Collective Evolution


You may have already heard but three weeks ago we launched a people-powered journalism campaign to help stop 5G and it’s going very well so far thanks to YOU ALL!

There are only 8 days left for us to reach our goal of $20,000, and we are over 70% of the way there…

If we pass our goal and hit $30,000 we’ll keep creating more articles and comprehensive videos specifically designed to focus on the hardest hitting points that mainstream minded people can understand…

That way people will have tools to send to their friends to inform them on the issue in a credible way.

What we have accomplished so far:

1. We are headed on a trip to interview a top voice on the legal side of how to stop 5Gand hold the corporations pushing this personally accountable.

2. We have released multiple articles on the dangers of 5G and we have more to come!

United together, we cannot be stopped. Our health and wellness are at stake with 5G.. and this is something everyone can relate to, we simply need to help one another see that.

If you would like to directly support this cause, click the link below:

>> Help Stop 5G
Ep. 20 – Epstein Arrest, Censorship & Metaphysics w/ Michael Mazzola
In this special episode, we go into my home to shoot a candid conversation with my friend and colleague Michael Mazzola. 

Michael is the director of Steven Greer’s hit film Unacknowledged and he is currently working on Greer’s new CE-5 film.

He was in town and I thought it would be a great time to discuss some of the current events unfolding and of course bring a conscious spin to it all.

In this episode, we explore Epstein’s arrest and some of the key takeaways, censorship he experienced with the Unacknowledged release and we’ll get into the metaphysics of it all!

Listen To Podcast Episode or Watch Extended Broadcast on CETV
Jeffrey Epstein Indictment Unsealed: Are We Seeing The Power Elite Finally Come Down?
Diving deeper and a very important story for humanity to understand what’s going on behind the scenes in our world… this has the power to expose many elite figures.

In this article we get into Epstein and his connections in a lot more detail, showing who might also be heavily implicated in this and who has been helping him get away with this for quite some time.

This upcoming week we’ll be talking in a lot more detail on CETV about Epstein’s past and some of his other connections… will be quite revealing!

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Whether You Know It Or Not, You’re Being Prepared For Contact With Extraterrestrials

When people think about UFOs and ETs they often think of fringey ‘weird’ topics.. this is simply because the reality of this topic, what it truly represents and how its PARAMOUNT in the changes we’re going through on our planet is simply not talked about enough. Consciousness! It’s at the core of this entire cover-up.

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Is Trump Waking People Up?

Why this is so important to understand and why we keep pushing through the sludge to get this message out is because the mechanisms behind these conversations is HOW we will shift our consciousness and begin changing conversations within our physical world. We must get out of the polarity, even when it tries to sneak its way back into our minds.

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Is The Q Narrative Providing False Hope? Catherine Austin Fitts Weighs In

Black budget whistleblower speaks on Q and some of the blind faith going into it. I also include a lot of my own thoughts and observations on this topic, which of course is a lot less about whether or not Q is real or not but more so about asking the questions of are we jumping into boxes once again… a lot more detail and introspection in the article. 

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Victor Camacho Reveals Forbidden Extraterrestrial Archaeology From Mexico

Sometimes there are discoveries that mainstream archaeologists just don’t know what to do about because it changes all that we think we know about our past. Longtime UFO & paranormal Victor Camacho researcher gives a lecture about his research and discovery of supposed ancient extraterrestrial artifacts and a lost civilization who kept them.

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