Trump Meets Putin Makes Joke About Our Joke Ministry of Propaganda ‘Media’
Trump Meets With Putin and Makes Election Joke
By infostormer -June 28, 20194

Donald Trump is over in Japan for the G20 summit. He is meeting with several world leaders and just met Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin. This is the first time the two have met since Bob Mueller cleared Trump of charges that he was a Russian intelligence asset.
During the media’s photo opportunity, he joked to Vladimir and asked him not to meddle in the election.
This joke did not sit well with Jews and the assorted the lunatics on Twitter.
Comment: Russiagate is a Fiction Made Up By our Fake Media and is endangering all of us trying to force Russia & U.S.-Both Christian nations into WW3! Foreign policy in USA run by Satanists who HATE Christians….this is no joke. They endanger everyone and plan to jump ship after we start being bombed……

Trump makes a chummy joke with Putin over “meddling in the elections.” Putin chuckles. A gut-wrenching replay of #Helsinki , where Trump took Putin’s side over US intelligence. …NBC News@NBCNewsJUST IN: President Trump is meeting right now with President Putin at the G-20 in Japan.46912:17 AM – Jun 28, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy366 people are talking about this

Washington Post Opinions@PostOpinions · Jun 28, 2019
From the Editorial Board:
When it comes to American democracy, the attack on the presidential election of 2016 is no joking matter.
Unless you’re President Trump. Opinion | Rather than defend democracy, Trump jokes with PutinThe U.S. president should stand up for freedom, not joke with an authoritarian about election interference and the “problem” of a free

Washington Post Opinions@PostOpinions
When asked about the election meddling, Trump was dismissive and half-hearted when the moment called for a serious and firm statement.
Vladimir Putin surely grasped the import of Trump’s lame gesture.
He got away with it and can again. 92:49 PM – Jun 28, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacyOpinion | Rather than defend democracy, Trump jokes with PutinThe U.S. president should stand up for freedom, not joke with an authoritarian about election interference and the “problem” of a free press.washingtonpost.comSee Washington Post Opinions’s other Tweets

President @realDonaldTrump is joking with Putin about interfering in our elections, but the joke is on us and Putin’s the only one laughing.
President Trump is basically giving Putin a green light to interfere in 2020. …USA TODAY@USATODAY”Don’t meddle in the election,” Trump said in joking manner to Putin. #G20Summit …21.5K7:10 AM – Jun 28, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy12.5K people are talking about this

Jennifer Jacobs@JenniferJJacobs · Jun 28, 2019
“Yes of course I will,” Trump said when reporters asked if he’ll tell Putin not to meddle in our election.
Trump then turned to Putin and said: “Don’t meddle in the election, please,” and waved his finger.
Putin, hearing translation, laughed. Trump grinned.

Jennifer Jacobs@JenniferJJacobs
Putin laughed when Trump told him not to meddle in the election.
Didn’t appear that Trump was actually admonishing the Russian president; he clearly wasn’t being serious.
Putin got the joke. …51312:48 AM – Jun 28, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy272 people are talking about this
I’m not even sure what they’re kvetching over. Trump’s kike son-in-law Jared Kushner and the neocon dream team of Mike Pompeo and John Bolton were attending the meeting.
You’d think they’d just give this whole Trump is a Russian agent thing a rest. Especially considering that Trump’s foreign policy has been quite antagonistic to Russia.SHAREFacebookTwitter
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