British Scramble to Regain Strategic Inititive-Escalate Strategy of Tension World-Wide

British Scramble to Regain Strategic Initiative — Escalate Strategy of Tension World-Wide
Posted on August 8, 2019Ever since the Osaka G-20 summit in late June, where President Donald Trump broke out of British containment and met with his Chinese and Russian counterparts, followed by the Mueller Meltdown and Trump’s renewed emphasis on the Artemis Moon-Mars mission in his July 4 speech and the wave of optimism that swept the country—and the world—around the July 20 50th anniversary of the the manned Moon landing, the bankrupt British Empire has been trying to regain the strategic initiative before they are destroyed. To this end, they are escalating their long-standing strategy of tension policy of destabilization, assassination and wars, to ram through their intended paradigm downshift, back to the Middle Ages and worse, with a pessimistic brutish population of no more than a billion human beings left.READ MORE

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