with North Korea’s Chairman Kim Jong Un and on China policy. He was the President’s representative to the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing in May 14-15, 2017. Robert O’Brien made the announcement on Sept. 22 to media aboard Air Force One en route to New York for the UN General Assembly, according to Reuters.

Pottinger graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a Chinese language major, and is fluent in Mandarin. He worked as a journalist with Reuters and the Wall Street Journal from 1998 to 2005, with seven of those years in China. He then joined the Marine Corps, serving as an intelligence officer in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, he was an adviser to Gen. Michael Flynn, and co-authored a report with Flynn published in January 2010 through the Center for a New American Security, titled “Fixing Intel: A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan.” They argue in the report that the military intelligence units, by focusing only on the enemy rather than also on the population, had left the government in Washington and the population in the U.S. dependent on the media for information on the actual situation in Afghanistan.

In 2017, Trump recruited Pottinger to the National Security Council, where Flynn (during his brief time as NSA) made him the NSC’s Asia Director, where he has remained until now.

In October 2018, Pottinger addressed a conference at the Chinese Embassy, together with Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai. Press accounts show that, following Ambassador Cui emphasizing closer cooperation rather than competition, Pottinger quoted Confucius, in Chinese: “If names cannot be correct, then language is not in accordance with the truth of things. And if language is not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success,” as reported in SupChina.

Pottinger went on to note that China and the U.S. “are engaged at a certain level in competition. To avoid acknowledging this fact would be to court misunderstanding and invite miscalculation. So we have in some sense rectified the framing of our policy to reflect the reality of an evolution in our relationship. [The passage from Confucius is famously known as the “rectification of names”—ed.] And I think that is OK. For us in the U.S., competition is not a four-letter word, the notion of free and fair competition sits at the core of American democracy and of our market economy, and it is not incompatible with notions of social harmony. And social harmony among people can not exist without acknowledgment of our competitive instincts.”

Democrats’ Latest ‘Impeachment Rush’ Is a Weapon for Trump

Sept. 21 (EIRNS)—Yet once again, U.S. Democrats and anti-Trump media have proclaimed a smoking gun that will impeach President Donald Trump. But this story—that the President had asked Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a phone call for an investigation of Burisma, the company Joe Biden’s son Hunter worked for—looks like a sword with its edge turned toward Biden.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson said a “whistleblower” was upset by this Trump-Zelenskiy phone call and reported it to him. But it turns out the “whistleblower” is a member of the National Security Council of the recently departed John Bolton, and is probably not a member of the intelligence community at all; hence the whistleblower statute does not apply. Secondly, Atkinson is a veteran of “coup central” at the Justice Department, the National Security Division, having served as counselor there in 2016 and 2017; he was pushed for his present position by then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, who sat on all of the information being sought about the coup.

The Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire took this report directly to the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel and got an opinion: The statute did not apply, and the Constitution, Article II, gives the President complete authority over what may be the content of his conversations with foreign leaders.

EIR has extensively covered Ukraine’s involvement, under its NATO-controlled Poroshenko government, in the coup attempt against Trump: the Chalupa family and the Democratic National Committee; former State Department official Victoria Nuland’s early role in promoting the dodgy Christopher Steele dossier; and the setup of former Trump associate Paul Manafort via a faked black book of cash payments.

As for Joe Biden, he was Obama’s point man on Ukraine. Hunter Biden’s sudden, novice employment as an executive of an apparently very corrupt Ukrainian company is a major vulnerability for his father. It appears that Joe Biden got Viktor Shokin, a prosecutor investigating Burisma, fired by making U.S. aid contingent on his firing. This contrasts to Trump’s conversation with Zelenskiy in which, Inspector General Atkinson has had to admit, no quid pro quo was offered if Zelenskiy’s government were to investigate Shokin’s firing.

Depending on President Trump’s handling of the affair, it could lead to actual exposure of the Ukraine coup as a touchstone of the British coup against him; and could knock Joe Biden out as a Presidential candidate.

China Positively Assesses Recent Trade Consultations with U.S.

Sept. 21 (EIRNS)—The Chinese Ministry of Commerce issued an optimistic statement about the outcome of this week’s trade consultations with the United States, and both sides are preparing for a new high-level round of talks. For his part U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer’s office on Sept. 20 issued a statement describing the talks as productive.

“The Chinese and U.S. negotiating teams on trade and economic issues held consultations at the level of deputy ministers on Sept. 19-20; the parties constructively discussed trade and economic issues of mutual interest,” the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement. However, the Chinese trade negotiators cancelled their visit to meet U.S. farmers. Confirming the cancellation, Montana Farm Bureau Federation Director of National Affairs Nicole Rolf said there was no explanation as to why they were cutting their trip short. The Nebraska Department of Agriculture also confirmed that the Chinese officials called off a visit to farms in that state.


Saudis Can’t Defend Themselves, but They Can Bomb Yemen

Sept. 21 (EIRNS)—If the Houthis did indeed carry out the Sept. 14 strikes on the Saudi Aramco oil processing facilities as they claim, why were the Saudis unable to defend themselves against these attacks, despite the U.S. supplying billions of dollars’ worth of Patriot air/missile defense systems and other hardware? This is a question that has dominated media coverage of the attacks since they occurred. The New York Times posted a story Sept. 19 that reports that despite spending billions on the latest U.S. hardware, the Saudis have no ability to use any of it effectively. Even with American intelligence providing the latest in surveillance, the Saudi military has often been unable to act effectively, reinforcing a view among national security officials and humanitarian activists that—despite all the sparkling, expensive hardware—Saudi Arabia remains uninterested or incapable of defending its entire territory, or competently and humanely prosecuting a war abroad, the Times reported. Despite decades of support from the U.S. military, the Saudis have been unable to create a military force with a long-held tradition of a strong enlisted personnel corps that forms the backbone of the U.S. military. Four unnamed U.S. military officers with experience working with the Saudis told the Times that many officers rise because of patronage and connections to the Saudi royal family.

Instead of admitting military incompetence, Saudi Arabia escalated its war against Yemen. Yesterday, it launched a new operation north of Hodeidah against what it described as “legitimate military targets,” said to be four sites used in assembling remote-controlled boats and sea mines to help protect the freedom of maritime navigation.

The Houthis charged that the Saudi attack violated the agreement reached in Stockholm last December. “The concentrated raids on Hodeidah constitute a dangerous escalation that could blow up the Sweden agreement,” a Houthi spokesman said on Twitter, reported Reuters. “The coalition will bear the responsibility of this escalation which is also a test to the United Nations.”


Lavrov’s ‘World at a Crossroads and a System of International Relations for the Future’

Sept. 22 (EIRNS)—On Sept. 20, the English-language journal Russia in Global Affairs published Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s perspective, “World at a Crossroads and a System of International Relations for the Future.” (The complete text is available on the Foreign Ministry website.) He began by asking his readers to reflect on “two great and interconnected anniversaries—the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic and Second World Wars, and the establishment of the UN.”  These, he said, “had fundamentally affected the further course of world history,” for which the United Nations Charter provided the framework of international law.  “The War-time experience of ideology-free cooperation of states with different socioeconomic and political systems is still highly relevant,” he observed.

Lavrov expressed regret that “certain influential forces in the West” are “expunging from memory the Soviet Union’s role in the defeat of Nazism, … the Red Army’s feat of sacrifice and liberation, forgetting the many millions of Soviet citizens who perished during the War….”  The purpose is to “strip our country of its historic role as an architect and guarantor of the post-war world order, and label it a ‘revisionist power’ that is posing a threat to the well-being of the so-called free world.”

Lavrov stated how many welcomed the collapse of the Soviet Union as “the end of history” and the establishment of a “unipolar world” with only one “decision-making center,” which had clearly failed.  Instead, he wrote, “There is a growing demand for more just and inclusive system. The overwhelming majority of members of the international community reject arrogant neocolonial policies that are employed all over again to empower certain countries to impose their will on others.” The rhetoric of the West, he wrote, “on liberalism, democracy and human rights goes hand in hand with the policies of inequality, injustice, selfishness and a belief in their own exceptionalism.” Its associated policies are “sanctions, economic strangulation and overt military threats against a number of independent countries such as Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea or Syria,” which have caused “loss of hundreds of thousands of lives and condemning millions of Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians and representatives of other peoples to innumerable suffering….”

In concluding, Lavrov calls for shaping “multipolar world through cooperation and harmonization of interests” rather than “confrontation and rivalry,” and to “launch a serious discussion on all aspects of strategic stability.”  He rejects proposals based on “terminology,” closing: “It is now much more important to start a strategic dialogue on the existing threats and risks and to seek consensus on a commonly acceptable agenda. Yet another outstanding statesman from our country, Andrey Gromyko (his 110th birth anniversary we mark this year) said wisely: ‘Better to have ten years of negotiations than one day of war.’ ”

Stronger Relations with China Are ‘a Priority for Mexico,’ Deputy Foreign Minister States

Sept. 21 (EIRNS)—Speaking Sept. 17 at a forum in the Mexican Senate, Deputy Foreign Minister Julian Ventura emphasized that strengthening and broadening relations with China “is a priority” for the Mexican government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Ventura was addressing the forum on “Chinese and Mexican Media: A New Era for Relations among China, Mexico and Latin America.”

Diplomats, including Chinese Ambassador Zhu Qingqiao, legislators, politicians and media were in attendance, as were members of the LaRouche co-thinker MOCILA movement, who distributed the Schiller Institute’s invitation to the Sept. 26 Ibero-America webcast on the need for space exploration, and Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s “International Call to Youth: The Age of Reason Lies in the Stars!”

Ambassador Zhu, in his remarks, emphasized that both Mexico and China are in crucial phases of reform, and that López Obrador is leading the Mexican people toward a great transformation, Xinhua reported. He also noted that many more Ibero-American countries are joining the Belt and Road Initiative, given the opportunities it offers them.

Ventura emphasized that López Obrador’s government represents a new era for Mexico, and seeks to “build and strengthen, through political dialogue and the growing complementarity of [Mexican and Chinese] economies, new avenues for cooperation in many areas.” A Senate communiqué on the event quoted Sen. Ricardo Monreal, president of the Senate Political Coordinating Committee, who stressed that China will soon become the world’s most important political, economic and political power, and that Mexico should build a productive and harmonious relationship with it.

Mexico and China must forge a strategic relationship, Monreal underscored. Given China’s many achievements in areas of IT, innovation, biotechnology, robotics and related areas, he emphasized, Mexico “must be present in these developments the future is preparing for us.” Sen. Cora Cecilia Pinedo Alonso, head of the Asia-Pacific-Africa Foreign Affairs Committee, added that on the 70th anniversary of China’s founding, conditions now exist for a “relaunching” of bilateral relations. Moreover, she said, “We see a magnificent opportunity to establish broader commitments between the Mexican Congress and China’s National People’s Congress,” she said.

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