EIR Daily Alert Service, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 2019

MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2019

Volume 6, Number 113

EIR Daily Alert Service

P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390

  • Putin and Xi Strengthen Belt and Road Collaboration, Warn of Global Economic and Nuclear War
  • Mexico, U.S. Reach Migration Accord, as U.S. Tariffs on Mexico Are ‘Indefinitey Suspended’
  • Mnuchin Says Future of U.S.-China Trade Negotiations Depends on Talks Between Xi & Trump
  • St. Petersburg Forum Boasts 650 Agreements Signed, With Record Attendance From Record Nations
  • Xo Jinping Tells SPIEF Plenary, Belt and Road Initiative To Address the Crisis of a Century
  • Unipolar Goals ‘Contradict’ Interstate Communication’ and Fail Needs of the Future, Warns Putin at SPIEF
  • Senior U.S. and Russian Diplomats To Meet
  • Putin Says May Phone Call With Trump Gave Him Optimism For Arms Control Resolution
  • U.S. Imposes New Sanctions on Iran
  • White House Stopped State Department Testimony to Congress on ‘Manmade’ Climate Change Hoax
  • European Central Bank President Draghi Fears That Italy Is ‘Fooling’ the EU
  • Mueller Big Lies! Manafort Associate Kilimnik Was State Department Source, Not Russian Sympathizer


Putin and Xi Strengthen Belt and Road Collaboration, Warn of Global Economic and Nuclear War

June 9 (EIRNS)—So long as the British Empire and its foundational oligarchical principle remain at large on the planet, the human race remains in existential danger of extinction by thermonuclear war and/or economic disintegration. This point, forcefully made over the years by Lyndon LaRouche, is today the central strategic issue looming over all other developments.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking last on June 6 to the heads of the world’s leading news agencies on the eve of the opening of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) June 7, shocked his interlocutors by stating:

“Let’s recall Winston Churchill…. Remember his speech at Fulton that kick-started the Cold War?… Little has changed since that time…. If we do not keep this ‘fiery serpent’ under control, if we let it out of the bottle, God forbid, this could lead to a global catastrophe.” Putin then recalled the U.S. scuttling of the ABM treaty in 2002, and the more recent withdrawal from the INF treaty, and stating: “Everyone is pretending to be deaf, blind or dyslexic. We have to react to this somehow, don’t we?”

The Russian President then called for dialogue and cooperation among the leading nuclear powers, and emphasized: “The most recent conversation I had with President Trump, I must say, inspires certain optimism. because Donald told me that he, too was concerned about this.” On this theme, two days later, it was announced that there will be a meeting in Prague on June 12, of Russian and U.S. envoys, to start discussing a range of issues on deterring nuclear weaponry.

Similarly in China, the government of Xi Jinping is making every effort to get trade and economic relations with the U.S. off their current confrontation course, while proceeding to develop China’s own sovereign scientific and technological capabilities—most recently with the commercial rollout of their 5G technology network. But government and political circles in China are also openly discussing possible “worst-case scenarios” in the trade war with the U.S., and are preparing for that eventuality.

The latest development on this front is that U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin today made reference, in a CNBC interview, to the prospects of the U.S. and China, and their Presidents coming together on economic relations. “What I would say, is that we look forward to them meeting….”

In the Americas, the headline developments this past weekend are the coming together of Presidents Trump and López Obrador, in terms of the newly announced Joint Declaration on Migration (June 7), which states that “both countries recognize the vital importance of rapidly resolving the humanitarian emergency and security situation,” related to the flow of undocumented migrants travelling across Mexico to reach the U.S. border. Significantly, the agreement addresses the need for regional economic growth in southern Mexico, and El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

All of these developments point to the urgency of using the G20 heads of state summit in Osaka on June 28-29 as the occasion for the Presidents of the United States, Russia, and China—and others—to sit down and jointly hammer out the “win-win” solutions to these central strategic crises.

If they do that, they will quickly find that their best ally in that endeavor is the ideas, policies and specific programs of Lyndon LaRouche, whose living memory was celebrated this past weekend, in a beautiful, historic Memorial to “The Triumph of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.” in Manhattan June 8, and livestreamed to other U.S. cities.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute chairwoman, said at one point to the Manhattan gathering, that, “Lyn’s vision of a fully developed world becoming a reality in the form of the World Land-Bridge is now happening: Of a new form of international relations among nations, of a dialogue of Classical cultures replacing confrontation, and of the vision of an international cooperation of colonizing the Moon and a joint Mars mission.  His enemies, who are the enemies of humanity and the happiness of the people, may prevail in the short term.  But they’re already haunted by the Erinyes.  They may have been able to cover up their crimes for a short while, but there is this higher power of natural law, which will bring their crimes to the light of day.”


Mexico, U.S. Reach Migration Accord, as U.S. Tariffs on Mexico Are ‘Indefinitely Suspended’

June 9 (EIRNS)—Late June 7, after three days of negotiations, the U.S. and Mexican governments reached an agreement to address the unprecedented flow of undocumented migrants who are traversing Mexican territory from Central America to reach the U.S.-Mexican border. Both President Donald Trump and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador have been issuing positive messages since the new agreement.

President Trump tweeted the night of the announcement that he was pleased to announce the agreement and that “the Tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the U.S. on Monday, against Mexico, are hereby indefinitely suspended. Mexico, in turn, has agreed to take strong measures to stem the tide of Migration through Mexico, and to our Southern Border. This is being done to greatly reduce, or eliminate, Illegal Immigration coming from Mexico and into the United States. …Thank you!”

Following the deal, the two leaders spoke by phone. Yesterday, President López Obrador tweeted that “I spoke by phone with President Trump, and I told him that in Tijuana [where a big support rally would be held June 8] I will say that, to the President of the United States I will not raise my clenched fist, but rather an open and frank hand. We repeated to each other our willingness to maintain friendship, dialogue and collaboration for the good of our peoples.”

The Tijuana rally was titled, “An Act of Unity in Defense of Mexico’s Dignity and in Favor of Friendship with the United States.” It brought out thousands to celebrate the new deal, including from southern California. Among the dignitaries attending were 28 of the country’s 31 governors, plus the Mayor of the Federal District, heads of the armed forces, congressional, business and labor leaders, and representatives of major religious and indigenous groups. The environment was one of enormous national pride and achievement. Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, who had just returned from a marathon negotiating session in Washington, addressed the crowd just before the President.

In his 30-minute speech, López Obrador offered a panoramic review of U.S.-Mexican relations, going back to the period of Mexican independence, and referenced, as he had recently, such high points as the “invaluable aid” that President Benito Juárez received from Abraham Lincoln “in his battle against the French invaders.” And, he noted, Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Lazaro Cárdenas “maintained exemplary relations, despite [Mexico’s] oil expropriation of 1938.” He also documented how the imposition of neoliberalism in Mexico in the 1990s had deindustrialized the country and forced tens of thousands of Mexicans to emigrate.

López Obrador noted that the June 7 agreement in Washington is being celebrated because had tariffs been imposed, it would have placed him in the very difficult situation of imposing retaliatory tariffs on U.S. imports. As a pacifist, in the tradition of Mahatmas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela, he said, “I reject acts of reprisal.” But as President, he could now allow threats to his nation’s economy and dignity.

López Obrador expressed great optimism that the U.S. had agreed to collaborate with Mexico in programs to develop southern Mexico and Central America. “We’ve said we’ll resove the migration problem by attacking its profound causes: that is, through promoting development and fortifying well-being and peace. We’re already doing this in Mexico, but to do this in the nations of Central America and the Caribbean, the cooperation of the United States, Canada and other developed countries is indispensable.”

Mexico has agreed to toughen up enforcement measures on its southern border with Guatemala, and take a number of other steps to curb illegal migration across its national territory, as well as crack down on the illicit financial and drug-trafficking apparatus at the center of the migration operation. The agreement also addresses the crucial issue of promoting Central American economic development and the poverty and violence which cause citizens to leave their nations.

In his tweets, Foreign Minister Ebrard emphasized that Mexico is a “generous country,” in terms of how it has always dealt with immigrants, but added that it should now be clear that “we’re not a country which serves only for people to pass through anonymously, from one [border] to the other … people who are going to enter our country have to register … that is a priority.”

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo congratulated Ebrard for the “hard work” of the Mexican delegation over the three days of negotiations. “The United States looks forward to working alongside Mexico to fulfill these commitments so that we can stem the tide of illegal migration across our southern border and to make our border strong and secure.” Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin tweeted his congratulations, but warned that should Mexico not live up to its side of the deal, President Trump retains his authority to impose tariffs on Mexican imports.

Mnuchin Says Future of U.S.-China Trade Negotiations Depends on Talks between Xi and Trump

June 9 (EIRNS)—U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin gave an interview to CNBC on June 9 saying that the direction of the U.S.-China trade negotiations will depend on upcoming talks between U.S. President Donald Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping.

“If China wants to move forward with the deal, we’re prepared to move forward on the terms we’ve done. If China doesn’t want to move forward, then President Trump is perfectly happy to move forward with tariffs to re-balance the relationship,” he said.

“We made enormous progress, I think we had a deal that was almost 90% done. China wanted to go backwards on certain things,” Mnuchin said. “We’ve stopped negotiating.”

“In the case of [their meeting last year in] Buenos Aires, we came out of that, we had direction from the two Presidents, (Trump) put the increases on hold. The President will make a decision after the meeting,” Mnuchin said.

“I believe if China is willing to move forward on the terms that we were discussing, we’ll have an agreement. If they’re not, we will proceed with tariffs,” he stated.

Mnuchin said that the Huawei issue is separate from the trade negotiations: “They’re separate from trade: Both we and China have acknowledged that in our discussions,” he said. “Now, of course, President Trump, when he has the meeting, to the extent he gets certain comfort on Huawei or other issues, obviously we can talk about national security issues, but these are separate issues, they’re not being linked to trade.

“I think what the President is saying is, if we move forward on trade, that perhaps he’ll be willing to do certain things on Huawei if he gets comfort from China on that, and certain guarantees.”

Mnuchin stressed the strong Trump-Xi relationship and the success of their discussion on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires: “What I would say is we look forward to them meeting, they had a very productive discussion in Buenos Aires—that’s what led to these rounds of negotiation,” he said of Trump and Xi. “I know they have a very close relationship, and if there’s a desire on China’s part to reach a real agreement with us, we will negotiate in good faith.”


St. Petersburg Forum Boasts 650 Agreements Signed, with Record Attendance from Record Nations

June 8 (EIRNS)—TASS reports that this year’s St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) was the largest yet, with record attendance from a record number of nations: some 19,000 participants from 145 countries, including 1,300 “at the level of top leaders,” as well as seven heads of state, according to Advisor to the Russian President and Executive Secretary of the SPIEF Organizing Committee Anton Kobyakov. “The largest delegation this year was the Chinese with 1,072 participants, the second was the U.S. delegation with 520 people,” he said.

Speaking at a press conference after the close of the SPIEF today, Kobyakov said: “This year a record number of agreements was concluded, 650 agreements totaling 3.1 trillion rubles [$47.81 billion]—the ones that are not commercial secret.”

Over 1,300 companies from around the world were represented, and 2,500 Russian companies, and 4,800 journalists.

Xi Jinping Tells SPIEF Plenary, Belt and Road Initiative To Address the Crisis of a Century

June 8 (EIRNS)—Speaking at the Plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 7, President Xi Jinping opened by saying that the world is facing “profound changes unseen in a century,” and that “China stands ready to make joint efforts with the international community to create an open and pluralistic world economy, a happy society that is inclusive and benefits all, and a beautiful homeland with harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature, and explore a new path of sustainable development,” reported Xinhua.

Xi said when he announced the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, the concept was intended to advance “win-win cooperation and common development among countries,” and that the BRI was “highly compatible with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in terms of goals, principles and implementation approaches, has received positive response and support from the international community.” He further stated that the Belt and Road “shares a similar philosophy with the Greater Eurasian Partnership proposed by President Putin,” and that the two initiatives can “support each other, facilitate each other and advance together to forcefully promote regional economic integration and realize common sustainable development.”

Indirectly referring to the attack on Huawei, Xi said that China “is willing to share with the rest of the world its latest research and development results, including the 5G technology so as to jointly cultivate new core competitiveness.”

On the environment, he focused on cleaning up actual pollution: “China will uphold the concept that clear waters and green mountains are as valuable as mountains of gold and silver, strive to win the battles against air, water and soil pollution, encourage the development of green industries and renewable energy, and promote economical use and recycling of resources.”

He addressed the global tension as follows: “Unprecedented inadaptation and asymmetry are emerging between the global governance system and the changes of the international situation, as emerging-market economies and developing countries are rising at an unprecedentedly high speed, and the new round of technological and industrial revolution is leading to unprecedentedly fierce competition. As the world is standing at a crossroads of history again, pooling wisdom and efforts of everyone to cooperate and achieve win-win outcomes is the right choice to address changes in the world.” He called sustainable development the “golden key” to solving global problems.

In the discussion following his speech, he said that “the few anti-globalization movements that have emerged in the world cannot stop the tide of globalization. We should not fear problems in globalization,” and stating that “countries should not resort to protectionism and unilateralism, nor should they adopt a selfish beggar-thy-neighbor approach.” He said, as his host, Russian President Vladimir Putin also said in his presentation, that the world should “firmly uphold the multilateral trading system, and that instead of starting something entirely new, we should improve the existing international system.” It is to be hoped, when Presidents Donald Trump, Putin and Xi meet on the sidelines of the G20 in Osaka on June 28-29, that they do, in fact, discuss “something entirely new” rather than simply reforming the British Imperial institutions running the world today.

Xi depicted his notion of such “improvement”: “On the basis of fairness and equality, we should enhance the representation and voice of emerging-market countries and developing countries in multilateral institutions to make the governance structure and benefit distribution more balanced and reasonable.”

He said that “China is committed to being a builder of the international community, not a destroyer, and being a bridge-builder rather than a trench-digger.” He further declared that “China is committed to expanding the circle of friends,” that China and Russia are comprehensive strategic partners, and that “China has also become a partner with Asian, European Union, African, Latin American and South Pacific countries.” In the last six years, he said, the BRI “has won positive response and support from across the world, and the scope of the participants has far exceeded that of the Belt and Road countries in history, fully demonstrating that this initiative has strong cohesiveness and is not China’s wishful thinking. The Belt and Road Initiative stresses the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and is by no means a contemporary Marshall Plan as some people have claimed. Neither is the initiative a so-called Chinese colonial plan,” Xi said, pointing out that China has no history of colonizing other countries.

Unipolar Goals ‘Contradict Interstate Communication’ and Fail Needs of the Future, Warns Putin at SPIEF

June 8 (EIRNS)—Russian President Vladimir Putin opened the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) yesterday with a stern warning of a general global breakdown crisis, and a call for new international agreements based on harmony and development—but not for new institutions.

Putin warns of two extreme crises facing the world today. First, “the degeneration of the universalist globalization model and its turning into a parody, a caricature of itself, where common international rules are replaced with the laws, administrative and judicial mechanisms of one country or a group of influential states. I state with regret that this is what the U.S. is doing today when it extends its jurisdiction to the entire world…. Such a model not only contradicts the logic of normal interstate communication and the shaping realities of a complicated multipolar world but, most importantly, it does not meet the goals of the future.

“The second scenario is a fragmentation of the global economic space by a policy of completely unlimited economic egoism and a forced breakdown. But this is the road to endless conflict, trade wars and maybe not just trade wars. Figuratively, this is the road to the ultimate fight of all against all.”

What is needed, Putin said, is global agreement on “drafting a more stable and fair development model. These agreements should not only be written clearly but should also be observed by all participants. However, I am convinced that talk about an economic world order like this will remain wishful thinking unless we return to the center of the discussion, that is, notions like sovereignty, the unconditional right of every country to its own development road and, let me add, responsibility for universal sustainable development, not just for one’s own development.”

This requires “the harmonization of national economic interests, principles of teamwork, competition and cooperation between countries with their own individual development models, peculiarities and interests. The drafting of such principles should be carried out with maximum openness and in the most democratic manner.”

Russia’s President did not make a case for new international institutions, but for changes in the current institutions—which shows a weakness in understanding the nature of the British Empire’s role in creating and controlling those institutions. Putin said: “It is on this foundation that the system of world trade should be adapted to current realities and the efficiency of the World Trade Organization enhanced. Other international institutions should be filled with new meaning and content rather than broken. It is necessary to sincerely consider, rather than just talk about the requirements and interests of the developing nations, including those that are upgrading their industry, agriculture and social services.”

On the crash of 2008, Putin said: “[T]ruth be told, there was not enough will or, perhaps, courage, to sort things out and draw the corresponding conclusions. A simplified approach prevailed whereby the global development model was allegedly quite good and, essentially, nothing needed to be changed since it was enough to eliminate the symptoms and coordinate some rules and institutions in the global economy and finance, and then everything would turn out just fine…. Quantitative easing and other measures failed to resolve the problems and only pushed them into the future…. The global trade to global GDP ratio of 2008 has never been recovered. In fact, global trade ceased to be the unconditional driver behind the global economy.”

On trade war: “What undermines trust between the world economic players? I think the main reason is that the model of globalization offered in the late 20th century is increasingly at odds with the rapidly emerging new economic reality. In the past three decades, the share of advanced countries in the global GDP in purchasing power parity decreased from 58 to 40%. In the G7 it dropped from 46 to 30%, whereas the weight of the countries with developing markets is growing. Such rapid development of new economies that, apart from their interests, have their own development platforms and views on globalization and regional integration processes does not correlate well with the ideas that seemed immutable relatively recently.”

Putin termed the Nord Stream 2 and Huawei cases as illegal actions by “those who became used to exclusiveness and anything-goes behavior in the framework of the existing universalist model.” The Huawei case is “the first technological war to break out in the digital era.”

In light of the Nixon destruction of the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971, Putin said that the dollar retained its central role, but there was no resolution of the impact of floating rates on currencies and trade. As a result, he said, “the role of regional currencies has increased, and the balance of forces and interests has changed. Clearly, in the wake of these profound changes, international financial organizations need to adapt and reconsider the role of the dollar, which, as a global reserve currency, has now become an instrument of pressure exerted by the issuing country on the rest of the world. Incidentally, I believe the U.S. financial authorities and political centers are making a big mistake, as they are undermining their own competitive edge that appeared after the creation of the Bretton Woods system. Confidence in the dollar is simply plummeting.”


Senior U.S. and Russian Diplomats To Meet

June 8 (EIRNS)—Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov announced June 7 that he and U.S. Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Andrea Thompson plan to meet in Prague on June 12. “The agenda will include the entire range of issues: from the situation around the New START Treaty to the problems of the [Nuclear] Non-Proliferation Treaty. We will ask the U.S. side all our questions,” he said, reported TASS.

He also said he hopes his upcoming talks with Thompson will mark the beginning of a certain process. “We believe that the talks will not be a one-time event but will mark the beginning of a certain process. At least, this is what our leaders want us to achieve,” he said.

Putin Says May Phone Call with Trump Gave Him Optimism for Arms Control Resolution

June 7 (EIRNS)—Russian President Vladimir Putin said June 6 that his May 3 telephone conversation with President Donald Trump inspired optimism about issues of control over strategic armaments.

Speaking at a meeting between him and the heads of the world’s international news agencies in St. Petersburg, President Putin remarked during a response to the first question from TASS: “In any case, my latest conversation with President Trump inspires certain optimism, I would say, because Donald told me he was concerned over that as well. He said he understood how much money the United States and other world nations spend on arms, and this money could be used for other purposes. I share this point of view.”

U.S. Imposes New Sanctions on Iran

June 8 (EIRNS)—The U.S. announced a new set of sanctions June 7, targeting Iran’s petrochemical industries, for supposedly providing financial support to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which the U.S. has designated a foreign terrorist organization. The U.S. Treasury specifically targeted the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co. and 39 of its subsidiaries and foreign sales agents, which it said controls 40% of Iran’s petrochemical production capacity and is responsible for 50% of the country’s petrochemical exports.

The Iranians responded by saying that the new sanctions make a mockery of President Donald Trump’s statements in Japan about wanting to talk to Iran. “Only one week of patience was enough for the U.S. President’s claim about negotiations with Iran to be proven empty. The U.S. policy of maximum pressure is a failed one that had been several times tried by that country’s former Presidents as well,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said. “This is a wrong path and the U.S. administration may rest assured that it will not achieve any of the objectives set for such a policy,” he underlined. Mousavi said further that, “This measure by the United States contravenes the basic principles and regulations of international relations and law as well as the (U.S.) regime’s international commitments, and will result in international accountability.”


White House Stopped State Department Testimony to Congress on ‘Manmade’ Climate Change Hoax

June 8 (EIRNS)—The Washington Post complained today that “White House officials barred a State Department intelligence agency from submitting written testimony this week to the House Intelligence Committee warning that human-caused climate change could be possibly catastrophic after State officials refused to excise the document’s references to the scientific consensus on climate change.”

Rod Schoonover, a climate change official in the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) and a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at California Polytechnic State University, wrote in his prepared statement that rising greenhouse gas emissions are raising global temperatures and acidifying the world’s oceans, and that it was causing more frequent and more intense extreme weather events, according to the Post.

The Post says that several unnamed officials told them that National Security Council Senior Director William Happer, Cyrus Fogg Bracket Professor Emeritus of Physics at Princeton University, was one of the officials who opposed allowing Schoonover’s statement to go into the permanent record. Schoonover was, however, allowed to attend and speak to the Committee.

The Post is most concerned that Happer has “touted the benefits of carbon dioxide and sought to establish a federal task force to challenge the scientific consensus that human activity is driving recent climate change.” The use of the word “consensus” is one of the biggest of the big lies regarding climate change.


European Central Bank President Draghi Fears that Italy Is ‘Fooling’ the EU

June 9 (EIRNS)—ECB President Mario Draghi said the “mini-BOTs” (ordinary treasury bonds) proposed in Italy, for certain transactions, are illegal. Either they are money, and this is illegal, he said, or they are debt. Draghi was speaking at the press conference after the ECB board meeting June 6 in Vilnius.

The main announcement by the ECB was the decision to kick the can down the road, by keeping interest rates unchanged until mid-2020. Previously, the deadline was end of 2019. Draghi also said that some governors were in favor of starting Quantitative Easing again. Even the stupid mainstream media is getting the message that things are not going well in the financial system.


Mueller Big Lies! Manafort Associate Kilimnik Was State Department Source, not Russian Sympathizer

June 7 (EIRNS)—The Hill contributor John Solomon has shredded the Mueller Report’s early, page 6 assertion that “The FBI assesses Konstantin Kilimnik has ties to Russian intelligence.” Mueller’s purpose is to put a Russian ID tag on Kilimnik’s contacts with one-time Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and thereby bring down President Donald Trump with Russiagate.

But Solomon shows in his June 6 The Hill article, “Key Figure That Mueller Report Linked to Russia Was a State Department Intel Source,” that Kilimnik interacted with the chief political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, meeting multiple times a week to provide information on the Ukraine government. “He relayed messages back to Ukraine’s leaders and delivered written reports to U.S. officials via emails that stretched on for thousands of words,” the documents show. And the FBI was aware of all of this, well before the Mueller investigation concluded.

Solomon points out that “hundreds of pages of government documents—which Mueller possessed since 2018—describe Kilimnik as a ‘sensitive’ intelligence source for the U.S. State Department who informed on Ukraine and Russian matters.” This relationship existed at least since 2012-13, while he was working for Manafort and before the 2014 overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych, Solomon says, citing FBI and State Department memos he reviewed.  One of the Kiev embassy political officers told the FBI, Kilimnik worked for Manafort’s lobbying firm, and the administration of then-President Yanukovych, whose party had hired Manafort’s firm.  The officer told the FBI that Kilimnik “provided information about the inner workings of Yanukovych’s administration.”

Solomon reports that three sources with direct knowledge confirmed to him that Mueller’s office had all of the FBI interviews with State Department officials, as well as Kilimnik’s intelligence reports to the U.S. Embassy, well before they portrayed him as a Russian sympathizer tied to Russian intelligence, or charged Kilimnik with participating with Manafort to obstruct the Russia investigation.

The emails show Kilimnik visited the U.S. twice in 2016 to meet with State Department officials, including at least one of his former handlers in Kiev.  At the time, clearly, he was not considered a foreign intelligence threat.

Last month, in an email to the Washington Post, Kilimnik slammed Mueller’s “made-up narrative” about him, saying ““I have no ties to Russian or, for that matter, any intelligence operation.”

Solomon’s latest story on “dirty prosecutor” Mueller’s falsehood is spreading, and now appears in BizPacReview, Zero Hedge,Washington Examiner, Reddit, and more.

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